4/19 The One Who Dwells in Jesus Swims in the Sea of All Contentments.

Book of Heaven
Volume 4; November 2, 1900

The one who dwells in Jesus swims in the Sea of all Contentments.

     This morning I felt all oppressed and afflicted, with the addition that Blessed Jesus was not making Himself seen.  Then, after much waiting, He came out from within my interior, and opening His Heart to me, He placed me inside of It, telling me:  “Remain inside of Me – only there shall you find True Peace and Stable Contentment, because nothing penetrates into Me that does not belong to Peace and Contentment.  The one who Dwells in Me does nothing other than swim in the Sea of All Contentments; while, then, in going outside of Me, even if the soul did not meddle in anything, at the mere sight of the offenses that they give Me and of how they grieve Me, she already comes to participate in those Afflictions, and remains troubled.  Therefore, every now and then, forget everything, enter into Me, and come to enjoy My Peace and Happiness.  Then go out, and do for Me the Office of My Repairer.”  Having said this, He disappeared.

4/18 …you, by wanting nothing, have wanted Everything, and here is all the Fineness and the Astuteness of True Love.

Book of Heaven:  Volume 11; February 24, 1912

The soul who Lives in the Divine Will loses her temperament and acquires that of Jesus.  The Smile of Jesus.

     After I saw various souls around Jesus, especially the one who was more sensitive, Jesus told me:  “My daughter, if the souls with sensitive temperament start doing Good, they make more progress than the others, because their sensitivity leads them to arduous and great enterprises.”  I prayed that He would take what was left of her human sensitivity away from that soul, and that He would clasp her more closely to Himself and tell her that He Loved her, for He would conquer her Completely, as she would hear that He Loved her.  “You shall see that You shall succeed.  Have You not Conquered me in this way, telling me that You Loved me very, very much?”  And Jesus:  “Yes, yes, I shall do it, but I want her cooperation – that she escape as much as she can from the people who excite her sensitivity.”
     So I added:  “My Love, tell me, what about my temperament – what is it?”  And Jesus:  “The one who Lives in My Will loses her temperament and acquires Mine.  So, in the soul who Lives in My Will one finds a Pleasant, Attractive, Penetrating, Dignified Temperament, and Simple at the same time – of a child-like simplicity; in sum, she looks like Me in everything.  Even more, she keeps her temperament within her power as she wants and as is needed.  Since she Lives in My Will, she takes part in My Power, so she has all things, and herself, at her disposal, and according to the circumstances and the people she deals with, she takes My Temperament and applies it.”
And I:  “Tell me, shall You give me a First Place in Your Will?”  Jesus smiled:  “Yes, yes, I Promise you.  I shall never let you go out of My Will, and you shall take and do whatever you want.”
And I:  “Jesus, I want to be poor poor, little little; I want nothing, even of Your very things; it is better if You keep them.  I want only You, and as I need things You shall give them to me; isn’t it True, O Jesus?”
And Jesus:  Brava, brava, My daughter!  Finally I have found someone who does not want anything.  Everyone wants something from Me, but not the All – that is, Myself Alone; but you, by wanting nothing, have wanted Everything, and here is all the Fineness and the Astuteness of True Love.”  I smiled and Jesus disappeared.

4/15 Saturday within the Octave of Easter

Gospel from Mark 16:9-15
“Go ye into the whole world and preach the Gospel to every creature”

J_Go into Whole World

From the Reflections and Practices of the 17th Hour of the Passion

How do we compassionate the pains that Jesus suffers in seeing many souls being snatched from His Heart?  Do we make His pains our own so as to relieve Him from all that He suffers?  The Jews want Him crucified, so that He may die like a criminal, and that His name be erased from the face of the earth.  And do we strive to let Jesus Live on earth?  With our acts, with our example, with our steps, we must put a Divine Mark in the world, so that Jesus may be recognized by all, and so that, through our works, His Life may have a Divine Echo, heard from one end of the world to another.  Are we ready to give our own life so that beloved Jesus may be relieved of all the offenses, or do we rather imitate the Jews, people so much favored—almost like our own souls, which are Loved so much by Jesus—and shout like them, “Crucifigatur” [let Him be crucified]?


Divine Mercy Novena

4/14 Friday within the Octave of Easter

John 21:1-14
“After this Jesus showed himself to the disciples at the sea of Tiberias”

J_Sea of Tiberias

Third Hour of the Passion

O Jesus, You now arrive at the cenacle together with Your beloved disciples and You begin Your supper with them.  How much Sweetness, how much Affability You show through all Your Person, as You lower Yourself to taking material food for the last time!  Everything is Love in You.  Also in this, You not only repair for the sins of gluttony, but You impetrate the sanctification of food.


Divine Mercy Novena


4/13 Thursday within the Octave of Easter

From Luke 24:35-48
“Peace be to you.  It is I; Fear not”

J_Hand Wound

Letter #93 from the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta to Mrs. Farilli

Fiat – In Voluntate Dei!

Most esteemed one in the Lord,

I was very pleased in hearing your news, although painful.  They are a good sign that the Lord loves us, and that He wants to make of us His faithful images.  Jesus needs to repeat His Life upon earth, and He can do so in one who submits himself to anything, and who does His adorable Will.  In fact, by doing His Will in all our acts, both spiritual and natural, His image is formed and circulates like a coin throughout the Heavens.  However, this is what I recommend to you:  never lose heart; never be disturbed; try to live abandoned in the arms of Jesus, and He will be your Mama, your Father and your custodian.  You will feel Him living and palpitating within your soul, forming the life of your life.

Let us thank the Lord for all He has disposed upon us.  But I beg you to never go out of His Will.  In this way, the Lord will give you His own Love to love Him, His own Sanctity to make yourself a saint, His own Peace in the storms of life.  Together with Him, you will feel strong – of a divine strength – in the pains you sufferIn this way you will fear nothing. 

Pray for me, as I do it for you from the heart.  With my regards, and leaving you in the arms of the Divine Fiat, I say,


Luisa Piccarreta


Divine Mercy Novena

4/12 Wednesday within the Octave of Easter

Volume 34; May 31, 1936
See, then, how in each Word I spoke, in each Miracle I performed, I called back My Will to Reign in their midst, and I called the people to Live in It.  From the Public Life I passed on to My Passion, symbol of the Passion of My Will that for many centuries had suffered the so many rebellious wills of creatures who, by not wanting to submit to It, had closed Heaven, broken the communications with their Creator, and had rendered themselves unhappy slaves of the infernal enemy.  My Humanity, lacerated, beaten up to death, Crucified, represented the unhappy humanity without My Will before Divine Justice; and in each pain I called My Fiat to exchange the Kiss of Peace with the creatures in order to render them Happy, and I called them into It, to make the Sorrowful Passion of My Will cease.  Finally, My Death, that Matured the Resurrection, that called all to Rise Again in My Divine Fiat; and – O! how vividly does My Resurrection symbolize the Kingdom of My Will.  My Humanity, wounded, deformed, unrecognizable, Rose Again Whole, of an Enchanting Beauty, Glorious and Triumphant.  It prepared the Triumph, the Glory, for My Will, calling all into It and impetrating that all might Rise Again in My Volition – from dead, Alive; from ugly, Beautiful; from unhappy, Happy.  My Risen Humanity ensured the Kingdom of My Will upon earth; It was My only Act Full of Triumph and of Victory; and this befitted Me, because I did not want to depart for Heaven without first providing all the aids to creatures, for them to reenter into the Kingdom of My Will; as well as all the Glory, the Honor, the Triumph to My Supreme Fiat, to let It Dominate and Reign.

4/11 Tuesday withing the Octive of Easter

The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Wil; Day Twenty-Nine

The Virgin Mary:  “Blessed child, you know that I was present at the Resurrection of My Son.  But I did not say a word to anyone, waiting for Jesus Himself to manifest Himself as Risen, Glorious and Triumphant.  The first one to see Him Risen was the fortunate Magdalene; then the pious women.  And all came to Me telling Me that they had seen Jesus Risen, that the Sepulcher was empty; and I listened to all, and with an air of Triumph I confirmed all in the Faith of the Resurrection.  By evening, almost all of the Apostles had seen Him, and all felt as though Triumphant at having been the Apostles of Jesus.  What change of scene, dear child – symbol of those who have first let themselves be dominated by the human will, represented by the Apostles who run away, abandoning their Master; and their fear and fright is such that they hide, and Peter reaches the point of denying Him.  O! if they had been dominated by the Divine Will, they would never have run away from their Master, but, Courageous and as Triumphers, would never have departed from His side, and would have felt honored to lay down their lives to defend Him.”