6/14 Corpus Christi Novena – starts today Friday, June 14th!


Novena Honoring the Body and Blood of Christ

I thank You, Jesus, my Divine Redeemer, for coming upon the earth for our sake, and for instituting the adorable Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist in order to remain with us until the end of the world.
I thank You for hiding beneath the Eucharistic species Your infinite majesty and beauty, which Your Angels delight to behold, so that I might have courage to approach the throne of Your Mercy.
I thank You, most loving Jesus, for having made Your- self my food, and for uniting me to Yourself with so much love in this wonderful Sacrament that I may live in You.
I thank You, my Jesus, for giving Yourself to me in this Blessed Sacrament, and so enriching it with the treasures of Your love that You have no greater gift to give me.
I thank You not only for becoming my food but also for offering Yourself as a continual sacrifice to Your Eternal Father for my salvation.
I thank You, Divine Priest, for offering Yourself as a Sacrifice daily upon our altars in adoration and homage to the Most Blessed Trinity, and for making amends for our poor and miserable adorations.
I thank You for renewing in this daily Sacrifice the actual Sacrifice of the Cross offered on Calvary, in which You satisfy Divine justice for us poor sinners.
I thank You, dear Jesus, for having become the priceless Victim to merit for me the fullness of heavenly favors. Awaken in me such confidence in You that their fullness may descend ever more fruitfully upon my soul.
I thank You for offering Yourself in thanksgiving to God for all His benefits, spiritual and temporal, which He has bestowed upon me.
In union with Your offering of Yourself to Your Father in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, I ask for this special favor: (Mention your request). 
If it be Your holy Will, grant my request. Through You I also hope to receive the grace of perseverance in Your love and faithful service, a holy death, and a happy
eternity with You in Heaven. Amen.

O Lord, You have given us this Sacred Banquet, in which Christ is received, the memory of His Passion is renewed, the mind is filled with grace, and a pledge of future glory is given to us.
You have given them bread from Heaven.
Having all sweetness within.
Let us pray. God our Father, for Your glory and our salvation You appointed Jesus Christ eternal High Priest. May the people He gained for You by His Blood come to share in the power of His Cross and Resurrection by celebrating His Memorial in this Eucharist, for He lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever. Amen.

O Jesus, since You have left us a remembrance of Your Passion beneath the veils of this Sacrament, grant us, we pray, so to venerate the sacred mysteries of Your Body and Blood that we may always enjoy the fruits of Your Redemption, for You live and reign forever.Amen.

The day before his death on the Cross, Christ instituted the Eucharist in the Upper Room. He also offered bread and wine, which “in his sacred hands” (Roman Canon) became his Body and his Blood, offered in sacrifice. Thus he fulfilled the prophecy of the old covenant linked to Melchizedek’s sacrificial offering. For this very reason—the Letter to the Hebrews recalls—”he became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him, being designated by God a high priest after the order of Melchizedek” (5:7-10).

Read more: http://www.ewtn.com/devotionals/novena/Corpus_Christi.htm#ixzz1wSyqB2Gm

5/31 Novena for Pentecost with Our Lady of America – On 5/31 Our Lady of America Appears to Sister Mary Ephrem as ‘Queen of Heaven’ (1957)

Novena for Pentecost with Our Lady of America

Praying through the Intercession of

the Servant of God Luisa Piccarretaand Sister Mary Ephrem

I am the Immaculate One, Patroness of your land.

Be My faithful children as I have been your Faithful Mother.”

“It is the United States that is to lead the world to Peace, the Peace of Christ,

the Peace that He brought with Him from Heaven.”

 Our Lady of America has come to our land to Call, Prepare and Lead Her little children to the Divine Indwelling and ultimately into the Kingdom of the Divine Will. As we pray this Novena, may we pray in the Holy Divine Will One with Luisa, on behalf of all souls. Let’s pray united with Sister Mary Ephrem and all the Saints and Angels, through Our Lady of America, The Immaculate Virgin for the Great Outpouring of the Holy Spirit. May the Divine Will Dwell in and Reign in the hearts of God’s children, hastening Its Kingdom on earth.

The Feast of Pentecost is the same day as the Feast of St. Ephrem of Syria, and so to honor him and invoke this Saint’s intercession, included each day is a writing from his Hymns on Paradise.

Come, Holy Spirit, Fill the hearts of Your faithful and Enkindle in them the Fire of Your Love.

Send Forth Your Spirit and they shall be Created. And You shall Renew the face of the earth.


Day 1 Friday


           – Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary

           – Our Lady of America appears to Sister Mary Ephrem as “Queen of Heaven” (1957)

           – Our Lady of All Nations

 “Come to Me that I may Clothe you” – Sister Mary Ephrem to her confessor – 5/31/57:

The Heavenly Queen was dressed in a very long Veil, Mantle and Robe. The latter was gathered at the waist by a wide sash, the ends hanging down towards the right side. The bright blue of Her Garments made it look as though She were Clothed with the sky itself. A small Gold Crown encircled Her head. A large Gold Star held the Mantle in place. Scattered, rather far apart over the Mantle and Dress, also the Veil, were tiny Gold Stars. On Her feet Our Lady wore Gold Sandals. Etched around the whole Figure were Rays of Brilliant Streaks of Light. Within this Light and surrounding Her was a rosary. The small beads were white, the large ones, gold. The Cross of the rosary, which was also of gold, hung suspended over Her head. At Our Lady’s left stood St. Michael, holding a golden globe, and on her right, St. Gabriel, holding a gold scepter. Both Angels were Robed in Cloth of Gold. Our Lady held in both hands a Gold Casket which seem to be Overflowing with Sparkling Gems of every sort. Her whole Bearing was Most Queenly and Regal. Yet Her Smile was that of a Loving Queen-Mother, Most Eager and Anxious to Bestow Her Treasures upon Her children. Then, She spoke: “I am the Queen of Heaven. These Jewels are the Graces with which I Adorn My subjects. My Son wills that all Grace should come through Me as through a Living Channel. Come to Me, loyal subjects, loving children, that I may Clothe you with the Graces which will enable you to appear more fittingly before My King-Son. Come and receive the Gems of Eternal Life.” “My sweet child, I am indeed a Queen. I can obtain all things for My subjects, as My Intercession is All-Powerful with God. If only they had more confidence in My Power and in the Great Desire I have to Help them.” 

V17- 5.17.25 – “My daughter, to what you have said on fusing yourself in My Will, another appeal must be added—that of fusing yourself in the order of Grace, in everything that the Sanctifier—the Holy Spirit—has done and will do for those who are to be sanctified.  More so since, while We, the Three Divine Persons, are Always United in Operating, if the Creation points to the Father, and Redemption to the Son, the Fiat Voluntas Tua will point to the Holy Spirit.  And it is precisely in the Fiat Voluntas Tua that the Divine Spirit will make Display of His Work.  You do it when, on coming before the Supreme Majesty, you say:  ‘I come to requite You in Love for everything that the Sanctifier does for those who are to be sanctified.  I come to enter into the order of grace, so as to be able to give You the Glory and the Requital of Love as if all had made themselves saints, and to Repair You for all the oppositions and lack of correspondence to Grace’.  And as much as you can, you search within Our Will for the Acts of Grace of the Spirit Sanctifier, so as to make His Sorrow your own, as well as His Secret Moans, His Anguishing Sighs in the depth of the hearts, in seeing Himself so unwelcome.  And since the First Act He does is to Bring Our Will as the Complete Act of their sanctification, in seeing Himself rejected, He Moans with Inexpressible Moans.  And you, in your childlike simplicity, say to Him:  ‘Spirit Sanctifier, hurry, I implore You, I pray You again—make Your Will Known to all, so that, by knowing It, they may love It, and may welcome Your First Act of their Complete Sanctification—which is your Holy Will.’  My daughter, We, the Three Divine Persons, are Inseparable and Distinct, and in this Way do We Want to Manifest to the human generations Our Works for them—that while Being United Among Ourselves, Each One of Us Wants to Manifest Individually His Love and His Work toward the creatures.”

Accordingly as each here on earth

purifies his eye for Him,

so does he become more able to behold

His incomparable glory;

accordingly as each here on earth

opens his ear to Him,

so does he become more able to grasp

His wisdom;

accordingly as each here on earth

prepares a receptacle for Him,

so is he enabled to carry

a small portion of His Riches.

 The Lord who is beyond measure

measures out nourishment to all,

adapting to our eyes the sight of Himself,

to our hearing His voice,

His blessing to our appetite,

His wisdom to our tongue.

At His gift

blessings swarm,

for this is always new in its savor,

wonderfully fragrant,

adaptable in strength,

resplendent in its colors.

[Hymns on Paradise 9:25-27 – St. Ephrem]

Echoing the Prayers of Luisa:  Seven Glory Be’s in honor of the Holy Spirit, praying that His Prodigies be Renewed over the whole Church; and the following prayers from V17- May 17, 1925:

            “Supreme Majesty, I come to requite You in Love for everything that the Sanctifier does for those who are to be sanctified.  I come to enter into the order of Grace, so as to be able to give You the Glory and the Requital of Love as if all had made themselves saints, and to Repair You for all the oppositions and lack of correspondence to Grace.”

            “Spirit Sanctifier, hurry, I implore You, I pray You again—make Your Will Known to all, so that, by knowing It, they may love It, and may welcome Your First Act of their Complete Sanctification—which is Your Holy Will.”


Day 2 – Saturday 

           – FIRST SATURDAY for the Month of the Sacred Heart

           – Our Lady, Queen of the Apostles

           – St. Annibale Maria di Francia to Heaven (1927)

           – Archbishop Paul Leibold (confessor of Sister Mary Ephrem) to Heaven (1972)

 Our Lady’s Plea for a statue and a procession – in a letter to the Archbishop, Sister Mary Ephrem writes: “It is to the Hierarchy, especially of the United States, that Our Lady is making Her Plea. They are Her favorite sons, placed in high offices in order that they might do the most good. She Herself has spoken thus to me…Our Lady has asked that a statue be made as She Appeared on Sept. 26th, 1956, after [which] being solemnly carried in procession to the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington DC. She desires that there it be enshrined in a place of honor and venerated in a Special Way as ‘Our Lady of America, the Immaculate Virgin’. She desires also that a small statue or picture of the same likeness be honored in every home.”

 Round of the soul in the Divine Will, Twenty-fourth Hour – “My Jesus, after Rising from the dead, You do not Depart for Heaven.  This tells me that You want to Establish the Kingdom of Your Divine Will among creatures, and I won’t abandon You for a single instant.  I follow You step by step with my “I love You” as You Appear in the Risen State to Your Mother.  Through the Joy You Shared, I ask You ever more insistently for the Kingdom of Your Fiat…  My “I love You” accompanies You as You Appear to Mary Magdalene and to the Apostles.  It asks that Your Divine Will be Known in a Special Way to priests, so they in turn, as New Apostles, may make It Known to all the world.  My “I love You” follows You in all the Acts You Accomplish among Your friends after the Resurrection.  Lastly, it invites Heaven and earth to be Present at Your Glorious Ascension.

While You with Your triumphant Entry into Paradise Open the Gates that have been closed for so many centuries to poor humanity, I place my “I love You” on those Eternal Gates.  I ask You, through that same Blessing You Gave to all Your disciples who were present at the celebration of Your Ascension, to Bless all human wills, so they may know and appreciate the Gift of Life Lived in Your Will.

Through the Great Love with which You Open for us the Gates of Heaven, I ask You, O my Glorious Jesus, to let Your Divine Will Descend from those Gates.  May It Reign upon earth as It Reigns in Heaven.

My, Love, You are now Seated at the Right Hand of the Father:  Entrenched in my poor little nothingness, “I adore You, praise You, thank You” and I continually form with my “I love You” long chains reaching from earth to Heaven. Please leave Open Always the Gates of the Heavenly Home, so I may constantly come and kneel at Your Feet, climb into Your Arms, and repeat to You incessantly my song of love:  “Send us the Kingdom of Your Holy Will and may Your Divine Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven!”

Joyfully did I embark

on the tale of Paradise —

a tale that is short to read

but rich to explore.

My tongue read the story’s

outward narrative, 

while my intellect took wing

and soared upward in awe

as it perceived the splendor of Paradise —

not indeed as it really is,

but insofar as humanity

is granted to comprehend it.

[Hymns on Paradise 1:3 – St. Ephrem] 

Echoing the Prayers of Luisa: Seven Glory Be’s in honor of the Holy Spirit, praying that His Prodigies be Renewed over the whole Church; and the following prayers from V17- May 17, 1925:

            “Supreme Majesty, I come to requite You in Love for everything that the Sanctifier does for those who are to be sanctified.  I come to enter into the order of Grace, so as to be able to give You the Glory and the Requital of Love as if all had made themselves saints, and to Repair You for all the oppositions and lack of correspondence to Grace.”           

            “Spirit Sanctifier, hurry, I implore You, I pray You again—make Your Will Known to all, so that, by knowing It, they may love It, and may welcome Your First Act of their Complete Sanctification—which is Your Holy Will.”


Day 3 – Sunday


 Our Lady to Her beloved sons, the priests – as recorded by Sister under the dates of 9/26-27/57:

“My dear daughter, sweet child, write My Words carefully, because they are of the Utmost Importance. I address them to My beloved sons, the priests, dedicated to the most intense and extraordinary imitation of My Son in the perfect carrying on of His Eternal Priesthood. Beloved sons, so cherished and greatly blessed among the sons of men, be careful to uphold the sanctity and dignity of your calling. Let the faithful see in you the favored and especially loved imitators of the Son of God. Be modest in your dress and speech as becomes those of so exalted a vocation. The apparel and manners of a man of the world is not for you, who, though living in the world, must not take on its ways. It is through you that the Grace of the Sacraments is given to souls. Strive then to make yourselves more worthy receptacles to receive these Graces and transmit them in turn to the souls under your care.

            “Dear sons, I ask you to practice self-denial and penance in a special manner, because it is you who must lead My children in the Way of Peace. Yet this Peace will Come only by Way of the Sword, the Flaming Sword of Love. If, therefore, you love My Son and wish to honor me, heed My Admonition and be the first to give the example of a life of penance and self-denial. Thus, by Sanctification from within you, you will become a bright and burning light to the faithful, who look to you for help and guidance. I am Pleased, dearly beloved sons, by the honor and love you have until now accorded Me. Will you now go further and honor Me yet more by taking My Words to your hearts and doing what I ask?”

 The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will, Day 30“Now listen to Me, My child.  Our Highest Good, Jesus, has Departed for Heaven and is Now before His Celestial Father, Pleading for His children and brothers, whom He has left upon earth.  From the Celestial Fatherland, He Looks at everyone; no one escapes Him.  And His Love is So great that He Leaves His Mama on earth as Comfort, Help, Lesson and Company for His children and Mine.

Now, you Must Know that as My Son Departed for Heaven, I Remained together with the Apostles in the cenacle, waiting for the Holy Spirit.  They were all around Me, clinging to Me, and we prayed together; they did nothing without My Advice.  And when I began to Speak to Instruct them and to Narrate some anecdotes about My Son that they didn’t know—as for example, the details of His Birth, His Baby Tears, His Loving Traits, the incidents which happened in Egypt, and the So Many Wonders of the Hidden Life in Nazareth—oh, how attentive they were in listening to Me, and how enraptured they were in hearing of the So Many Surprises, the So Many Teachings that He Gave Me, which were to Serve for them; since My Son had said little or nothing about Himself to the Apostles, Reserving for Me the Task of letting them know How Much He had Loved them, and the Details which Only His Mother Knew.  So, My child, I was in the midst of My Apostles More than the sun in the midst of the day.  I was the Anchor, the Wheel, the Ship in which they found Refuge, to be safe and sheltered from every danger.  Therefore, I can say that I Delivered the Nascent Church upon My Maternal Knees, and that My Arms were the Ship in which I Led her to a safe shore, and I still do.

Then the time came for the Descent of the Holy Spirit, Promised by My Son in the cenacle.  What a transformation, My child! As they were Invested, they acquired new science, invincible strength, ardent love.  A New life flowed within them, which rendered them brave and courageous, in such a way that they scattered throughout the whole world to make Redemption known, and to give their lives for their Master.  I Remained with beloved John, and was forced to leave Jerusalem, as the storm of persecution began.

My dearest child, you Must Know that I still continue My Magisterium in the Church.  There is nothing which does not Descend from Me.  I can say that I Pour Myself Out for Love of My children, and that I Nourish them with My Maternal Milk.  Now, during these times, I want to Display an Even More Special Love by making known how My Whole Life was Formed in the Kingdom of the Divine Will.  So I call you onto My Knees, into My Maternal Arms, so that, Forming your Ship, you may be sure to Live in the Sea of the Divine Will.  Greater Grace I could not give you.  I beg you, make your Mama Content! Come to Live in this Kingdom So Holy! And when you see that your will wants to have an act of life, come and take Refuge in the Safe Boat of My Arms, saying to me: “My Mama, my will wants to betray me, and I deliver it to You, that You may Put the Divine Will in its place.”

Oh, how Happy I will be, in being able to say: “My child is all Mine, because she Lives from Divine Will.”  And I will Make the Holy Spirit Descend into your soul, that He may Burn away from you all that is human; and by His Refreshing Breath, He may Rule over you and Confirm you in the Divine Will.”

When He made this intricate design

He varied its beauties,

so that some levels

were far more glorious than others,

To the degree that one level

is higher than another,

so too is its glory

the more sublime.

In this way He allots

the foothills to the most lowly,

the slopes to those in between

and the heights to the exalted.

When the just ascend its various levels

they receive their inheritance,

with justice He raises up each one

to the degree that accords with his labors;

each is stopped at the level

whereof he is worthy,

there being sufficient levels in Paradise

for everyone;

the lowest parts for the repentant,

the middle for the righteous,

the heights for those victorious,

while the summit is reserved for God’s presence.

Noah made the animals live

in the lowest part of the Ark;

in the middle part

he lodged the birds,

while Noah himself, like the Deity,

resided on the upper deck.

On Mount Sinai it was the people

who dwelt below,

the priests round about it,

and Aaron halfway up,

while Moses was on its heights,

and the Glorious One on the Summit.

A symbol of the divisions

in that Garden of Life

did Moses trace out in the Ark

and on Mount Sinai too;

he depicted for us the types of Paradise

with all its arrangements:

harmonious, fair and desirable

in all things —

in its height, its beauty,

its fragrance, and its different species.

Here is the harbor of all riches,

whereby the Church is depicted.

[Hymns on Paradise. 2:10-14 – St. Ephrem] 

Echoing the Prayers of Luisa:  Seven Glory Be’s in honor of the Holy Spirit, praying that His Prodigies be Renewed over the whole Church; and the following prayers from V17- May 17, 1925:

            “Supreme Majesty, I come to requite You in Love for everything that the Sanctifier does for those who are to be sanctified.  I come to enter into the order of Grace, so as to be able to give You the Glory and the Requital of Love as if all had made themselves saints, and to Repair You for all the oppositions and lack of correspondence to Grace.”           

            “Spirit Sanctifier, hurry, I implore You, I pray You again—make Your Will Known to all, so that, by knowing It, they may love It, and may welcome Your First Act of their Complete Sanctification—which is Your Holy Will.”


Day 4 – Monday 

 “Give Me your hearts” – Sister Mary Ephrem to her confessor 4/25/57:

“I am indeed the Mother of Sorrows, and it is My children who pierce My Heart. Their lives are filled with vanity and selfishness. They love My Son with their lips but not in their hearts. They refuse to follow Me and My Son along the Way of the Cross, because they have no love. Love gives, love does not count the cost. But for most souls, love asks too much. They are willing to receive, in abundance, but they will not give. A full heart cannot receive love. It must first be emptied. It must give all, then it will receive all. Oh My children, give Me your hearts, emptied of all self-seeking and sinful pleasures, and I will fill it with Divine Love. I will give you Jesus, to hold in your hearts. He will fill it and then, Jesus will Live in you and Work through you for the Glory of His Father. Oh My children turn your Mother’s Sorrow into Joy. Take the Sword out of My Wounded Heart by doing what I Ask. I Seek only the Glory of My Son and your greater good. Listen to your Mother’s Voice and be the Consolation of My Immaculate Heart.”

 V18 – 11.5.25 – “I was fusing myself in the Holy Divine Volition according to my usual way; and while I was trying, as much as I could, to requite my Jesus with my little love for all that He has done in Redemption, my Lovable and Sweet Love, Jesus, Moving in my interior, Told me:  “My daughter, with your Flight in My Will, Reach all the Sacraments Instituted by Me; Descend into the Depths of them, to give Me your little requital of Love.  Oh! how many of My Secret Tears you will find, how many Bitter Sighs, how many Suffocated Moans of the Holy Spirit.  His Moaning is Continuous, before the Many Disillusions of Our Love.  The Sacraments were Instituted in order to Continue My Life on earth in the midst of My children.  But, alas! How Many Sorrows.  This is why I Feel the Necessity of your little Love.  It may be small, but My Will shall Make it Great.  My Love does not tolerate for One who Must Live in My Will not to associate herself with My Sorrows, and not to give Me her little requital of Love for all that I have done and that I Suffer.  Therefore, My daughter, see how My Love Moans in the Sacraments.

“If I see a newborn being Baptized, I Cry with Sorrow, because, while through Baptism I Restore his innocence, I find My child again, I Give Back to him the Rights over Creation which he had lost, I Smile at him with Love and Satisfaction, I Make the enemy flee from him, that he may no longer have any right over him, I Entrust him to the Angels, and All of Heaven makes Feast for him—soon My Smile Turns into Sorrow, the Feast into Mourning.  I see that the one who is Baptized will be an enemy of Mine, a new Adam, and maybe even a lost soul.  Oh! how My Love Moans in each Baptism; especially, then, if one adds that the minister who is Baptizing does not do it with that respect, dignity and decorum which befit a Sacrament that contains the New Regeneration.  Ah! many times they pay more attention to a bagatelle, to whatever show, than to administering a Sacrament.  So, My Love Feels Itself being pricked by the Baptizer and by the one who is Baptized, and it Moans with Unutterable Moans.  Would you not want, then, to give Me a Requital of Love, a Loving Moan, for each Baptism, so as to keep company with My Sorrowful Moans?

“Move on to the Sacrament of Confirmation.  Ah! How many Bitter Sighs.  While, through Confirmation, I Restore his courage, I Give Back to him the lost Strengths, Rendering him invincible to all enemies and to his passions, and he is admitted to the Ranks of the Militia of his Creator, that he may fight for the acquisition of the Celestial Fatherland, and the Holy Spirit Gives him His Loving Kiss Again, Lavishes a Thousand Caresses on him, and Offers Himself as the Companion of his career—yet, many times He Feels Himself being requited with the kiss of a traitor, His Caresses being despised, His Company shunned.  How Many Moans, how Many Sighs for his return, how Many Secret Voices to the heart, for the one who shuns Him—to the point of Tiring Himself from Speaking.  But—no, it is in vain.  Therefore, do you not want to give your Requital of Love, your loving kiss, your company to the Holy Spirit, Who Moans because of so much neglection?”

More fitting to be told

than the glorious account

of Paradise

are the exploits of the victorious 

who adorned themselves

with the very likeness of Paradise;

in them is depicted

the beauty of the Garden.

[Hymns on Paradise – St. Ephrem] 

Echoing the Prayers of Luisa:  Seven Glory Be’s in honor of the Holy Spirit, praying that His Prodigies be Renewed over the whole Church; and the following prayers from V17- May 17, 1925:

            “Supreme Majesty, I come to requite You in Love for everything that the Sanctifier does for those who are to be sanctified.  I come to enter into the order of Grace, so as to be able to give You the Glory and the Requital of Love as if all had made themselves saints, and to Repair You for all the oppositions and lack of correspondence to Grace.”           

            “Spirit Sanctifier, hurry, I implore You, I pray You again—make Your Will Known to all, so that, by knowing It, they may love It, and may welcome Your First Act of their Complete Sanctification—which is Your Holy Will.”


Day 5 – Tuesday

 “Under My Mantle I will hide My children” – from a letter by Sister to her confessor 5/5/57: “I am the Mother of Mercy. Under My Mantle I will hide My children. The Justice of God will not reach them if they seek Refuge ‘neath the Protection of My Mercy. My Son gives to Me all those souls who come to Me with Confidence, calling upon My Aid. Their Salvation is in My Hands. I will Obtain for them the Necessary Graces to Save their souls. Come to Me, poor, suffering and frightened ones. I am your Mother. I will not forsake you. Only come to Me with a wholehearted and loving trust. Place your souls into My Keeping. I am that Faithful Mother who never forsakes her children. Honor Me by your confidence and love. This I Desire and ask of you My poor children. Do not deny the Wishes of your Mother.”

 V18- 11.5.25 (continued) – “But, do not stop, keep flying, and you will hear the Anguishing Moans of the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Penance.  How much ingratitude, how many abuses and profanations, on the part of those who administer it and on the part of those who receive it.  In this Sacrament, My Blood Places Itself in Act Over the contrite sinner, in order to Descend upon his soul, to Wash him, Embellish him, Heal him and Strengthen him, to Give Back to him the lost Grace, to place in his hands the Keys of Heaven, which sin had snatched away from him; to Impress on his forehead the Peacemaking Kiss of Forgiveness.  But, ah! How Many Harrowing Moans, in seeing souls approaching this Sacrament of Penance without sorrow, out of habit, almost as a vent of the human heart.  Others—horrible to be said—instead of going to find the Life of their souls, of Grace, go to find death, to pour out their passions.  So, the Sacrament is reduced to a mockery, to a nice chat; and My Blood, instead of Descending as a Bath, Descends as Fire, which withers them even more.  And so, in each Confession, Our Love Cries Inconsolably and, Sobbing, Repeats:  ‘Human ingratitude, how great you are.  Everywhere you try to offend Me; and while I Offer you Life, you turn the Very Life I Offer you into death.’  See, then, how Our Moans Await your Requital of Love in the Sacrament of Penance.

“Do not let your Love stop; go through all the Tabernacles, through each Sacramental Host, and in each Host you will hear the Holy Spirit Moan with Unutterable Sorrow.  The Sacrament of the Eucharist is not only their own life that souls receive, but is My Very Life that Gives Itself to them.  So, the Fruit of this Sacrament is to Form My Life in them, and each Communion Serves to Make My Life Grow, to Develop It, in such a Way that one may be able to say:  ‘I am another Christ’.  But, alas!, How few take advantage of it.  Even more, how many times I Descend into hearts and they make Me find the weapons to Wound Me, and Repeat for Me the Tragedy of My Passion.  And as the Sacramental Species are consumed, instead of pressing Me to Stay with them, I AM Forced to Leave Bathed with Tears, Crying over My Sacramental Lot; and I find no one who calms My Crying and My Sorrowful Moans.  If you could break those Veils of the Host, which Cover Me, you would find Me Bathed with Crying, Knowing the Lot that Awaits Me in Descending into hearts.  Therefore, let your Requital of Love for Each Host be Continuous, in order to Calm My Crying, and to render less Sorrowful the Moans of the Holy Spirit.

“Do not stop, otherwise We will not find you Always Together with Us in Our Moans and in Our Secret Tears; We will Feel the Void of your Requital of Love.  Descend into the Sacrament of Ordination.  Here, yes, you will find Our Most Intimate Hidden Sorrows, the Most Bitter Tears, the Most Harrowing Moans.  The Ordination constitutes man to a Supreme Height, to a Divine Character—the Repeater of My Life, the administer of the Sacraments, the revealer of My secrets, of My Gospel, of the Most Sacred Science; the peacemaker between Heaven and earth, the bearer of Jesus to souls.  But, alas! How many times We See, in the ordained one, how he will be a Judas for Us, a usurper of the character which is being Impressed in him.  Oh! how the Holy Spirit Moans in Seeing, in the ordained one, the Most Sacred Things, the Greatest Character which exists between Heaven and earth, being snatched away from Him.  How many profanations!  Each act of this ordained one, not done according to the Character Impressed, will be a Cry of Sorrow, a Bitter Crying, a Harrowing Moan.  The Ordination is the Sacrament which Encloses all other Sacraments Together.  Therefore, if the ordained one is able to preserve whole within himself the Character he has received, he will almost place all other Sacraments in safety, he will be the defender and the savior of Jesus Himself.  But, not Seeing this in the ordained one, Our Sorrows are Sharpened More, Our Moans become More Continuous and Sorrowful.  Therefore, let your Requital of Love flow in each priestly act, to keep company with the Moaning Love of the Holy Spirit.”

Adam had been most pure

in that fair Garden,

but he became leprous and repulsive

because the serpent has breathed on him.

The Garden cast him out from its midst;

all shining, it thrust him forth. 

The High Priest, the Exalted One,

beheld him

cast out from Himself:

He stooped down and came to him,

He cleansed him with hyssop,

and led him back to Paradise.

[Hymns on Paradise 4:4 – St. Ephrem] 

Echoing the Prayers of Luisa:  Seven Glory Be’s in honor of the Holy Spirit, praying that His Prodigies be Renewed over the whole Church; and the following prayers from V17- May 17, 1925:

            “Supreme Majesty, I come to requite You in Love for everything that the Sanctifier does for those who are to be sanctified.  I come to enter into the order of Grace, so as to be able to give You the Glory and the Requital of Love as if all had made themselves saints, and to Repair You for all the oppositions and lack of correspondence to Grace.”           

            “Spirit Sanctifier, hurry, I implore You, I pray You again—make Your Will Known to all, so that, by knowing It, they may love It, and may welcome Your First Act of their Complete Sanctification—which is Your Holy Will.”


Day 6 – Wednesday

 Healing waters of Our Lady of America – Our Lord Jesus to Sister Mary Ephrem – 3/6/57: “Let My Love, surrounding you and filling you, draw souls to Me in great multitudes. Such is My Will, oh My beloved one. Open then your heart that I may pour into it without ceasing, the Sweet Waters of My Undying and Saving Charity. For it is from this Fountain of Life, which Springs forth from My Divine Heart that men will receive Eternal Life. It was to obtain this for them that I Lived, Suffered and Died.”

Just as holy water is used as a symbol or sign of Baptism for entering into the Catholic Church, the healing waters of Our Lady of America will be for us a sign to help us enter into the Second Baptism of the Sacrament of the Divine Will – to enter into this Great Gift of God’s Holy Divine Will.

 V18 – 11.5.25 (continued) – “Lend Us the ear of your heart and listen to Our Profound Moans in the Sacrament of Marriage.  How many disorders in it!  Marriage was Elevated by Me to a Sacrament, in order to Place in it a Sacred Bond, the Symbol of the Sacrosanct Trinity, the Divine Love which It Encloses.  So, the Love which was to Reign in the father, mother and children, the concord, the peace, was to Symbolize the Celestial Family.  I was to have on earth as many other families similar to the Family of the Creator, Destined to populate the earth like as many Terrestrial Angels, to then Bring them Back to Populate the Celestial Regions.  But, ah! How Many Moans in Seeing families of sin being formed in the Marriage, which symbolize hell, with discord, with lack of love, with hatred, and which populate the earth like many rebellious angels, who will serve to populate hell.  The Holy Spirit Moans with Harrowing Moans in each Marriage, in Seeing So Many infernal dens being formed on earth.  Therefore, place your Requital of Love in each Marriage, in each creature which comes to the light; in this way, your Loving Moan will render Less Sorrowful Our Continuous Moans.

“Our Moans are not yet finished; therefore, let your Requital of Love reach the bed of the dying one when the Sacrament of the Extreme Unction is administered.  But, ah! How many Moans, how many of Our Secret Tears!  This Sacrament has the Virtue of Placing the dying sinner in Safety at any cost; it is the Confirmation of Sanctity for the good and the holy; it is the Last Bond which it Establishes, through its Unction, between the creature and God; it is the Seal of Heaven which it Impresses in the Redeemed soul; it is the infusion of the merits of the Redeemer, in order to enrich her, purify her and embellish her; it is the final brush Stroke which the Holy Spirit Gives her in order to Dispose her to depart from the earth, so as to make her appear before her Creator.  In sum, the Extreme Unction is the Final Display of Our Love, and the Final Clothing of the soul; it is the Rearranging of all the good works; therefore, it Acts in a Surprising Way in those who are alive to Grace.  With the Extreme Unction, the soul is as though Covered by a Celestial Dew, which Extinguishes, as though in One Breath, her passions, her attachment to the earth and to all that does not belong to Heaven.  But, alas! How many Moans, how many Bitter Tears, how many indispositions, how many negligences.  How many losses of souls; how few the sanctities it finds to be Confirmed; how scarce the good works to be Reordered and Rearranged.  Oh! if all could hear Our Moans, Our Crying, over the bed of the dying one, in the act of administering the Sacrament of the Extreme Unction—all would cry with sorrow.  Do you not want, then, to give Us your Requital of Love for each time this Sacrament is administered, which is the Final Display of Our Love toward the creature?  Our Will Awaits you Everywhere, to have your Requital of Love and your company with Our Moans and Sighs.”

What need was there

that from that land

a river should flow forth

and divide itself,

except that the blessing of Paradise

should be mingled by means of water

 as it issues forth

to irrigate the world,

making clean its fountains

that had become polluted by curses

— just as that “sickly water”

had been made wholesome by the salt.

[Hymns on Paradise 11:11 – St. Ephrem]

Echoing the Prayers of Luisa:  Seven Glory Be’s in honor of the Holy Spirit, praying that His Prodigies be Renewed over the whole Church; and the following prayers from V17- May 17, 1925:

            “Supreme Majesty, I come to requite You in Love for everything that the Sanctifier does for those who are to be sanctified.  I come to enter into the order of Grace, so as to be able to give You the Glory and the Requital of Love as if all had made themselves saints, and to Repair You for all the oppositions and lack of correspondence to Grace.”           

            “Spirit Sanctifier, hurry, I implore You, I pray You again—make Your Will Known to all, so that, by knowing It, they may love It, and may welcome Your First Act of their Complete Sanctification—which is Your Holy Will.”


Day 7 – Thursday

 Our Lady of America on the Pure Life of Jesus and Mary to Sister Mary Ephrem on 11/15/56:

“My child, I entrust you with this message that you must make known to My children in America. I wish it to be the country dedicated to My Purity. The Wonders I will work will be the Wonders of the soul. They must have faith and believe firmly in My Love for them. I Desire that they be the children of My Pure Heart. I Desire, through My children of America, to further the cause of Faith and Purity among peoples and nations. Let them come to me with confidence and simplicity, and I, their Mother, will Teach them to become Pure Like to My Heart that their own hearts may be more pleasing to the Heart of my Son.”

 V20 – 9.20.26 – “It is My Will Alone that Places the Creator and the creature, the Redeemer and the redeemed ones, the Sanctifier and the sanctified ones, in Accord and in Communication.  Without It, it is as if Creation and Redemption were nothing for them, because that which makes Flow the Life and the Goods that they Contain, is missing.  The Very Sacraments will Serve them as condemnation, because since My Will is missing in them, that which breaks the Veil of the Sacraments so as to give them the Fruit and the Life they Contain, is missing.  Therefore, My Will is Everything; without It, Our Most Beautiful Works, Our Greatest Prodigies, remain extraneous to the poor creatures, because It Alone is the Depository of all Our Works, and therefore only through It can these be Given Birth for creatures.  Oh! if all knew what it means to do or not to do My Will, they would all place themselves in accord with It in order to receive all Possible and Imaginable Goods, and the Transmission of the Very Divine Life.”

 V31 – 10.16.32 – “What a crime to impede the Walk, the Step of My Volition in the will of the creature.  Thus I Created creatures in order to Form for Myself Many Ways in the human wills, to be able to have My Continuous Walk, and therefore My Operative Act in them.  And the one who impedes My Walk would want to impede Me in the Continuation of My Creation, to block My Steps and tie My Hands so that I would not be able to Operate.  Alas! not doing My Will seems to be nothing, and yet it is the Greatest of crimes that before the Divine Majesty cries out vengeance toward poor creatures, especially when it is known that My Will does a Work, that It Wants a sacrifice, and not doing it is as if one wanted to contest the Truth. And this is a sin against the Holy Spirit, and cries out for vengeance before God.  To know My Will and not do It is to close Heaven, to break the Divine Relations, and to not know the Divine Command that every creature is Obligated to know and to submit to what My Volition Wants, even though it might cost them their life.  Therefore be Attentive, adore My Will and what It has Disposed for you if you want to content your Jesus.”

Let us take leave of the trees

and tell of the victors,

instead of the inheritance

let us celebrate the inheritors. [Hymns on Paradise 6:14 – St. Ephrem]

Echoing the Prayers of Luisa:  Seven Glory Be’s in honor of the Holy Spirit, praying that His Prodigies be Renewed over the whole Church; and the following prayers from V17- May 17, 1925:

            “Supreme Majesty, I come to requite You in Love for everything that the Sanctifier does for those who are to be sanctified.  I come to enter into the order of Grace, so as to be able to give You the Glory and the Requital of Love as if all had made themselves saints, and to Repair You for all the oppositions and lack of correspondence to Grace.”           

            “Spirit Sanctifier, hurry, I implore You, I pray You again—make Your Will Known to all, so that, by knowing It, they may love It, and may welcome Your First Act of their Complete Sanctification—which is Your Holy Will.”


Day 8 – Friday

 Jesus Speaks – “We will Come and make Our Abode with you” – Sister Mary Ephrem wrote in the fall of 1954: “My children every home and every soul is My Father’s house, for He made them and they are His, but many of them are no longer Sanctified by His Presence. Thieves have entered in and stolen from Him, His temples of prayer…If, My children, you will cleanse your temples My Father will Return and We will Come and make Our Abode with you.”

 V24 – 7.29.28 – “You Must Know that during the Course of My mortal Life, in Everything I did, I Always Blessed.  It was the First Act of Creation that I Called Back upon creatures, and in order to Confirm it, in Blessing I Invoked the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit.  The Very Sacraments are Animated by these Blessings and Invocations.  So, while Calling the Likeness to the Creator within souls, My Blessing Calls also the Life of My Divine Will, that It may Return as in the Beginning of Creation to Reign in souls, because My Will Alone has the Virtue of Painting in them, Vividly, the Likeness of He Who Created them, of Making it Grow and of Preserving it with the Vivid Divine Colors.

“See then, what Blessing means:  Confirmation of Our Creative Work, because the Work We Do Once is So Filled with Wisdom, and with Sublimity and Beauty, that We Love to Repeat it Always.  And if Our Blessing is nothing other than the Longing of Our Heart to See Our Image Restored in creatures, as well as the Repetition of Our Confirmation of what We Want to Do, the Sign of the Cross that the Church teaches to the faithful is nothing other than impetrating Our Likeness on the part of creatures; and so, Echoing Our Blessing, they repeat:  ‘In the Name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.’  Therefore, without knowing it, the Church and all the faithful Harmonize with the Eternal Creator, and all want the same thing:  God, by Blessing and Pronouncing the Words, ‘Father, Son and Holy Spirit,’ Wants to Give His Likeness; creatures impetrate it by making the Sign of the Cross, pronouncing the same words.”

The Lord of all

is the treasure store of all things:

upon each according to his capacity

He bestows a glimpse

of the beauty of His hiddenness,

of the splendor of His majesty.

 He is the radiance who, in His love,

makes everyone shine

— the small, with flashes of light from Him,

the perfect, with rays more intense,

but only His child is sufficient

for the might of His glory.

[Hymns on Paradise – St. Ephrem]

Echoing the Prayers of Luisa:  Seven Glory Be’s in honor of the Holy Spirit, praying that His Prodigies be Renewed over the whole Church; and the following prayers from V17- May 17, 1925:

            “Supreme Majesty, I come to requite You in Love for everything that the Sanctifier does for those who are to be sanctified.  I come to enter into the order of Grace, so as to be able to give You the Glory and the Requital of Love as if all had made themselves saints, and to Repair You for all the oppositions and lack of correspondence to Grace.”        

            “Spirit Sanctifier, hurry, I implore You, I pray You again—make Your Will Known to all, so that, by knowing It, they may love It, and may welcome Your First Act of their Complete Sanctification—which is Your Holy Will.”


Day 9 – Saturday

           – Vigil of Pentecost

           – Mary, Mediatrix of All Graces

 “All the Glory of the King’s Daughter is Within” – Sister describes Our Lady, the Immaculate Tabernacle of the Indwelling God in a letter dated 11/22-23/57: “Our Lady Appeared, standing on a globe, Her right foot resting on a crescent moon, the left on the snout of a small fire breathing dragon. She was Dressed all in White and Her hair could be seen through Her transparent Veil which was long enough to half envelope the globe. The Veil was held about Her Head by a Wreath of White Roses, and a White Rose rested on each foot. On Her Breast, the Triangle and the Eye, the symbol of the Divine Indwelling, could be visibly seen. A strong Beam of Light shown from the Divine Presence within Our Lady onto the globe at Her feet. Then halfway around the figure of Our Lady above Her head Appeared a Scroll on which were written in letters of Gold the Words: “All the Glory of the King’s daughter is within” (Psalm 44) Though it did not appear that Her Lips moved, I heard these words quite plainly: ‘I am Our Lady of the Divine Indwelling, Handmaid of Him Who Dwells Within.’

 V22 – 6.12.27 – “I was following the Acts of the Divine Fiat according to my usual way, in order to Repair and Bind all the Relations between Creator and creature, between Redeemer and redeemed ones, between Sanctifier and sanctified ones, broken by the human will; and my Beloved Jesus, Moving in my interior, told me:  “My daughter, one who wants to know all the Relations existing between Creator and creature, and to keep their Bonds in Force, Must let My Divine Will Reign within herself with Absolute Dominion. And one who wants to know and Receive all the Relations and Bonds of Sanctity, Must Love the Sanctifier.  The Holy Spirit Puts His Flames on the Way Toward one who Truly Loves, and Binds her with the Relations of His Sanctity.  Without Love there is no Sanctity, because the Bonds of True Sanctity are already broken.”

 V18 – 10.1.25 – “One who does My Will and Lives in It Maintains Whole the Bonds of Creation which Exist Between Creator and creature, the Bonds of Redemption, and the Bonds Between the Sanctifier and the ones who are being Sanctified.  My Will Seals all these Bonds and Renders the creature Inseparable from Me.  Therefore, be sure that your Jesus does not leave you.”

The effortless power,

the arm which never tires,

planted this Paradise,

adorned it without effort.

But it is the effort of free will

that adorns the Church with all manner of fruits. 

The creator saw the Church

and was pleased;

He resided in that Paradise

which she had planted for His honor,

just as He had planted the Garden

for her delight.

[Hymns on Paradise. 6:10 – St. Ephrem]

Echoing the Prayers of Luisa:  Seven Glory Be’s in honor of the Holy Spirit, praying that His Prodigies be Renewed over the whole Church; and the following prayers from V17- May 17, 1925:

            “Supreme Majesty, I come to requite You in Love for everything that the Sanctifier does for those who are to be sanctified.  I come to enter into the order of Grace, so as to be able to give You the Glory and the Requital of Love as if all had made themselves saints, and to Repair You for all the oppositions and lack of correspondence to Grace.”

            “Spirit Sanctifier, hurry, I implore You, I pray You again—make Your Will Known to all, so that, by knowing It, they may love It, and may welcome Your First Act of their Complete Sanctification—which is Your Holy Will.”



            – Our Lady Virgin Mother of Grace         

           – Feast of St. Ephrem

 Sister writes on February 11, I heard these words addressed to me by Our Lady:

            “I am the Mother of the Sacred Humanity, and it is My Special Work as Co-Redemptrix of the human race to Help souls reach the Sanctity of the Father in Eternal Union by Showing them how to put on Christ, to imbibe His Spirit, and thus become One with Him.”

 V17 – 5.1.25 – “In addition to Myself, there is My Celestial Mama, who was given the Unique Mission of Mother of a Son-God, and the Office of Co-Redemptrix of mankind.  For Her Mission of Divine Maternity, She was Enriched with So Much Grace, that all that belongs to the other creatures, both Celestial and terrestrial, United all Together, will never be able to equal Her.  But this was not enough to Draw the Word into Her Maternal Womb; She Embraced All creatures, She Loved, Repaired, Adored the Supreme Majesty for All, in Such a Way as to Accomplish, Herself Alone, All that the human generations Owed God.  So, in Her Virginal Heart She had an Inexhaustible Vein toward God and toward all creatures.  When the Divinity found in this Virgin the Requital of the Love of All, It felt Enraptured, and Formed in Her Its Conception.  And as She Conceived Me, She took on the Office of Co-Redemptrix, and She took part in, and Embraced Together with Me, All the Pains, the Satisfactions, the Reparations, the Maternal Love toward all.  So, in the Heart of My Mother there was a Fiber of Maternal Love toward each creature.  This is why, when I was on the Cross, in Truth and with Justice I Declared Her the Mother of All.  She Ran together with Me in the Love, in the Pains – in everything; She never left Me Alone.  If the Eternal One had not placed So Much Grace in Her as to be able to receive the Love of All from Her Alone, He would never have Moved from Heaven to Come upon earth to Redeem mankind.  Here is the Necessity, the Befittingness, that, having the Mission of Mother of the Word, She Embrace and Surpass Everything.”

The keys of doctrine

which unlock all of Scripture’s books,

have opened up before my eyes

the book of creation,

the treasure house of the Ark,

the crown of the Law. – [Hymns on Paradise – St. Ephrem] 

Pentecost Prayer: “Heavenly Father, I pray in the Most Holy Divine Will, in the Name of Jesus, Under the Mantle of Mary, and through the Intercession of Luisa and Sister Mary Ephrem, as well as all the Angels and Saints, that The Holy Spirit Come with His Divine Fire and Sanctify the earth.

Come Holy Spirit, Fill the hearts of those who are Linked to Luisa with the Inextinguishable Fire of Your Divine Love; the Fire of Divine Love that Transmutes the soul in God; the Fire of Divine Love that with Its Flames Invests all the human operations and gives them the Form of Divine Operations.

Come Holy Spirit, Fill those who are Linked to Luisa with the Fire of Your Divine Will that Contains Such Power as to be a New Baptism for the soul, as Jesus told Luisa, “Even More than Baptism itself.”  Wash from us every stain, and Give us that New Baptism that will Strengthen us in Grace, to be Admitted to Live with You on earth as it is in Heaven.

Come Holy Spirit, Baptize those who are Linked to Luisa with the Baptism of Your Divine Fire.  Restore and Heal us with Your Breath of Fire.  Purify us with Your Divine Fire and Devour and Consume all our passions and evil tendencies, and finding our souls naked, with no extraneous humors, it will be Easy for You, Holy Spirit, to Convert us into Your Very Divine Fire.  Let us feel the Burning of Your Divine Fire and the Palpitating Divine Life of our Creator so that all mankind will Return to be the “Bearer of his Creator.”  Then You, Triune God, will Feel the Happiness, Glory and Appreciation for Your Creative Work, as it Returns Love into Your Divine Womb, as it Came Out, in a Fire of Love from Your Paternal Bosom.

Come Holy Spirit with Your Divine Fire of Your Divine Love and Sanctify the earth. We ask this in the Name of Jesus, our Spouse and King, Under the Mantle of Mary, Our Mother and Queen, and through the Intercession of the little daughter of the Divine Will, Luisa Piccarreta.  Amen.



We gather about you, O Chaste and Holy Mother, Virgin Immaculate, Patroness of our beloved Land, determined to fight under Your Banner of Holy Purity against the wickedness that would make all the world an abyss of evil, without God and without Your Loving Maternal Care.

We consecrate our hearts, our homes, our Land to Your Most Pure Heart, O Great Queen, that the Kingdom of Your Son, our Redeemer and our God, may be firmly established in us.

We ask no special Sign of You, Sweet Mother, for we believe in Your Great Love for us, and we place in You our entire confidence. We promise to honor You by faith, love, and the purity of our lives according to Your Desire.

Reign over us, then, O Virgin Immaculate, with your Son Jesus Christ. May His Divine Heart and Your Most Chaste Heart be ever Enthroned and Glorified among us. Use us, your children of America, as Your instruments in bringing peace among men and nations. Work Your Miracles of Grace in us, so that we may be a Glory to the Blessed Trinity, Who Created, Redeemed, and Sanctifies us.

May your valiant Spouse, St. Joseph, with the Holy Angels and Saints, assist You and us in “Renewing the face of the earth.” Then when our work is over, come, Holy Immaculate Mother, and as our Victorious Queen, Lead us to the Eternal Kingdom, where Your Son Reigns Forever as King. Amen (200 days)

Written at the behest of Our Lady, October 5, 1956.

Nihil Obstat:-Daniel Pilarczyk, S.T.D.

Imprimatur:-†Paul F. Leibold, V.G.

Cincinnati, January 25, 1963



 O my Love, my only Good, Most Holy Trinity, I adore You, hidden in the depths of my soul. To You, to Your honor and glory, I dedicate my life. May every thought, word and deed of mine be an act of adoration and praise directed towards Your Divine Majesty enthroned in my heart.

O Father, Infinite Goodness, behold Your child, clothed in the likeness of Your Son. Extend to me Your arms that I may belong to You forever.

O Son, Divine Lord, made man, crucify me with Yourself that I may become, in union with You, a sacrifice of praise for the glory of Your Father.

O Holy Spirit, Fire of Everlasting Love, consume me on the altar of Divine Charity, that at the end of life, nothing may remain but that which bears the likeness of Christ.

O Blessed Trinity, worthy of all adoration, I wish to remain in spirit on my knees, to acknowledge forever Your reign in me and over me, to Your everlasting glory.

Through the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the pure heart of St. Joseph, I consecrate my life to Your adoration and glory.

At the moment of death, receive me, O my Triune Love, that I may continue my adoration of love through all eternity. Amen. (200 days)

Nihil Obstat: Daniel Pilarczyk, S.T.D.

Imprimatur: +Paul F. Leibold, V.G.

Cincinnati, Jan. 25, 1963 

“By Thy Holy and Immaculate Conception O Mary, deliver us from evil.”


5/31 Novena for Pentecost – From this Friday May 31st, to Pentecost Sunday June 9th

The apostles and disciples, gathered together in the Cenacle as commanded by Christ, “were persevering with one mind in prayer, with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus.”

The Novena preparatory to Pentecost begins on the Friday after the Ascension of the Lord (Proper).  Links to two Pentecost Novena’s – that are on this website under the “Prayers” heading” – are given here:

Click here for the Novena to the Holy Spirit in the Holy Divine Will


Click here for another Novena to the Holy Spirit


5/31 Offering of the human will to the Celestial Queen

Most Sweet Mama, here I am, prostrate at the foot of Your Throne. I am Your little daughter, I want to give You all my filial love, and as Your daughter, I want to braid all the little sacrifices, the ejaculatory prayers, my promises to never do my will, which I have made many times during this month of Graces. And forming a crown, I want to place it on Your lap as attestation of love and thanksgiving for my Mama.

But this is not enough; I want You to take it in Your hands as the sign that You accept my gift, and at the touch of Your Maternal fingers, convert it into many suns, for at least as many times as I have tried to do the Divine Will in my little acts.

Ah! Yes, Mother Queen, Your daughter wants to give You homages of Light and of Most Refulgent Suns. I know that You have many of these Suns, but they are not the Suns of Your daughter; so I want to give You mine, to tell You that I Love You, and to bind You to Loving me. Holy Mama, You smile at me and, all Goodness, You accept my gift; and I thank You from the heart. But I want to tell You many things; I want to enclose my pains, my fears, my weaknesses, my whole being in Your Maternal Heart, as the place of my refuge—I want to consecrate my will to You. O please! My Mama, accept it; make of it a Triumph of Grace, and a field on which the Divine Will may extend Its Kingdom. This will of mine, consecrated to You, will render us inseparable, and will keep us in continuous relations. The doors of Heaven will not be closed for me, because, as I have consecrated my will to You, You will give me Yours in exchange. So, either the Mama will come and stay with her daughter on earth, or the daughter will go to Live with her Mama in Heaven. O! How Happy I will be.

Listen, dearest Mama, in order to make the consecration of my will to You more solemn, I call the Sacrosanct Trinity, all the Angels, all the Saints, and before all I protest—and with an oath—to make the Solemn Consecration of my will to my Celestial Mama.

And now, Sovereign Queen, as the fulfillment, I ask for Your Holy Blessing, for myself and for all. May Your Blessing be the Celestial Dew which descends upon sinners to convert them, and upon the afflicted to console them. May it descend upon the whole world and Transform it in Good; may it descend upon the purging souls and extinguish the fire that burns them. May Your Maternal Blessing be Pledge of Salvation for all souls.  Amen

5/13 Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament (Traditional)

“Now, when I Instituted the Most Holy Sacrament, I Looked for this creature, and My Queen Mama Offered Herself to Receive this Act of Mine and the Deposit of this Great Gift, saying to Me: ‘My Son, just as I Offered You My Womb and My Whole Being in Your Conception, to Keep You Safe and Defended, I Now Offer You My Maternal Heart in Order to Receive this Great Deposit, and I Line Up, Around Your Sacramental Life, My Affections, My Heartbeats, My Love, My Thoughts – All of Myself, to Keep You Defended, Surrounded by Cortège, Loved, Protected. I Myself Take On the Commitment to Repay You for the Great Gift You are Giving. Trust Your Mama, and I will Take care of the Defense of Your Sacramental Life. And since You Yourself have Constituted Me Queen of All Creation, I have the Right to Line Up Around You All the Light of the sun as Homage and Adoration, the stars, the heavens, the sea, all the inhabitants of the air – I Place Everything Around You, to Give You Love and Glory.’ Now, Ensuring a Place for Myself in which to Put this Great Deposit of My Sacramental Life, and Trusting My Mama, who had Given Me All the Proofs of Her Faithfulness, I Instituted the Most Holy Sacrament. She was the Only Worthy creature who could Keep, Defend and Protect My Act. See, then, when creatures receive Me, I Descend into them Together with the Acts of My Inseparable Mama; and Only because of this can I Perpetuate My Sacramental Life.” – V21 – 4.16.27


SUNDAY 19 MAY 2019
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Salvini: “I personally entrust Italy, my life and your life to the Immaculate Heart of Mary … we entrust ourselves to the six Patrons of this Europe”

The leader of an Italian party yesterday   during a crowded demonstration in Piazza Duomo in Milan he invoked the intercession of the Blessed Virgin and of the Patron Saints of Europe “for the peace and prosperity of our peoples”: words that immediately resounded with emotion in the hearts of the Catholics they love “ usque ad effusionem sanguinis “Jesus and His Church!
The Catholic “ à la rue ” accustomed to carrying the double burden of the daily work and volunteering of the “things of our Mother Church” appreciates those who publicly declare that they trust in God’s help and in the intercession of Our Lady and the Saints.
Nisi Dominus aedificaverit domum, in vanum laboraverunt aedificant eam
The same leader also said he was ready to give his life for Italy.
The Prophet Jeremiah urges us to always trust in the Lord: “Cursed is the man who trusts in man, who places his support in the flesh and draws his heart away from the Lord …. Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord and the Lord is his trust “ (17, 5-7)
That’s why in the words pronounced yesterday in Piazza Duomo in Milan we felt the same accents and the same emotional implications of the past when, for example, a family member or a community were in the process of supporting an important company.
Yesterday’s speech by Minister Salvini: “ for many is a source of embarrassment, for others of skepticism … for others it is still a source of derision. For many true believers, thirsting for true Catholicism, true Hope, it is instead fresh water in the desert sterile of today . … “(Cfr.M.Dionisotti on Facebook)
Immaculate Heart of Mary pray for us who trust in You!
Milan, Salvini invokes the patrons of Europe and kisses the rosary:
“The immaculate heart of Mary will lead us to victory”
We rely on women and men of good will.
We entrust ourselves to the six Patrons of this Europe: to St. Benedict of Norcia, to St. Brigid of Sweden, to St. Catherine of Siena, to Saints Cyril and Methodius, to St. Teresa Benedetta of the Cross.
We rely on them.
And we entrust to them the destiny, the future, the peace and prosperity of our peoples ”.
Then he wields a rosary and adds:
I personally entrust Italy, mine and your life to the Immaculate Heart of Mary which I am sure will lead us to victory, because this Italy, this square, this Europe are the symbol of mothers, fathers, men and women with a smile, with courage, with determination they want peaceful coexistence, they give respect but they ask for respect “.