11/28 Come Divine Will, Come to Reign on earth as in Heaven!

Book of Heaven
Volume 27; January 26, 1930

After this, I continued to pray so that Blessed Jesus would hasten in making the so longed-for Kingdom of the Divine Will come upon earth.  And my beloved Jesus, as though wounded by such prayer, for He Himself so much longed to see the triumph of the Divine Will upon earth, told me:  “My daughter, the prayers done in my Divine Volition to obtain the advent of Its Kingdom upon earth hold a great empire over God.  God Himself cannot rid Himself of it, nor can He not grant it.  In fact, as the creature prays in my Divine Fiat, We feel the strength of Our Will that prays with Its empire; with Its immensity, It extends everywhere, and embracing the universal strength, the prayer extends everywhere, in such a way that We feel surrounded from all sides, We feel Our own Will praying within Us; and from prayer it changes into command, and says:  ‘I want’.  And as it rules over Our Divine Being with its sweet empire, We say:  ‘We Want.’  Therefore, the prayers done in Our Divine Fiat can be called decisions, commands, that carry the signed deed of that which is wanted; and if what is wanted cannot be seen instantly, it is because We are disposing the secondary causes so as to let what We have Decided to give come out of Us.  Therefore, it is not to be put in doubt that, sooner or later, one will see, descend from Heaven, that which, with decision, has been granted to him.  Therefore, continue the prayers in Our Fiat – prayers that move Heaven and earth, and even God Himself, if you love to see my Kingdom upon earth; and I will Pray together with you in order to obtain the intent.  More so, since the ultimate purpose of Creation is precisely this – that Our Divine Will was to Reign on earth as It does in Heaven.”

11/22 There is no beauty that equals suffering for God alone.

Book of Heaven
11/23/03 – Vol. 6

I felt impressed in my interior by what I had written above, as if it were not according to the Truth; so, as soon as I saw blessed Jesus, I said:  “Lord, what I have written is not right; how can there be all this through mere suffering?”  And He:  “My daughter, do not be surprised.  Indeed, there is no beauty that equals suffering for the Love of God alone.  Two arrows come from Me continuously:  one from My Heart, that is of Love, and wounds all those who are on My lap – that is, those who are in My Grace; this arrow wounds, mortifies, heals, afflicts, attracts, reveals, consoles and continues My Passion and Redemption in those who are on My lap.  The other comes from My Throne, and I Entrust it to the Angels who, as My ministers, make this arrow flow over any kind of people, chastising them and exciting all to conversion.”  Now, while He was saying this, He shared His Pains with me, telling me:  “Here in you also, is the continuation of Redemption.”


Storm Heaven with Prayers to Luisa.

         If we wish the Servant of God to continue, and even hasten, her ascent to the glory of the Altar, let us give her a chance to perform first class miracles. 

         Luisa’s holiness and the favors as the little daughter of the Divine Will already granted should impregnate our supplications with unquenchable confidence.   

         It is certainly permissible to pray to Luisa in our daily needs, but let us not be afraid to implore real miracles from her.  

         Let us invoke Luisa or have her invoked in cases of fatal maladies, wherein science has to declare itself powerless.   

         That is when Luisa Piccarreta will be able to display the prodigious power of her intercession.


For the Glory of God and of Luisa Piccarreta, kindly write out the favors obtained, sign them, with two witnesses, if possible, and send to:

Postulation for the Cause of Beatification Luisa Piccarreta
Palazzo Arcivescoville
70059 Trani (BA) Italy

Protection Cross

Free download at caritaspublishing.com

Picture above: A plague cross, with the Most Holy Trinity, the Blessed Virgin and Child, and Saint protectors against plague: St. Sebastian, St. John Nepomuk, St. Roch. This card may be reproduced and freely shared, barring commercial use.


Lord Jesus Christ, You Who willed for the redemption of the world to be born of the Virgin, to be circumcised in Your Most Holy flesh, condemned by the Jews, to be handed over by the traitor Judas with a kiss, bound by ropes, to be led as an innocent lamb to sacrifice, and unbecomingly presented before Annas, Caiaphas, Pilate and Herod, accused by false witnesses, struck by lashes and insults, spit upon, crowned by thorns, punched, beaten with reeds, had Your Face covered, stripped of Your clothes, crucified, placed between robbers, and to drink vinegar with gall, and pierced by a lance. You, O Lord, through these Your Most Holy Pains, which I, an unworthy sinner recall, and through Your Most Holy Cross and Death, free this place with all of its inhabitants and me Your servant, and all whosoever will invoke Your Holy Name through these letters and symbols, from this plague and expel it and all the snares of the devil’s deception; moreover, after you have broken the fetters of every sort of vice, restore us all to our former health. Amen.

Printed with Ecclesiastical Approval

Click here for the Plague (Protection) Cross Booklet

9/24 Today is the Feast Day of Our Lady, Mother of Mercy

Today is the Feast Day of Our Lady, Mother of Mercy

Book of Heaven
4/16/04 – Vol. 6

Jesus and God the Father speak about Mercy.

Continuing in my usual state, I found myself outside of myself, and I saw a multitude of people, and in their midst one could hear noises of bombs and gun shots.  People were dropping dead or wounded, and those who were left would flee up to a palace nearby; but the enemies would go up there and kill them, more surely than those who remained outside.  So I said to myself:  ‘How I wish I could see whether the Lord is there in the midst of these people, so as to say to Him:  ‘Have mercy – pity on these poor people!’  So I went round and round and I saw Him as a little Child; but little by little He kept growing, until He reached the perfect age.  I drew near Him and I said:  ‘Amiable Lord, don’t You see the tragedy that is happening?  You don’t want to make use of mercy any more?  Do You perhaps want to keep this attribute as useless, which has always glorified your Incarnate Divinity with so much honor, forming a special crown on your august head, and bejeweling You with a second crown, so wanted and loved by You – which is souls?’

Now, while I was saying this, He told me:  ‘Enough, enough, do not go any further; you want to speak of Mercy, and what about Justice – what are we going to do with It?  I have told you and I repeat to you:  ‘It is necessary that Justice follow Its course’.”

So I replied:  ‘There is no remedy – why then leave me on this earth when I can no longer placate You and suffer in the place of my neighbor?  Since it is so, it is better if You let me die.’

At that moment I saw another person behind the shoulders of blessed Jesus, and He told me, almost making a sign with His eyes:  “Present yourself to my Father and see what He tells you.”

I presented myself, all trembling, and as soon as He saw me, He told me:  “Why have you come to Me?”  And I (Luisa):  ‘Adorable Goodness (God the Father), infinite Mercy, knowing that You are Mercy Itself, I have come to ask for your Mercy – Mercy on your very images, Mercy on the works created by You; Mercy on nothing else but your creatures themselves.’ 

And He said to me:  “So, it is Mercy that you want.  But if you want true Mercy, after Justice has poured Itself out It will produce abundant fruits of Mercy.”

Not knowing what else to say, I said:  ‘Father, infinitely Holy, when servants or people in need present themselves before their masters or rich people, if these are good, even if they do not give everything that is necessary for them, they always give something.  And to me, who have had the good of presenting myself before You, absolute Master, rich without limit, infinite Goodness, don’t You want to give anything of what this poor little one has asked of You?  Does a master perhaps not remain more honored and content when he gives, than when he denies what is necessary to his servants?’

After a moment of silence He (God the Father) added:  “For love of you (Luisa), instead of doing ten, I will do five.”  Having said this, They disappeared, and in several places of the earth, especially of Europe, I saw wars, civil wars and revolutions multiply.