5/1 How to Enthrone Mary Immaculate Queen in Your Home and Consecrate Your Family to Her

Santa Maria Greca

A statue or picture may be blessed; If convenient, ask a priest to perform the ceremony, otherwise the head of the family can do it.
Prepare her altar with flowers and candles, giving her an honored place in your home where all will see her and often pray to her. 

Recite together kneeling: Act of Contrition; 3 Hail Marys; 3 Glorias; 3 times the invocation: 

Mary Immaculate Queen: Triumph and Reign.

followed by the

Act of Consecration

O Mary Immaculate Queen, glorious Queen of the Universe, most powerful Virgin, merciful Mother of a merciful God and refuge of sinners, we consecrate ourselves to thy Royal and Immaculate Heart.

It is through thee that Jesus Christ our King has come into the world to save it. It is also through thee that He is to reign over the world. 

In order to obtain this great benefit for ourselves and all mankind, we come to thy feet to consecrate to thee our persons, our lives, all that we are, all that we have, all that we love. Keep us, enlighten us, dispose of us, reign over us. 

May all hearts and all homes willingly proclaim thee as their Immaculate Queen. 


O Mary Immaculate Queen, look down upon this distressed and suffering world. Thou knowest our misery and our weakness. O Thou who art our Mother, saving us in the hour of peril, have compassion on us in these days of great and heavy trial. 

Jesus has confided to thee the treasure of His Grace, and through Thee He wills to grant us pardon and mercy. In these hours of anguish, therefore, thy children come to Thee as their hope. 

We recognize thy Queenship and ardently desire thy triumph. We need a Mother and a Mother’s Heart. Thou art for us the luminous dawn which dissipates our darkness and points out the way to life. In thy clemency obtain for us the courage and the confidence of which we have such need. 

Most Holy and Adorable Trinity, Thou Who didst crown with glory in Heaven the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Savior, grant that all her children on earth may acknowledge her as their Sovereign Queen, that all hearts, homes, and nations may recognize her rights as Mother and as Queen. Amen. 

Triumph and Reign!

Imprimi potest:
+ Michael Epus Galviensis, 4 June, 1966

4/27 – The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will starts May 1st!

Our Lady of Victory

… Here is the purpose of this Book (The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will) explained to you. Those who will welcome it with love will be the first fortunate children who will belong to the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat; and I, with gold characters, will write their names in My (Blessed Mother’s) Maternal Heart. …

… Here I (Luisa) am, O Most Sweet Mama (Blessed Mother), prostrate before You. Today is the first day of the month of May, consecrated to You, in which all Your children want to offer You their little flowers to prove to You their love, and to bind Your Love to Love them; and I see You as though descending from the Celestial Fatherland, attended by Angelic Cohorts, to receive the beautiful roses, the humble violets, the chaste lilies of Your children, and requite them with Your Smiles of Love, with Your Graces and Blessings. And pressing the gifts of Your children to Your Maternal Womb, You bring them with You to Heaven, to keep them as pledges and crowns for the moment of their death.

Celestial Mama, in the midst of many, I, who am the littlest, the neediest of your children, want to come up onto Your Maternal lap, to bring You, not flowers and roses, but a sun each day. But the Mama must help her daughter, giving me Your Lessons of Heaven, to teach me how to form these Divine Suns, that I may give You the Most Beautiful Homage and the Most Pure Love. Dear Mama, You have understood what Your daughter wants: I want to be taught by You how to Live of Divine Will. And I, transforming my acts and all of myself into Divine Will according to Your Teachings, each day, will bring You, onto Your Maternal lap, all my acts changed into Suns. …


Book of Heaven
Volume 30; April 30, 1932

How Living in the Divine Will is a Gift.  Example of the poor one, and example of the king.  How the Gift is an excess of Love and Magnanimity of God, who neither cares, nor wants, to keep accounts of the Great Value that He Gives.

            I (Luisa) felt myself all immersed in the Divine Volition.  A crowd of thoughts preoccupied my mind, but always about the Fiat Itself, because in It one can not think of anything else.  Its sweet Enchantment, Its Light that invests everything, Its so many Truths that line up all around like a formidable army, send far away all that does not pertain to It.  The happy creature who finds herself in the Divine Will, finds herself in a Celestial Atmosphere, completely happy, in the Fullness of the Peace of the Saints, and if she wants anything, it is only that everyone would know a Volition so Lovable, so Holy; she would want that everyone would come to enjoy her Happiness.

But I thought to myself:  “But how can it be that the creatures can come to Live in the Divine Will, in order to be able to form Its Holy Kingdom?”

            And my beloved Jesus, surprising me, told me:  “My daughter, how little you are!  One sees that your littleness does not know how to elevate itself into the Power, Immensity, Goodness, and Magnanimity of your Creator, and from your littleness you measure Our Greatness and Our Liberality.  Poor tiny one, you get lost in Our Interminable Powers, and you do not know how to give just weight to Our Divine and Infinite Ways.  It is true that humanly speaking, the creature is surrounded by evils as she is.  To Live in My Volition, to form Its Kingdom in their midst, it is as if you would want to touch Heaven with your finger, which is impossible.  But what is impossible for men, is possible for God.  You must know that Living in Our Will is a Gift that Our Magnanimity wants to give to creatures.  And with this Gift the creature will feel himself Transformed:  from poor to Rich, from weak to Strong, from ignorant to Learned, from slave of vile passions to Sweet and Voluntary Prisoner of a Will all Holy that does not keep him prisoner, but King of himself, of the Divine Dominions, and of all created things.

“It will happen as to a poor one who dresses with wretched rags, lives in a hovel without doors, therefore exposed to thieves and enemies—he does not have sufficient bread so as to satisfy his hunger and is constrained to beg for it.  If a king would give him a million as gift, the poor one would change his lot in life, and he would no longer be the figure of a poor beggar, but of a lord who possesses palaces, villas, dresses with decency, has abundant foods and is placed in the condition of being able to help others.  What has changed the lot of this poor one?  The million he received as gift.

“Now, if a vile coin has the virtue of changing the lot of a poor unhappy one, even more the Great Gift of Our Will.  Given as Gift It will change the unhappy lot of the human generations, except one who voluntarily wants to remain in his unhappiness.  More so because this Gift was given to man at the beginning of his Creation, and ungrateful he rejected It by doing his will, withdrawing himself from Ours.

“Now, one who disposes herself to doing Our Volition, prepares the place, the decency, the nobility for where to be able to put this Gift so Great and Infinite.  Our Knowledges on the Fiat will help and prepare her in a surprising way to receive this Gift, and what has not been obtained up till today, they will be able to obtain tomorrow.  Therefore, I am doing as a king would, who would want to elevate a family with bonds of kinship with his royal family.  In order to do this, first he takes one member of them.  He keeps her in his royal palace, he raises her, he eats together with her, accustoms her with his noble ways, entrusts his secrets to her, and, in order to make her worthy of himself, he lets her live of his will.  And in order to be more secure and in order to not let her descend into the baseness of her family, he makes her the gift of his volition, so that she could hold it in her power.

“What the king can not do, I can do, Bilocating My Will in order to make a Gift of It to the creature.  So the king has his eyes fixed on her; he always goes embellishing her, dressing her with precious and beautiful clothes in a way that he feels himself enamored.  And not being able to endure it any longer, binds her to himself with the lasting bond of marriage, in a way that one becomes gift of the other.  With this, both parts have the right to reign; and that family acquires the bond of kinship with the king, and the king, for love of she who has given herself to him, and because he has given himself to her, calls that family to live in his royal palace, giving them the same gift that he gave to her whom he loves so much.

“So have We done.  First We have called one from the human family to Live in the Royal Palace of Our Volition.  Little by little We made her the Gift of Its Knowledges, of Its most Intimate Secrets.  In doing this We experienced Indescribable Contentments and Joys, and We felt how sweet and dear it is to let the creature Live in Our Volition.  And Our Love pushed Us, rather It used violence on Us, to make her the Gift of Our Omnipotent Fiat. Even more, because she had made the gift of hers to Us, she was already in Our Power, and Our Divine Will could be secure and at Its Place of Honor in the creature.  Now, after We had made the Gift of Our Fiat to a member of this human family, she acquires the bond and the Right of this Gift, because We never do Works and Gifts for one only, but when We do Works and make Gifts, We do always do them in a Universal Way.  So this Gift will be ready for everyone, provided they want It and dispose themselves.

“Therefore Living in My Will is not the property of the creature, nor is It in her power, but It is a Gift; and I make It when I want, to whom I want, and in the times that I want.  It is Gift of Heaven made by Our Great Magnanimity, and by Our Inextinguishable Love.  Now with this Gift the human family will feel itself so Bound with its Creator, that it will not feel far away from Him anymore, but so near, as if it would be of His same family, and would Live together in His same Royal Palace.  With this Gift it will feel so Rich, that it will not feel the miseries, the weaknesses, the tumultuous passions anymore, but everything will be Strength, Peace, Abundance of Grace.  And recognizing the Gift, it will say:  ‘Nothing is lacking to me in the House of my Celestial Father, I have everything at my disposition, always in virtue of the Gift that I have received.’

            “We always give the Gifts as effect of Our Great Love and Our Greatest Magnanimity.  If this were not so, or We wanted to care if the creature merited It or not, if he had made some sacrifices, then It would not have been a gift anymore, but payment, and Our Gift would be rendered as right and slave of the creature, while We, and Our Gifts, are not slaves of anyone.  In fact, man did not yet exist, and before he was, We already Created the sky, the sun, the wind, the sea, the flowered earth, and all the rest, in order to make a Gift of it to man.  What had he done in order to merit Gifts so Great and Perennial?  Nothing.  And in the act of Creating him, We gave him the Great Gift that was superior to all the others:  Our Omnipotent Fiat.  And although he rejected It, still We did not forsake giving It anymore, no, but We kept It reserved in order to give It to his children, the same Gift that was rejected by their father.  This Gift was given in the excess of Our Love that is so much, that it doesn’t know how to make, nor care about, the accounts, while the payment that it gives, if the creature does good works and sacrifices himself, it gives with just measure and according to what he merits.  Not so with the Gift.  Therefore, for one who will be able to doubt, it means that he does not understand about Our Divine Being, nor about Our Liberality, nor where Our Love can reach.  Nevertheless, We want the correspondence of the creature, his gratitude and his little love.”

4/26 Peace is the springtime of the soul.

 Book of Heaven
Volume 13; December 18, 1921

Peace is the Springtime of the soul.
     I was feeling very oppressed and distressed because of the privation of my Sweet Jesus.  Then, after one entire day of pain, at dead of night He came, and holding me tightly with His Arms around my neck, He told me:  “My daughter, what’s wrong?  I see in you a mood, a shadow, that render you dissimilar from Me, and break the Current of the Beatitude between Me and you that has almost always existed.  Everything is Peace in Me, therefore I do not tolerate in you even a shadow that might shadow your soul.  Peace is the Springtime of the soul.  All Virtues bloom, grow and smile, like plants and flowers at the rays of the sun in spring, and dispose all nature to produce each one its own fruit.  If it wasn’t for the spring that, with its enchanting smile, stirs the plants from the torpor of the cold, and clothes the earth with a flowery mantle that, with its sweet enchantment, calls everyone to admire it, the earth would be horrid and the plants would end up withering.  So, Peace is the Divine Smile that stirs the soul from every torpor.  Like Celestial Spring, it stirs the soul from the cold of passions, of weaknesses, of thoughtlessness, etc., and with its Smile it makes all flowers bloom, more than in a flowery field, and it makes all plants grow, amid which the Celestial Farmer is pleased to stroll and pick the Fruits, to make of them His Food.  So, the Peaceful soul is My Garden, in which I Enjoy and Amuse Myself.
     Peace is Light, and everything that the soul thinks, says and does, is Light that she sends out; and the enemy cannot get close to her, because he feels struck by this Light, wounded and dazzled, and is forced to flee so as not to be blinded.
     Peace is Dominion, not only of oneself, but of others.  So, before a Peaceful soul, they remain either conquered or confounded and humiliated; therefore, they either let themselves be Dominated, remaining friends, or they leave confounded, unable to sustain the Dignity, the Imperturbability, the Sweetness of a soul who Possesses Peace.
     Even the most perverted ones feel the Power that she contains.  This is why I Glory so much in having Myself called God of Peace – Prince of Peace.  There is no Peace without Me; I alone possess it and give it to My children, as to Legitimate children of Mine, who remain bound as Heirs of all My Goods.  
     “The world, creatures, do not have this Peace; and what is not possessed cannot be given.  At the most, they can give an apparent peace, that torments them inside – a false peace, that contains a poisonous sip within; and this poison puts to sleep the remorses of conscience, and leads one to the kingdom of vice.  Therefore, True Peace is I, and I want to Overshadow you in My Peace, so that you may never be disturbed, and the Shadow of My Peace, like Dazzling Light, may keep far away from you anything or anyone that might shadow your Peace.”

For a CHILD IS BORN to us, and a son is given to us,
and the government is upon His shoulder:  and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, God the Mighty, the Father of the world to come,
the Prince of Peace 
 (Isaiah 9:6)

April 23, 2023 – Luisa’s 158th Birthday

April 23, 2023 – Luisa’s 158th Birthday


V17 – 9.17.24 – Then, afterwards, my Sweet Jesus went on Taking All the Books Written on His Divine Will; He United Them Together, then He Pressed Them to His Heart, and with Unspeakable Tenderness, He added: “I Bless these Writings from the Heart.  I Bless each Word; I Bless the Effects and the Value They Contain.  These Writings are Part of Myself.”

Then He Called the Angels, who Prostrated themselves, their faces to the ground, to Pray.  And since two Fathers, who were supposed to see the Writings, were there present, Jesus Told the Angels to Touch their foreheads in order to Impress in them the Holy Spirit, so as to Infuse in them the Light in order to Make them Comprehend the Truths and the Good that are in these Writings.  The Angels did that, and Jesus, Blessing us all, disappeared.


Abba Father,

In the Name of Jesus,

In the Unity, Power and Love of the Holy Spirit,

Under the Mantle of Our Lady,

Queen of Heaven and earth

With all the Holy Angels and Saints,

Through the intercession of

the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta we pray:

Lord Jesus, Call Your Holy Angels

(as we All prostrate our faces to the ground)

and Command Your Holy Angels to

Touch the foreheads of Your Priests

who are supposed to See the Writings of

The Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta

in order to Impress in Your Priests, the Holy Spirit,

so as to Infuse in Your Priests, the Light

in order to Make Your Priests, Comprehend

the Truths and the Good that

are in her Writings.

Please take our humble prayer

and make it Your Command

that All be Accomplished and Completed

in Your Most Holy Divine Will.

Fiat! Amen! we Believe, we Receive!


V24 – 4.1.28 – Necessity of the Test; what the Test shall be for the Children of the Divine Kingdom. 

My abandonment in the Divine Will is continuous; but while I was all abandoned in It, I was thinking to myself: ‘What might be the Test that Jesus shall want from those who shall Live in the Kingdom of the Divine Will?  If Jesus Wants a Proof of Faithfulness from everyone in order to Confirm the State to which He Calls them and to be Sure of being able to Entrust to the creature the Goods He Wants to Give her, Much More shall He Require this Proof from the Children of His Kingdom, that shall be the Most Sublime State that can exist.’  But while I was thinking of this, my Always Lovable Jesus Moved in my interior and told me:  “My daughter, indeed there is no Certainty without a Test, and when the soul passes the Test, she Receives the Confirmation of My Designs and Everything that is Necessary to her and Befits her in order to Carry Out the State to which she has been Called by Me.  This is why I Wanted to Test Adam – to Confirm his Happy State and his Right of Kingship over the Whole Creation; and since he was not Faithful in the Test, by Justice he could not receive the Confirmation of the Goods that his Creator Wanted to Give him.  In fact, through the Testman Acquires the Seal of Faithfulness, that Gives him the Right to Receive the Goods that God had Established to Give him in the State to which his soul had been Called by Him.  It can be said that one who is not Tested has No Value – neither before God nor before men, nor before himself.  God cannot Trust a man without a Test, and man himself does not know what Strength he Possesses.

If Adam had passed the Test, All human generations would have been Confirmed in his State of Happiness and of Royalty.  In the Same Way, I Myself, Loving these Children of My Divine Will with a Love All Special, Wanted to go through the Test for All of them in My Holy Humanity, Reserving for them the One Test of Never Letting them Do their human will, but Only and Always My Most Holy Divine Will, so as to Reconfirm for them All the Goods Needed in order to Live in the Kingdom of My Divine Fiat.  With this, I Closed All Exit Doors for them; I Anointed them with an Invincible Strength, in Such a Way that Nothing else shall be able to Enter the So Very High Fences of My Kingdom.  In fact, when I Command that something should not be done, it is a door that I leave, through which the human will can make its exit; it is an occasion that the creature Always has, by which she can go out of My Will.  But when I say: ‘From Here There Is No Exit’, All Doors Remain Closed, weakness is Fortified, and the only thing that is left to her is the Decision to Enter, Never to Go Out Again – or not to Enter at all.  Therefore, in order to Live In the Kingdom of My Will there shall only be The DecisionThe Decision shall Carry the Accomplished Act.  Am I not doing the Same with you?  Do I not Cry Out Constantly from the depth of your heart: ‘Nothing dare Enter but My Will Alone’?  As Center of Life, with Its Omnipotent Strength, with Its Dazzling Light, My Will Keeps Everything Outside of you; and Eclipsing Everything, It Makes Its Prime Motion of Life Flow in All of your acts, and It Dominates and Reigns as Queen.”


O Jesus, through Your Holy Priesthood, Anoint us with Invincible Strength to Pass the Test you are asking of each one of us, and with Your Omnipotent Strength Eclipse everything that is not for You, and make Your Prime Motion of Life Flow in All our Acts, where It shall Dominate and Reign as Queen in our hearts and souls

V1The Mystical Marriage – “The Longed For day Finally Arrived, after not a little suffering. …He Drew near me, took my heart in His Hands,…He dusted it, and then He Gave it Back to me. Then He took a Garment of Immense Beauty, …and He Clothed me with that Garment. …He Bejeweled my ears. Then He Adorned my neck and my arms, and Surrounded my forehead with a Crown of Immense Value,…Now, while He was Crowning my forehead, Jesus told me: “Most Sweet Spouse, I Place this Crown upon you so that nothing may be missing in order to make you Worthy of being My Spouse; but then, after our Wedding is Finished, I shall take it with Me to Heaven, to Keep it for you at the moment of your death.”

“Sometimes, Carrying me With Him, He would Take me to Paradise… I shall just say that sometimes, while finding myself in that Blessed Fatherland, I would be Strolling Together WithJesus in the midst of the Choirs of Angels and the Saints; and since I was Newly-Espoused, all the Blessed would Unite Together to Participate in the Joys of our Marriage. …Jesus would show me to the Saints, saying to them: “See this soul – she is a Triumph of My Love; My Love has Surpassed Everything In her.”

Other times, then, He would make me stay at the *Place* that was going to be mine, and He would say to me: “Here is your Place – no one can take it away from you.” 


V4 – 11.20.00 – “While I am outside of myself, my Adorable Jesus continues to show me my heart Inside of His Heart – but So Transformed, that I can no longer Recognize which one is mine and which one is Jesus’. …I seemed to See my Beloved Jesus Occupied with Preparing the Place in which He was to Put the heart, Perfuming it and Bejeweling it with Many Different Flowers. And while He was Doing this, He Told me: “My Beloved, since you Must Live From My Heart, it is appropriate for you to undertake A More Perfect Way of Living. Therefore, from you I Want:

  1. Perfect Conformity to My Most Holy Divine Will, because you shall only be able to Love Me Perfectly if you Love Me with My Own Divine Will.
  2. Profound Humility, Placing yourself, in front of Me and of all creatures, as the last among all.”  (…)
  3. Purity In Everything, because any slightest fault against Purity, both in Loving and in Operating, is Reflected All in the heart, and it remains stained. …if All your works, thoughts and words, heartbeats and affections, desires and inclinations, are Adorned with the Celestial Dew of Purity, you shall Weave a Sweet Enchantment, not only for the human eye, but for the Whole of Heaven.
  4. Obedience, that Must be Connected with My Will, because if this Virtue regards the Superiors I have given you on earth, My Will is Obedience that Regards Me Directly; …However, both of them have the Same Value, and one cannot be without the other; therefore you Must Love both One and the Other in the Same Way.”

“Know that From Now On you shall Live With My Heart, and you Must See things The Way My Heart Does, that I may Find My Satisfactions In you. Therefore, be careful, for this is No Longer your heart, but Mine.”

V20 – 1.13.27 – “…See, in order to Make the creature Ascend Again into the Firmness, into the Perennial Good, into the Unshakeability of My Will, I Want to Establish My Kingdom in their midst. See then, in what Point I Have Placed you—in the Firmness and Unshakeability of the Fiat, so as to allow you to Lay this Kingdom of Mine Within It. And just as My Will Triumphs of Everything with Its Firmness, so shall you Triumph of Everything with Its Firmness and in the Unshakeability of Its Acts, and you shall Reorder the Divine Order between the two wills—the Divine Will shall be Reintegrated in Its Glory, and the human will shall Place itself Again in the Order Established by God.”

V13 – 12.5.21 – ‘Tell me, my Life, who is my Family? What is my Dowry and Yours?’ And Smiling, He continued: “Your Family Is The Most Holy Trinity. Don’t you remember that in the first years of bed I took you to Heaven and we Celebrated Our Union before the Most Holy Trinity…We, the Three Divine Persons, Descended from Heaven, took Possession of your heart, and Formed Our Perpetual Residence In it. We took the reins of your intelligence, reins of your heart, and of All of yourself; and Everything you Did was an Outpouring of Our Creative Will over you, and the Confirmation that your human will was Animated by an Eternal Will.

V20 – 11.6.26 – “My daughter, Courage, let Me Finish to Manifest to you All that is Necessary, Regarding the Kingdom of My Will, so that Nothing may be missing in order to Form It in the midst of the human family.  …Its Full Triumph you shall see from Heaven.  …We shall Do It Together, My daughter.  Your Pains, your Long Sacrifices, your Incessant Prayers that My Kingdom May Come Soon, and My Manifestations about It – I shall Unite Everything Together With Me and shall Form the Foundations.  Once I have Completed Everything, I shall Entrust My Kingdom to My Minister/Priests, so that, like Second Apostles of the Kingdom My Most Holy Divine Will, they may be the Criers of It.”

Live Always in your Precious Inheritance, that was Given to you With So Much Love.  It is yours—It shall Always be yours, Inseparable from you; nor shall I ever permit that My little daughter not Feel the Heartbeat of My Light, the Breath of My Balsamic Air, the Life of My Divine Will.”

V27 – 11.14.29 – “Now, My daughter, Luisa the one who Lives in My Divine Will Possesses the Rights of her Creation, and therefore, More than sun, she Lives in the Unity of her Creator; she is the Reproducer of the Effects of the Divine Unity.  In this Unity she Gathers Everything, Embraces everyone, Warms everyone, and with the Breath of the Divine Unity she Produces in the hearts of creatures All the Effects that are Present in the Kingdom of Grace…”

…“Luisa, the one who Lives in My Will is the True Sun, that is such that apparently one Sees nothing but Light and Feels nothing but Heat, but How Many Goods are there not inside that Light and HeatHow Many Effects?  The Life and the Goods of the earth are Enclosed inside that Light and Heat.  In the Same Way, with Luisa, the one who Lives in My Divine Fiat, apparently one Sees a creature, but Inside there is a Divine Will that Sustains Everything—Heaven and earth, and does not want to keep inactive she who Possesses Such a Great Good.”

Prayer – Lord, may Your Kingdom Come.  O Please!  Let it be Known, Loved and Possessed by the human Generations.


V3 – April 23, 1900 – The Holy Oil of Luisa

This morning, finding myself outside of myself, I saw my Sweet Jesus Suffering Very Much, and I Prayed Him to share His Pains with me; and He said to me: “You too Suffer.  Rather, I shall take your Place and You shall Do for me the Office of a Nurse.”  So, it seemed that Jesus Placed Himself in my bed, and I, beside Him, began to check His Head, removing the Thorns that were driven into It one by one.  Then I moved on to His Body and I visited All His Wounds; I dried up the Blood, I Kissed Them, but I had nothing with which to salve them so as to Mitigate the Spasm, when I saw that Oil was coming out from me.  I took it and I Salved the Wounds of Jesus, but with some concern, as I did not understand what the meaning was of that Oil coming out from me.

But Blessed Jesus made me understand that Resignation to the Divine Will is Oil that, while Salving and Mitigating our pains, Salves and Mitigates the Spasm of the Wounds of Jesus at the same time.  Then, after Performing this Office of Nurse for my Dear Jesus for quite some time, He disappeared and I came back into myself.


V13 – 1.11.22 The souls who Live in the Divine Will shall be for the Mystical Body of the Church like skin to the body, and shall Bring to all of its Members the Circulation of Life. –

Healing the WoundedFinding myself in my usual state, I was thinking about the Holy Divine Volition, and I said to myself:  ‘All the children of the Church are members of the Mystical Body, of which Jesus is the Head.  What shall be the Place that the souls who Do the Will of God shall Occupy in this Mystical Body?’  And Jesus, Always Benign, on Coming, Told me: “My daughter, the Church is My Mystical Body, of which I Glory in being the Head; but in order to be able to Enter this Mystical Body, the members Must Grow to the Proper Stature, otherwise they would deform My Body.  But alas! How Many not only do not have the Due Proportion, but are rotten, wounded – So Much as to be disgusting to My Head and to the other healthy members.  Now, the souls who Live in My Will, or shall Live, shall be for the Body of My Church like skin to the body.  The body contains internal skin and external skin, and because in the skin there is the blood circulation, that gives life to the whole body, it is by Virtue of this circulation that the members reach the proper stature.  If it wasn’t for the skin and for the blood circulation, the human body would be horrid to the sight, and the members would not grow to due proportion.

Now, see how these souls who Live in My Will are Necessary to Me.  Since I have Destined them to be like Skin to the Body of My Church, and like Circulation of Life for All the members, they shall be the ones who shall Give the Proper Growth to the ungrown members; who shall Heal the wounded members, and who, by the Continuous Living in My Will, shall Restore the Freshness, the Beauty, the Splendor of the Whole Mystical Body, Rendering it Fully Similar to My Head, that shallSit with All Majesty Upon All these members.  This is why the end of days cannot come if I do not have these souls who Live as though Dissolved In My Will – they interest Me More than anything. What Impression would this Mystical Body Make in the Celestial Jerusalem without them?  And if this interests Me More than anything, it Must Interest you also More than anything, if you Love Me; and I, from now on, shall Give to All your Acts Done in My Will the Virtue of Circulation of Life for the Whole Mystical Body of the Church.  Like blood circulation for the human body, your Acts, Extended within the Immensity of My Will, shall Extend Over All and, like Skin, shall Cover these members, Giving them Proper Growth.  Therefore, Be Attentive and Faithful.”

Prayer – Lord, we pray that Your Eternal Fiat be Known, and just as it Reigns Triumphantly in Heaven, it may Come to Reign Triumphantly in the Midst of Creatures. We pray You Jesus, that we may be Anointed and Salved with the Oil from Luisa through the Power of Your Holy Priests, so that we may Possess the Invincible Strength to Live in the Most Holy Divine Will on earth as in Heaven, becoming like Skin to the Body of the Church, Covering and Healing All Her Members, Giving them Proper Growth and Bringing to them the Circulation of Life.  Fiat!  Amen.

V12 – January 29, 1919  – “Luisa My beloved daughter, I, Jesus want to let you know the order of My Providence. Every two thousand years I have Renewed the world. In the First two thousand years I Renewed it with the Deluge; in the Second two thousand I renewed it with my coming upon earth when I Manifested My Holy Humanity, from which, as if from many fissures, My Divinity shone forth. The good ones and the very Saints of the following two thousand years have lived from the fruits of My Holy Humanity and, in drops, they have enjoyed My Divinity. Now we are around the Third two thousand years, and there will be a Third Renewal. This is the reason for the general confusion: it is nothing other than the Preparation of the Third Renewal. If in the Second Renewal I, Jesus Manifested what My Holy Humanity did and suffered, and very little of what My Divinity was operating, now, in this Third Renewal, after the earth will be Purged and a great part of the current generation destroyed, I, Jesus shall be even more generous with creatures, and I, Jesus shall Accomplish the Renewal by Manifesting what My Divinity did Within My Holy Humanity; how My Divine Will acted with My human will; how everything remained Linked within Me; how I, Jesus Did and Re-Did Everything, and how even each thought of each creature was Redone by Me, and Sealed with My Divine Volition.

My Love wants to pour Itself out; It wants to make Known the Excesses which My Divinity Operated in My Holy Humanity for the creatures – Excesses which Greatly Surpass the Excesses that My Holy Humanity operated externally. This is also why I, Jesus Often “Speak” to you, Luisa about Living in My Will, which I, Jesus have Not Manifested to anyone until Now. At the most, they have Known the shadow of My Divine Will, the Grace and the Sweetness of Doing It. But to Penetrate Inside of It, to Embrace Immensity, to be Multiplied With Me and – even while being on earth – Penetrate Everywhere, both into Heaven and Into the hearts, laying down the human ways and acting in Divine Ways – this is Not Yet Known; so much so that not to a few will this appear strange, and those who do not keep their minds Opened to the Light of the Truth shall not understand a thing. But little by little I shall make My Way, Manifesting now one Truth, now another, about this Living In My Will, so that they will end up understanding.

Now, the First Link which connected the True Living in My Will was My Holy Humanity. My Holy Humanity, Identified With My Divinity, swam in the Eternal Volition, and kept tracing All the acts of creatures in order to make them Its Own, to Give to the Father a Divine Glory on the part of creatures, and to bring the Value, the Love, the Kiss of the Eternal Volition to All the acts of creatures. In this sphere of the Eternal Volition, I could See All the acts of creatures – those which could be Done and were Not Done, and also the Good acts Done badly – and I Did those which had not been Done, and Redid those Done badly. Now, these acts which were Not Done, except by Me Alone, are All suspended in My Will, and I await the creatures to come to Live in My Volition, and Repeat in My Will that which I Did.

This is why I chose you Luisa as the Second Link of Connection with My Holy Humanity, a link which becomes One With Mine, as you Luisa Live in My Volition and Repeat My Own Acts. Otherwise, on this side My Love would remain without Its outpouring, without Glory from the creatures for All that My Divinity Operated Within My Holy Humanity, and without the Perfect Purpose of Creation, which must be Enclosed and Perfected in My Will. It would be as if I had shed All My Blood and suffered So Much, and nobody had Known it. Who would have Loved Me? Which heart would have been shaken? No one; and therefore in no one would I have had My Fruits – the Glory of Redemption.”

Interrupting Jesus’ saying, I said: ‘My Love, if there is So Much Good in this Living in the Divine Will, why didn’t You Manifest it before?’ And He: “My daughter Luisa, First I had to make Known what My Holy Humanity Did and Suffered Externally, to be able to dispose souls to Knowing what My Divinity Did Inside. The creature is incapable of understanding My Work All Together; therefore I keep Manifesting Myself little by little.

Then, from your Link Luisa of Connection With Me, the Links of other souls shall be Connected, and I, Jesus shall have a Cohort of souls who, Living in My Volition, shall Redo All the acts of the creatures. I, Jesus shall Receive the Glory of the many suspended acts done Only by Me, also Now From the creatures – and these, From All classes: virgins, priests, lay people, according to their Office. They shall no longer operate humanly; but rather, as they Penetrate into My Will, their acts shall Multiply for All in a way which is Fully Divine. I, Jesus shall Receive from the creatures the Divine Glory of many Sacraments administered and received in a human way, of others which have been profaned, of others sullied with interest, and of many good works in which I, Jesus remain more dishonored than Honored. I, Jesus yearn very much for this time… And you Luisa, Pray and Yearn for it Together With Me, and Do Not move your Link of Connection With Mine, but start – as the First One.”


V12 – May 22, 1919

“Luisa, My daughter, All of My Works are Complete; therefore, the Glory that the creature Must Give to Me shall be Complete.  The last day will not come until the whole Creation has Given Me the Honor and the Glory which I Myself Wanted and Established, and what some do not Give Me, I Take from others; in these I Redouble the Graces which others reject from Me, and from these I Receive Double Love and Glory.  To others, according to their Dispositions, I reach the point of Giving the Graces which I would Give to ten; to others, those which I would Give to a hundred; to others, those which I would Give to a thousand.  Sometimes, I Give the Graces which I would Give to cities, to provinces, and even to entire kingdoms.  And these Love Me and Give Me Glory for ten, for a hundred, for a thousand, etc.  In this way My Glory on the part of Creation is Completed.  And when I see that the creature cannot make it, in spite of her good will, I Draw her Into My Will, in which she Finds the Virtue of Multiplying One Single Act as many times as she Wants, Giving Me the Glory, Honor and Love which others Do Not Give to Me.

“This is why I AM Preparing the Era of the Living in My Will; and for All that the souls have Not Done in the past generations, and shall Not Do, but in this Era of My Will they shall Complete the Love, the Glory, the Honor of the whole Creation, and I shall Give them Astonishing and Unheard-of Graces.  This is why I AM Calling you, Luisa to Live In My Will, and I whisper into your ear:  ‘Jesus, I lay at Your feet the Adoration, the Subjection of the whole human family; I place in Your Heart the “I Love You” of All; on Your Lips I impress my Kiss in order to Seal the Kiss of Allhuman generations; I clasp You with my arms in order to clasp You with the arms of All, to bring You the Glory of All the Works of All creatures…’  And I, Jesus Feel in you, Luisa the Adoration, the ‘I Love You’, the Kiss, etc. of the whole human family.  How could I not Give to you, Luisa the Love, the Kisses, the Graces which I should Give to the others?

“Now, know My daughter Luisa, that what the creature Does on earth is the capital that she Forms for Heaven.  Therefore, if she Does little, she will have little; if much, she will have much.  If one Loved Me and Glorified Me for ten, she will receive ten more contentments, corresponding to as much glory, and will be Loved by Me ten times as much.  If another Loved Me and Glorified Me for a hundred and for a thousand, she shall receive contentments, Love and Glory for a hundred and for a thousand.  In this way I shall Give to the Creation all that I have Decided to Give, and the Creation shall Give Me All that I Must Receive from them—and My Glory shall be Completed in everything.”

V24–5/30/28 – “My daughter, there is no homage More Beautiful and Worthy of Our Adorable Majesty than Offering to Us Our Own Works.  As you Pray your Round in the Creation, you gather Our Divine ARMY to send it to Us as Our Glory and as the Fierce ARMY that asks with Insistence and Violence for the Kingdom of the Divine Will.  Therefore, as you Pray your Round, you place the Divine Fiat, as Noble and Divine Flag, in front of each Created thing, and with their tacit Speaking they Ask with Divine Strength for the Kingdom of My Divine Will upon earth.

“Oh! how Beautiful it is to see the whole Creation bannered All Over with the Divine Fiat.  From the smallest to the greatest thing, they All Possess the Flag of the Fiat placed by My little daughter.  They really look like a Formidable ARMY; and waving their Noble Flag with Authority,they Ask with Repeated Petitions for what they Possess—that is, the Kingdom of My Divine Will upon earth.”

Then, I continued Praying my Round, and I kept placing my Divine Fiat, not only in All Creation, but also in All the acts Done by Adam in his State of Innocence, in those Done by the Virgin Queen, as well as in those Done by Our Lord Jesus Christ, sending them like an Ordered ARMY Around the Divinity, to Ask for Its Kingdom


Prayer – Lord, we pray that Your Eternal Fiat be Known, and just as it Reigns Triumphantly in Heaven, it may Come to Reign Triumphantly in the Midst of Creatures. We also pray that we may be Anointed and Salved with the Oil from Luisa so that we may all be Resigned to the Most Holy Divine Will.  Fiat!  Amen.


4/21 One of the things that prevents Jesus from Pouring His Graces upon creatures

April 21, 1916

The privation of Jesus which Luisa suffers. The sins of the world have surrounded the Most Holy Humanity of Jesus with thorns, preventing Him from pouring His grace upon creatures.

I continue my most bitter days. I fear that someday Jesus may not even come in passing, and in my pain I keep repeating: ‘Jesus, don’t do this to me. If You don’t want to speak – so be it; if You don’t want to give me the gift of your charisms – FIAT! But not coming at all – not this! You know that it would cost me my life, and that my very nature, left without You until evening, would melt.’ As I was saying this, blessed Jesus, increasing my bitterness, made Himself seen telling me: “Know that if I do not come to pour Myself out with you for a little while, it is because the world is receiving the last blow of destruction and all sorts of scourges.”

What fright! I remained terrified and petrified for the pain. So I continued to pray, saying: ‘My Jesus, for every moment of your privation I ask You that a new Life of Yours be created within the souls. You must give me this grace. Only on this condition do I accept your privation. I don’t deprive myself of a trifle – but of You, immense, infinite, eternal Good. The cost is immense; therefore, let’s come to a deal.’ Jesus stretched His arms around my neck, as if He were accepting. And looking at Him – ah, what a painful sight! Not only His head, but all His Most Holy Humanity was surrounded by thorns, to the extent that I was pricked in hugging Him, but I wanted to enter into Jesus at any cost. And He, all goodness, broke that garment of thorns at the point of His Heart, and placed me inside. I could see the Divinity of Jesus, and although His Divinity was one with His Humanity, while His Humanity was tortured, His Divinity remained untouchable.

Jesus told me: “My daughter, have you seen what a painful garment creatures made for Me, and how these thorns have penetrated into my Humanity? These thorns have closed the door to the Divinity, having surrounded all my Humanity, only from which could my Divinity come out for the good of creatures. Now it is necessary that I remove part of these thorns, and that I pour them on the creatures so that, as the Light of my Divinity flows from these thorns, I may save their souls. Therefore, it is necessary that the earth be invested by chastisements, earthquakes, famines, wars, etc., in order to break this garment of thorns that creatures made for Me. In this way, as the Light of the Divinity penetrates into their souls, I will be able to disillusion them, and to make better times arise.”