6/8 The Feast of Corpus Christi

(Click here for more on the Feast of Corpus Christi)

Book of Heaven; Volume 24 – June 12, 1928
it was the Feast of Corpus Domini, I was thinking to myself that this day was the feast of the marriage which blessed Jesus did with souls in the Most Holy Sacrament of love.
  And my beloved Jesus, moving in my interior, told me:  “My daughter, the true marriage with humanity was done in Creation.  Nothing was lacking either to the soul or to the body; everything was done with royal sumptuousness.  An immense palace was prepared for the human nature, such that no king or emperor can have one similar to it, which is the whole Universe:  a starry heaven and its vault, a Sun which would never extinguish its light; flourishing gardens in which the happy couple, God and man, was to stroll, amuse itself and maintain the continuous, uninterrupted feast of our marriage; and garments, woven not with matter, but formed of purest light by Our power, as befitted royal persons…  Everything was beauty in man, soul and body, because the One who prepared the marriage and formed it was of unreachable beauty.  So, from the external sumptuousness of the so many enchanting beauties present in the whole of Creation, you can imagine the interior seas of sanctity, of beauty, of light, of science, etc., which the interior of man possessed.  All the acts of man, interior and external, were as many musical keys which formed the most beautiful melodies, sweet, melodious, harmonious, that maintained the joy of the marriage.  And each additional act that he would dispose himself to do, was a new little sonata that he would prepare, to call his spouse to delight with him.

My Divine Will which dominated humanity, brought him the new continuous act and the likeness to the One who had created him and married him.  But in such a great feast man broke the strongest bond, in which lay the whole validity of our marriage and through which it had been in force:  he withdrew from Our Will.  Because of this, the marriage was broken, and since all the rights were lost, only the memory of it was left, but the substance, the life, the effects no longer existed.  Now, the Sacrament of the Eucharist in which my Love overabounded in all possible imaginable ways, cannot be called either the first or the true marriage of Creation, for I do nothing but continue what I did when I was on earth.  According to the needs of souls, with some I make Myself a compassionate doctor in order to heal them, with some a teacher to instruct them, with some a father to forgive them, with some light to give them sight.  I give strength to the weak, courage to the timid, peace to the restless – in sum, I continue my redemptive life and virtue; however, all these miseries exclude the true marriage.  No young man marries a young woman who is ill – at most, he waits for her to recover; or a young woman who is weak and who offends him very often.  And if the groom is a king and loves her, at most he waits for the bride to get well, to love him, and for her condition to become somehow satisfactory, and not so inferior to his.  Now, the condition in which poor humanity finds itself is still that of a poor ill one, and I am waiting for my Will to be known and to reign in the midst of creatures, for It will give them true health, royal garments, and a beauty worthy of Me.  Then will I form again the true and original marriage.”

6/08 The Three Hearts . . .


Our Lord Jesus Chirst, the Blessed Mother Mary,
and the Little Daughter of the Divine Will Luisa Piccarreta














 From Letter #90 to Sister Remigia by the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta,
the Little Daughter of the Divine Will

6/7 Tomorrow, June 8, is the Traditional Feast of Corpus Christi

From the Writings of
The Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta
The Little Daughter of the Divine Will
Feast of Corpus Christi

Letter  84.
Fiat – In Voluntate Dei!

My good daughter in the Divine Volition,
Courage and trust.  The Divine Will has found Its work in your soul, and when you suffer more, it seems that Jesus wants to hasten His work, to receive the contentment to see you as He wants and likes, and to be able to say:  “My daughter is like Me, in the sufferings as much as in wanting what I Myself wanted – only the Will of the Celestial Father.  How happy I AM!  It is true that you suffer, but I run to sustain you in My Arms, that you may feel My Strength and the Powerful Breath of My Will, which searches for the New Life I want in you, and converts all your pains into precious gems of love.  And when I feel embittered, I run, I come to you, to be sweetened in your pains which carry the seal of My Divine Will, and to sweeten the bitternesses that, unfortunately, the other creatures give Me.  Therefore, I recommend to you, My daughter:  be patient, be My host, let Me come to be consecrated in you.  But I do not want you as a dead host, but alive and speaking; and may your suffering be the lamp, always lit, which never extinguishes, and that loves Me incessantly.”
My blessed daughter, how Good is Jesus!  It seems that He reduces us to dust in order to give us New Life, and to find His Own Life in us.

6/6 It takes courage, fidelity and greatest attention to follow what the Divinity 0perates within us.

Book of Heaven
6/6/04 – Vol. 6

Continuing in my usual state, He made Himself seen for a little from within my interior – first Himself alone, and then all Three Divine Persons, but They were all in profound silence.  I continued my usual interior work in Their Presence, and it seemed that the Son would Unite with me and I would do nothing but follow Him.  But everything was silence, and in this silence I would do nothing but identify myself with God, and my whole interior, my affections, heartbeats, desires, breaths, would become profound adorations to the Supreme Majesty.  Then, after spending some time in this state, it seemed that all Three of Them were Speaking, though one single Voice was formed, and They said to me:  “Our Beloved daughter, Courage, Fidelity and Greatest Attention in following what the Divinity Operates in you, because everything you do, it is not you who does it, for you do nothing other than give the Divinity your soul as residence.  It happens to you as to a poor woman who had a little hovel, and the king asks for it as his residence, and she gives it to him and does everything the king wants.  So, since the king resides in that little hovel, it contains riches, nobility, glory and all goods.  But to whom do they belong?  To the king; and if the king wants to leave, what remains to the poor one?  She is left always with her poverty.”

6/1 The month of June is set apart for devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Margaret Mary Alacoque entered the Visitation Convent in 1671 and six years later Christ appeared to her in a vision in which “I could plainly see His heart, pierced and bleeding, yet there were flames, too, coming from it and a crown of thorns around it. He told me to behold His heart which so loved humanity.  Then He seemed to take my very heart from me and place it there in His heart.  In return He gave me back part of His flaming heart.”
In all, there were four revelations, the last of which is responsible for the nine First Fridays’ devotion. Also requested by the Sacred Heart was the establishment of a feast in His honor. We now celebrate this Feast of Sacred Heart on the first Friday after the octave of the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ, in addition to honoring the Sacred Heart every first Friday of the month.

5/31 Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces (Traditional)

Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces

There have been four Dogmas formally defined concerning the Blessed Virgin Mary. They are Mary, the Mother of God; the Perpetual Virginity of Mary; the Immaculate Conception; and the Assumption. Yet a fifth Dogma awaits to be proclaimed by the Church, one which has been prophesied by many Marian Saints. This Dogma is Mary, Mediatrix of All Graces. A lay movement called Vox Populi Mariae Mediatrici has been actively promoting the proclamation of this doctrine.  Inside the Vatican magazine reports that “currently it has collected from all around the world more than 4 million signatures, including more than 300 bishops. There are 32 cardinals on its advisory board….” (Inside the Vatican, “A New Marian Dogma,” by Leonie Caldecott, June‑July 1996, p. 18). Dr. Mark Miravalle, Associate Professor of Theology and Mariology at the Franciscan University of Steubenville, has authored a book entitled, Mary: Coredemptrix, Mediatrix. Advocate in which he proposes the dogmatic definition of Mary, Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. Cardinal Luigi Ciappi, O.P., who served as Papal Theologian for all popes from Pope Pius XII to Pope John Paul II, endorsed this work with the words, “I share the hope of Dr. Mark Miravalle.”