4/8 The Feast of the Annunciation

The Annunciation

The First Joyful Mystery of the Rosary.  Tomorrow the Church celebrates that day when the Archangel Gabriel requested Our Lady to be the Mother of God.  Mary accepts and declares Herself to be the handmaid of the Lord.

The Annunciation is one of the three most ancient feasts of Our Lady.  The feast probably dates from the Council of Ephesus in 431, when Our Lady was proclaimed the Mother of God.  This proclamation was because of a heresy which denied Mary’s Divine Motherhood.  It was also the Council of Ephesus which added the following words to the Hail Mary:  “Holy Mary Mother of God, pray focus sinners now and at the hour of our death, Amen.”

This feast has been known by many names over the years, including:  the Feast of the Incarnation,” “the beginning of the Redemption,” “the Conception of Christ” and “the Announcing of the Christ.”


– Significance of March 25th: Adam and Eve each being created; the passing of Israel through the Red Sea; the sacrifice of Isaac by his father Abraham; St. John the Baptist’s beheading; Jesus Died on Good Friday March 25th – The day that Mary took her Son’s Body into Her Arms beneath the Cross is the same day that She had taken His Body into Her Womb at the Annunciation; Feast of the Good Thief, St. Dismas, as Jesus Promised him from the Cross “today you will be with me in Paradise”; Our Lady Announced to St. Bernadette at Lourdes that She is “The Immaculate Conception.”


Day Nineteen – The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will.

Now, My daughter, listen to Me: I continued My Life in Nazareth; the Divine Fiat continued to expand Its Kingdom within Me. It used My littlest acts, even the most indifferent ones—such as keeping the little house in order, starting the fire, sweeping, and all the tasks that are usually done in the families—to let Me feel Its Life Palpitating in the fire, in the water, in the food, in the air I breathed— in everything. And Investing them, It formed over my little acts Seas of Light, of Grace, of Sanctity; because wherever It Reigns, the Divine Will has the Power to form, from little trifles, New Heavens of Enchanting Beauty. In fact, being Immense, It does not know how to do small things, but with Its Power It gives Value to trifles, and makes of them the Greatest Things, such as to Astonish Heaven and earth. Everything is Holy, everything is Sacred, for the one who Lives of Divine Will.

Now, daughter of My Heart, pay attention to Me and listen: several days before the descent of the Eternal Word upon earth, I could see Heaven opened and the Sun of the Divine Word at Its doors, as though to look out for the one upon whom He was to take His Flight, to render Himself Celestial Prisoner of a creature. O! How Beautiful it was to see Him at the doors of Heaven, as though on the lookout, and to spy the fortunate creature who was to host Her Creator!

The Sacrosanct Trinity no longer looked at the earth as alien to Them, because there was little Mary who, by possessing the Divine Will, had formed the Divine Kingdom in which He could descend safely, as in His own Dwelling, in which He would find Heaven and the many suns of the many Acts of Divine Will done in My Soul. The Divinity Overflowed with Love, and removing the Mantle of Justice which, for so many centuries, They had kept with creatures, They covered Themselves with the Mantle of Infinite Mercy, and decreed among Themselves the Descent of the Word, and were in the Act of sounding the Hour of the Fulfillment. At this sound, Heaven and earth were Astounded, and all stood at attention, to be spectators of such a Great Excess of Love, and a Prodigy so unheard-of.

Your Mama felt Ignited with Love, and echoing the Love of My Creator, I wanted to form one single Sea of Love, so that the Word might descend upon earth within it. My Prayers were Incessant, and while I was praying in my little room, an Angel came, sent from Heaven as messenger of the Great King. He came before Me, and bowing, he hailed Me: “Hail, O Mary, our Queen; the Divine Fiat has filled You with Grace. He has already pronounced His Fiat— that He wants to descend; He is already behind my shoulders, but He wants Your Fiat to form the Fulfillment of His Fiat.”

At such a great announcement, so much desired by Me— although I had never thought I would be the chosen one—I was stupefied and hesitated one instant. But the Angel of the Lord told Me: “Do not fear, our Queen, for You have found Grace before God. You have Conquered Your Creator; therefore, to complete the Victory—pronounce Your Fiat.”

I pronounced My Fiat, and—O! Marvel—the two Fiats fused together and the Divine Word descended into Me. My Fiat, which was Endowed with same Value as the Divine Fiat, from the Seed of My humanity, formed the tiny little Humanity which was to enclose the Word; and the Great Prodigy of the Incarnation was accomplished.

O! Power of the Supreme Fiat—You raised Me so high as to render Me Powerful, to the point of being able to create within Me that Humanity which was to enclose the Eternal Word, whom Heaven and earth could not contain. The heavens were shaken, and all Creation assumed the attitude of Feast; and exulting with Joy, they peeked over the little house of Nazareth, to give homages and obsequies to the Creator made Man; and in their mute language, they said: “O! Prodigy of prodigies, which only a God could do. Immensity has made itself little, Power has rendered Itself powerless, His Unreachable Height has lowered itself deep into the abyss of the womb of a Virgin, and at the same time, He is little and Immense, Powerful and powerless, Strong and weak.”

My dear daughter, you cannot comprehend what your Mama experienced in the Act of the Incarnation of the Word. All pressed upon Me and awaited My Fiat, I could say, Omnipotent.

Now, dear daughter, listen to Me: how much you should take to heart doing the Divine Will and Living of It. My Power still exists— let Me pronounce My Fiat over your soul. But in order to do this, I want your own. A True Good cannot be done with one alone, but the Greatest Works are always done between two. God Himself did not want to do it on His own, but wanted Me together with Him to form the Great Prodigy of the Incarnation; and in My Fiat and in His, the Life of the Man-God was formed, the destiny of mankind was restored, Heaven was no longer closed; all Goods were enclosed between the two Fiats. Therefore, let us pronounce them together: “Fiat! Fiat!” and My Maternal Love will enclose in you the Life of the Divine Will.

Day Twenty The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will.

My dear daughter, today I await you more than ever. My Maternal Heart is swollen; I feel the need to pour out My Ardent Love with My daughter: I want to say to you that I am the Mother of Jesus. My Joys are Infinite; Seas of Happiness inundate Me. I can say: I am the Mother of Jesus; His creature, His handmaid, is Mother of Jesus—and I owe this only to the Fiat. It rendered Me Full of Grace, It prepared the Worthy Dwelling for My Creator. Therefore, always Glory, Honor and Thanksgiving be to the Supreme Fiat.

Now listen to Me, daughter of My Heart: as soon as the Little Humanity of Jesus was formed in My Womb by the Power of the Divine Fiat, the Sun of the Eternal Word Incarnated Himself in It. I had My Heaven, formed by the Fiat, all studded with Most Refulgent Stars that glittered with Joys, Beatitudes, Harmonies of Divine Beauty; and the Sun of the Eternal Word, Blazing with Inaccessible Light, came to take His Place within this Heaven, hidden in His Little Humanity. And since His Little Humanity could not contain Him, the Center of this Sun remained in It, but Its Light Overflowed outside, and Investing Heaven and earth, It reached every heart. And with Its Pounding of Light, It knocked at each creature, and with Voices of Penetrating Light, It said to them:

“My children, open to Me; give Me a place in your heart. I have descended from Heaven to earth in order to form My Life in each one of you. My Mother is the Center in which I reside, and all My children will be the circumference, in which I want to form so many of My Lives for as many as are My children.” And the Light knocked and knocked again, without ever ceasing; and the Little Humanity of Jesus moaned, cried, agonized, and within that Light which reached into the hearts, He made flow His Tears, His Moans and His Pangs of Love and of Sorrow.

Now, you must know that a New Life began for your Mama. I was aware of everything that My Son was doing. I saw Him devoured by seas of Flames of Love; each one of His Heartbeats, Breaths and Pains were Seas of Love that He unleashed, enveloping all creatures to make them His own by Force of Love and of Sorrow. In fact, you must know that as His Little Humanity was Conceived, He Conceived all the Pains He was to suffer, up to the last day of His Life. He enclosed all souls within Himself, because, as God, no one could escape Him. His Immensity enclosed all creatures, His All-seeingness made them all present to Him. Therefore, My Jesus, My Son, felt the weight and the burden of all the sins of each creature. And I, your Mama, followed Him in everything, and felt within My Maternal Heart the New Generation of the Pains of My Jesus, and the New Generation of all the souls whom, as Mother, together with Jesus I was to Generate to Grace, to Light, to the New Life which My Dear Son came to bring upon earth.

My daughter, you must know that from the moment I was Conceived, I Loved you as Mother, I felt you in My Heart, I Burned with Love for you, but I did not understand why. The Divine Fiat made me do facts, but kept the Secret hidden from Me. But as He Incarnated Himself, He revealed the Secret to Me, and I comprehended the Fecundity of My Maternity—that I was to be not only Mother of Jesus, but Mother of All; and this Maternity was to be formed on the stake of Sorrow and of Love. My daughter, how much I have Loved you, and I Love you.

Now listen to Me, dear daughter—what extent one can reach when the Divine Will takes Operating Life in the creature, and the human will lets It Work without impeding Its Step. This Fiat, which by Nature Possesses the Generative Virtue, Generates all Goods in the creature; It renders her Fecund, giving her Maternity over all, over all Goods, and over He who created her. Maternity says and means True Love, Heroic Love, Love that is content with dying to give Life to the one It has Generated. If this is not there, the word maternity is sterile, is empty, and is reduced to words, but does not exist with facts. Therefore, if you, My daughter, want the Generation of all Goods, let the Fiat take Operating Life in you, which will give you the Maternity, and you will Love everyone with Love of Mother. And I, your Mama, will teach you how to fecundate in you this Maternity, all Holy and Divine.

4/7 Divine Mercy Sunday

Biographical notes about the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta

The Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta was born in Corato, Italy in the Province of Bari, on April 23,1865 and died there in the odor of sanctity on March 4, 1947.

Luisa was born on the first Sunday after Easter (now celebrated as Mercy Sunday) and was baptized that same day. Her father – a few hours after her birth – wrapped her in a blanket and carried her to the parish church where holy Baptism was administered to her.

Baptismal Font where Luisa was Baptised


St. Faustina Kowalska

Saint Faustina Kowalska, in her diary on Divine Mercy, wrote that Our Lord said to her: “I desire that the first Sunday after Easter be the Feast of Mercy. On that day the very depths of my tender mercy are open.” (Source: Divine Mercy in My Soul, 1987, Sister M. Faustina Kowalska)

Jesus emphasized to Saint Faustina that the depths of His Mercy were already open on that day, long before official recognition of the Feast by His Church. With the birth of Luisa Piccarreta on the day which would eventually be proclaimed the Feast of Divine Mercy, Jesus left a special sign of the unique importance of Luisa’s Mission, which her special confessor, Saint Annibale Maria Di Francia, described as “the triumph of the Divine Will in the entire universe.”


Divine Mercy Novena

4/6 Before Christ’s Second Coming…



“Before Christ’s second coming, the Church must pass through a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers (cf. Lc 18, 8; Mt 24, 12). The persecution that accompanies her pilgrimage on earth (cf. Lc 21, 12; Jn 15, 19-20), will unveil the “mystery of iniquity” in the form of a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems at the price of apostasy from the truth. The supreme religious deception is that of the Antichrist, a pseudo-messianism by which man glorifies himself in place of God and of his Messiah come in the flesh (cf. 2 The 2, 4-12; 1The 5, 2-3; 2 Jn 7; 1 Jn 2, 18.22)”. Catechism of the Catholic Church (675)




Matthew 24: 21



Hebrews 12: 26



Lucas 21: 28






Isaiah 55: 11




Amos 3: 7


Just as this truth has been manifested in Scripture and by the Magisterium of the Church, it is now confirmed in the writings of the

Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta.  

History of her Cause of Beatification and Canonization

On October 29, 2005, His Excellency Mons. Giovanni Battista Pichierri, Archbishop of Trani, Barletta-Biceglie and Titulary of Nazareth, in Corato, Italy, having completed the diocesan investigation (“inchiesta diocesana”) of her fame of sanctity with the compilation of testimonies and documents, remitted his definitive judgment on the sanctity of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta to the Holy Father.

In a communiqué of 2008, the Archbishop of Trani, informed “that the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, in waiting to issue a decree on the legal validity of the diocesan investigation, has submitted the writings of the Servant of God for examination, to the two theological Censors, in conformity with the normative canon and the practice in force”.  Communique n. 2 (Prot.n.098/08/c3) regarding the process for Beatification and Canonization of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, Trani, May 30, 2008. Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

The work of the theological Censors.

Before 1927, the writings of Luisa (the first 19 volumes and The Hours of the Passion), had already obtained the “Nihil Obstat” from the now Saint, Annibale Maria Di Francia (Censor on behalf of the Archdiocese) and the Imprimatur of the then Archbishop Mons. Giuseppe M. Leo. In addition to this previous study, the Congregation for the Saints, conforming to the canonical normative and actual praxis establishes that the writings of a Servant of God should be submitted for examination by at least two theological Censors (whose names would remain secret); this should be completed before formally initiating the process at the level of the Holy See.

As this work on the writings had not taken place within the diocesan process, the Dicasterio ordered the completion of this requisite with the intention to be able to issue the decree on the legal validity of the diocesan investigation and in this manner initiate the Roman process. The theological Censors, named by the Church, must examine the writings and verify that there is nothing in them contrary to faith and tradition, and must also describe in their verdict the personality and the spirituality of the Servant of God.

The Holy Congregation for the Saints assigned this work to two theological Censors, asking their evaluation. After almost three years, I ANNOUNCE TO YOU TIDINGS OF GREAT JOY:

Corato (Italy), July 23, 2010. Sister Assunta Marigliano, President of the Píous Association “Luisa Piccarreta – Little Daughter of the Divine Will” with its seat in Corato, Italy, who is responsible for the promotion of the Cause for Beatification and Canonization of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta; unofficially disclosed today grand news in relation to the Cause of Luisa, which fills us with great joy:

It was learned today that ALSO the second theologian appointed by the Holy See for the evaluation of the writings of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, has completed his assessment and has officially rendered his verdict: POSITIVE.  The results of this assessment, is in itself a recognition of the purity of the doctrine of the Divine Will manifested in these writings.




Matthew 14: 27







Saint Bernard: “We know of a triple coming of Our Lord.  In addition to the first and the last, there is an intermediate coming. The first and the last are visible but THIS ONE, IS NOT… And so it happens that in the first coming, Our Lord came in His Humanity and debility, IN THIS SECOND COMING, IN SPIRIT AND POWER; and in the last one, in Glory and Majesty”. (Liturgy of the Hours, Time of Advent).

“Not by an army, nor by might, BUT BY MY SPIRIT says the Lord of hosts.”

Zechariah 4:6



 “Heavenly Mother, pour fire and flames into my heart, that they may consume me, and burn away all that is not Will of God”.








            This Prayer is a personal and subjective compendium of a collection of prayers well-known to all, but supplemented with invocations inspired and largely extracted from the writings of Luisa Piccarreta. They are directed to dispose us to gradually receive all that God, in His Infinite Love, wants to give us. They are, as well, a total consecration of all our being and of each and every one of our acts, to the Divine Will (“tree of life”-Genesis 2:9, Ephesians 1:9, Revelations 10:7 and 22:14), so that the Divine Will becomes our primary act and our Life, and with Its Divine Power, animate and rule EVERYTHING in us, just as it was when God created our first father Adam in his original nature.  It is only when God’s Divine Will reigns in us and we do everything in His Will, that we will be able to fulfill our earthly mission of being “in the Image and Likeness of God” (Genesis 1:26), and of being “participants in His Divine Life”, (2 Peter1:4, Catechism #375, L.G. 2,2),  purpose for which He created us.


            Through the intercession of Our Most Holy Mother, Mother of the True God for Whom we live, Queen of the Divine Will and our Co-Redemptress, Mediatrix and Advocate, I now pray for the anointing of all those who read this prayer, so that their hearts and their minds will be totally and completely opened to the Light, Love and  Divine Wisdom of God, so that they may attain the Grace to live in the fullness of Life in the Divine Will that was decreed by Him for each one of us, for His Glory, and for ours IN HIM.  AMEN!

By the sign of the cross…  In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Oh Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, may your Blessing confirm in me the gift of your Likeness, may It confirm in me what You did in the creation of man, and renew the Consecration with which you consecrated me to You in my Baptism. May your Blessing Lord, imprint in me the triple seal of the Power, Wisdom and Love of the Three Divine Persons; may It restore my strength, heal me and enrich me. Lord, let your Blessing be the restoration of your Divine Will in me, the reintegration of your Image in me, and the confirmation of your Likeness.

Bless me Oh Supreme Majesty, Bless me with Our Blessed Mother, Bless me with all the Celestial Court, Bless me with each created thing in all Creation, Bless me with all that is encompassed in your work of Redemption and Sanctification.  Bless my heart, my thoughts, my words, … Bless all my being, all my life, all my acts, and seal them with your Divine Will, so that EVERYTHING calls within me your Divine Volition.

Oh, Most Holy Trinity, behold your child. I have come to do and to live in your Holy Will. I LOVE YOU, I ADORE YOU, I BLESS YOU, I WORSHIP YOU, I GLORIFY YOU AND I GIVE YOU THANKS.  Infuse oh God your Spirit in me so that I can pray and work in spirit and truth, so that all that I do is for your Glory.

Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord, God of the Universe, Heaven and earth are full of your Glory. Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord, Hosanna in the Highest.

Come Holy Spirit, come by the powerful intercession of Our Blessed Mother, your most beloved Spouse.  Open my mind and my heart—fill me with the flame of your Love.  Give me your Gifts and your Graces and I will be created, and you will renew the face of the earth. PURIFY ME AND SANCTIFY ME.

I confess to Almighty God, and to you my brothers and sisters, that I have sinned,  through my own fault, …  and I ask Blessed Mary ever Virgin, …

Oh Most Holy Father, forgive me for the great injustice I have committed against You by my rejection of your Will, of your Love, of your Life; forgive me for all my sins.  Give me the grace to dispose myself to restore your Divine Will in me, to sin no more, to have remorse for my sins and to make reparation to you, so that I may be restored to you, Oh Father.

Oh My Jesus, come to act in me.  May it be You, Lord, Who does Everything in me, may it be You Who does Everything together with me.  Lord, I am nothing without You.  Come, Lord to do everything in me and with me.  I will do nothing without You and You will do nothing without me.  Make of me what you want.  I want my life to be entirely Yours.  I want to be Nothing oh Lord, so that You will be Everything in me. You are Everything!  ALL THAT I HAVE IS YOURS, oh LORD.

I want to be ONE in You with the Father and the Holy Spirit. I want to be transformed TOTALLY in You oh Lord.  To You Lord, I come in the refuge of the Immaculate Heart of Our Most Holy Mother and I give you thanks.  I surrender and deposit in your Hands, ALL my being, my life, my acts, my will, and with your Grace, I receive and take possession of Your Will, Lord, because you want to give It to me.  I want to be ONE in You Lord: ONE LIFE, ONE LOVE, ONE WILL.

I unite my will with Yours Lord, and together with You I want to do what You do.  I want my thoughts, my love, my will, my desires, my heartbeats, my respirations, my prayers, my sufferings, and each one of my acts, to be ONE with Yours, and to repeat act for act ALL that You do.  Come Lord to dwell in me and receive all that is Yours.  I want Oh My God, to be a Living Host where You deposit Your LOVE; I want to be Your respite, Your repose, Your delight, Your home, and that You may be mine.

Oh My Jesus, may Your Divine Will be mine, as this is Your Will and it is also mine; lose my will Lord, in Yours, and give me Your Will to live in It.  Jesus, I pour everything in You, so that I may do all my acts, not in my will, but in Yours.  Lord, help me to never again do my will, and to do and live only in the Divine Will, even at the cost of my life or any other sacrifice.  Lord, bless all my being and my work and seal it with Your Will, so that everything in me calls for Your Divine Will; so that your Will may be the beginning, the substance, and the entirety of Your Life in me; that It may be my guide and my sustenance; that It may conduce me in Your Arms to my Celestial Home.

Reveal the Father to me, oh Lord, and reveal Your Most Holy Will to me and make It reign in me as It reigns in You.  May Your Will Lord, be known, loved and Reign and dominate in the entire world.  Infuse Your Spirit in me so I can be ONE in You with the Father and the Holy Spirit, so that I can live in the Plenitude of your Divine Will and give you all the Love, Honor, and Glory that from each and every one belongs to You.

Oh Most Holy Mother, to You I consecrate all my being, all my life, all my acts, all my family, absolutely EVERYTHING. Oh Most Holy Mother, to You I surrender my will so that You may exchange It for me for the Divine Will.  Tie it, Oh Mother, together with Yours, to the foot of the Celestial Throne, and give me the Divine Will as the center of my life. I ask you that you keep me always in the refuge of your Immaculate Heart and that you complete and supplement all of my acts, so that they will always be done and lived in THE DIVINE WILL.

Oh Most Holy Mother, to make the consecration of my will to You more solemn, I invoke the Most Holy Trinity, all the Angels and Saints, and before them, I make a total consecration of my will, of all my life and of all my acts to my Heavenly Mother. Oh Most Holy Mother, I am TOTUS TUUS and I accept and receive your seal in me.

Oh Heavenly Father, behold your child, I have come to do your Will.  Let it be done in me according to your Word.  To you I come in the refuge of the Immaculate Heart of Our Most Holy Mother and totally fused with Jesus Christ Our Lord.

Prepare my soul Father, so that by the work and grace of the Holy Spirit I can live in the PLENITUDE OF YOUR DIVINE WILL and NEVER AGAIN reject It.  I love you Oh My Father who art in Heaven; I love you Oh My Father who art in my heart.  I love you Father with all my being, with all my life, with all my acts.

Oh Most Holy Trinity, prostrate before your Throne, I surrender absolutely ALL my being: my heart, my body and my blood, my soul and my spirit, my will, my memory, my intelligence, my respirations, my heartbeats, my movements, my works, and ALL that I do and have done, from the smallest act, to the most profound thought, prayer and suffering, and being ONE IN OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST,      I want all my acts to be done, now and ALWAYS, in the UNITY of Your Divine WILL.

Give me the Grace oh My God, to be able to LIVE TOTALLY ABANDONED IN YOUR DIVINE WILL; to ALWAYS DO EVERYTHING IN YOUR WILL, and to LIVE ALWAYS IN YOUR WILL.  Give me the Grace to be able to die to all in me that is not Your Divine Will, and help me to begin anew  my life in the UNITY of the Light of Your Divine Volition, in that first Act in which my first parents lived before the original sin, until I can say: ‘I can do ANYTHING, because I have been transformed into the Divine Will,  Which has destroyed all my weaknesses, miseries, and passions’.

Oh Supreme Majesty, may Your Divine Will be MY LIFE.  I WANT Lord, to know solely Your Will, and that EVERYTHING will become for me the Will of God: sorrow, pain, suffering, happiness, all circumstances, my heartbeats, my respirations, my movements, my steps, my works, my nourishment, my sleep and even all the most natural things.  May ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING be for me Divine Will.  I  WANT to live upon Your Paternal lap, in Your care, at Your expense, in the opulence of Your Riches, Joy, and Happiness.

I ask Oh All-powerful and Eternal GOD, that You give me Your Grace, so that each beat of  my heart, each breath, each movement of my blood and of my body, each thought, work, prayer, suffering, etc., and each act of my existence (and especially at the hour of my death), will be always and in every instant done in Your Divine Will, and that they be always a continuous surrender of my will…, a continuous I LOVE YOU, I ADORE YOU, I BLESS YOU, I WORSHIP YOU, I GLORIFY YOU, I ATONE to YOU, I CONSOLE YOU, AND I ASK YOUR FORGIVENESS for everyone….  I want to be a continuous outpouring, repose and rest for Your Infinite Love.

Come Divine Will to work in me, come to Reign in me, come to be my Life, my Nourishment, my ALL.  Animate my body, my blood, my soul and my spirit; animate my intelligence, my memory, my will, ALL my being.  ALL my Life, ALL my acts; animate my death so that my last act will be lived in the last Act of Jesus Christ Our Lord on earth.  I want Lord, TO LIVE my death in your Will.  ENLIVEN ME, ANIMATE ME, AND CONSERVE ME CONTINUALLY IN THE LIGHT OF YOUR DIVINE WILL. Come to be ABSOLUTELY ALL in me.  PURIFY ME AND SANCTIFY ME.  I WANT your FIAT Reigning, and Dominating in me.


I WANT, Oh my God, your Will to Act in me as It Acts in You. I WANT ONLY WHAT YOU WANT AND NOTHING MORE.  Your Will is mine; what You want, I want; what You do, I do.  I want Lord, to be Your display of Love, I want to be  the depositary of Your Works; I want to be the refuge of Your Delights, of Your Joys and of Your Happiness; I want to be the vault of Your secrets and Celestial Mysteries; I want to be the exposition of  Your Infinite Beauty. Oh Divine Will, with your enchanting beauty enrapture the earth, and with your sweet delight, enrapture all the creatures, so that ONE will be the Will of all with Yours, ONE the Holiness, ONE the Life, ONE your Kingdom, ONE your FIAT, ON EARTH, as is in Heaven.

Oh my Jesus, I WANT TO LIVE in You all that YOU Lived in Your Divine Will, and I want You to Live It in me. (Catechism #521), so that in this way, ALL YOUR LIFE AND ALL YOUR ACTS will become MY LIFE.  I WANT to be Your ECHO: echo of ALL Your Acts, and to repeat and renew EACH and every one of Them in me, until You, Lord, make a Perfect Act in me, until You dwell totally in me and I can be another Jesus on earth, and in this way being able to give you Complete Glory in Your Divine Will Reigning in me, with Your own Love and with Your Own Life.

Oh my Jesus, in the UNITY of my life and of all my acts with Yours, and in the Power of Your Divine Will Acting in me, I WANT, Lord, to repeat YOUR ENTIRE LIFE AND ALL YOUR ACTS in me, and receive, renew and take possession of ALL that you did Lord, and of all the acts of Our Most Holy Mother.  I live your Life Lord, with You, and I love as You Love and with your Love, and I want only what you want, giving in this way, with You, complete satisfaction, correspondence, Love Honor and Glory to the Celestial Father.

Oh Most Holy Mother, Queen and Mother of the Divine Will, with your universal dominion and reign, dominate over me, so that the human will cedes its rights to the Divine Will; dominate oh Mother over Our God, so that His Divine Fiat descends in my heart and in all hearts, and reigns in us, ON EARTH, as It does in Heaven.

Saint Joseph, you will be my protector, the custodian of my heart, and you will hold the keys of my will in your hands.  You will jealously guard my heart and will not return it to me, so that I am sure of never straying outside the Will of God.

My guardian Angel, guard me, defend me. Help me in everything, so that I can live in the Will of God.

Celestial Court, come to my assistance, so that I may always live in the Divine Will.

Oh Most Holy Trinity, fused totally in Jesus Christ Our Lord, and in the UNITY and Power of the Divine Will Reigning in me, together with Our Most Holy Mother, and with all the Angels and Saints,    I LOVE YOU, I ADORE YOU, I BLESS YOU, I WORSHIP YOU, I GLORIFY YOU, I ATONE TO YOU,  I CONSOLE YOU,  I ASK YOUR PARDON AND I GIVE YOU THANKS,  and in ALL, with ALL and  for ALL, I ask Oh my God:  ‘LET YOUR KINGDOM COME, YOUR WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IN HEAVEN’.   AMEN!

4/5 Feast Day of St. Vincent Ferrer, Priest

S_St. Vincent Ferrer

St. Vincent Ferrer

The Greek Schism occurred in 1054 when the exchange of excommunications between the Greek and Latin Sees took place in the Diocese of Trani.  Another schism, the Great Western Schism, occurred in reaction to the legitimate election of  the Archbishop of Trani, Urban VI, as Pope.   Two great Saints were involved in settling this schism, St. Catherine of Sienna and St. Vincent Ferrer, both of whom were among the Saints mentioned by name by Luisa in the Book of Heaven.  God, by always drawing good out of evil, has destined the site of these and all schisms to become the birthplace of a spiritual renewal that will bring the traditions of Eastern and Western Christianity to a glorious fruition in the Kingdom of the Divine Will.

The Greek Schism occurred in 1054 when the exchange of excommunications between the Greek and Latin Sees took place in the Diocese of Trani.  Another schism, the Great Western Schism, occurred in reaction to the legitimate election of  the Archbishop of Trani, Urban VI, as Pope.   Two great Saints were involved in settling this schism, St. Catherine of Sienna and St. Vincent Ferrer, both of whom were among the Saints mentioned by name by Luisa in the Book of Heaven.  God, by always drawing good out of evil, has destined the site of these and all schisms to become the birthplace of a spiritual renewal that will bring the traditions of Eastern and Western Christianity to a glorious fruition in the Kingdom of the Divine Will.


Volume 3; November 11, 1899
Obedience prevents her from conforming to Justice.

As I was in my usual state, I found myself outside of myself, and I seemed to be going around the earth. Oh! how inundated it was with all sorts of iniquities! It is horrifying to think about it! Now, while going around, I arrived some place and I found a priest of holy life, and in another place a virgin of unblemished and holy life. We gathered, the three of us together, and we began to converse about the many chastisements that the Lord is sending, and about the many others that He keeps prepared. I said to them: “And you, what do you do? Have you perhaps conformed to Divine Justice?” And they: “Seeing the strict necessity of these times, and that man would not surrender even if an Apostle came out, or if the Lord sent another St. Vincent Ferrer who, with miracles and prodigious signs, might induce him to conversion; on the contrary, seeing that man has reached such obstinacy and a sort of madness, such that the very power of miracles would render them more incredulous – invested by this most strict necessity, for their good, in order to arrest this rotten sea that inundates the face of the earth, and for the Glory of our God, so offended, we have conformed to Justice. Only, we are praying and offering ourselves as victims, so that these chastisements may turn out for the conversion of the peoples. And you, what do you do? Have you not conformed with us?”

And I: “Ah, no! I cannot, because obedience does not want it, even though Jesus wants me to conform; but since obedience does not want it, it must prevail over everything, and I am forced to be always in contrast with blessed Jesus, and this afflicts me very much.” And they: “When it is the obedience, surely one must not adhere.”

After this, finding myself inside myself, I saw dearest Jesus for just a little, and I wanted to know where that priest and that virgin were from, and He told me that they were from Peru.


4/4 Anniversary of the Birthday of “Aunt” Rosaria Bucci

Rosaria Bucci
“Faithful and silent confidant of Luisa
for 40 years
and first promoter” 
– Padre Bucci 
Rosaria Bucci Entered into Eternity 
January 29, 1978*
*1stof 4 days in 1996 of copying the hidden Volumes
of Luisa Piccarreta in the Secret Archives of the Vatican
under Cardinal Ratzinger 
Luisa Prophesied to Rosaria: 
“You will be my witness.”

Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta

 Every moment of the life of the Bucci family, Rosaria’s in particular, was permeated by the fragrance of the holiness of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta. From a young age, Rosaria Bucci, Aunt of Padre Bernardino Giuseppe Bucci, OFM, effected by epilepsy and having suffered the traumatic amputation of four fingers of her left hand, from an accident, was considered inept. From an invitation of Luisa to Rosaria’s mother around 1907, Rosaria began her daily visits and eventual care of Luisa, together with Luisa’s family. One day, while Luisa was busy working on the tombolo in the company of other girls, Rosaria had a seizure. All fled, frightened, and only Angelina, Luisa’s sister, came to her rescue. It is said that Luisa remained very calm in her bed, but she looked up to Heaven, professing these words:
“Lord, if you have placed her next to me, I want her healthy.” 
From that moment Aunt Rosaria had no more seizures and miraculously became a perfect embroiderer of tombolo (lacemaking).
At about 5.00 a.m. Rosaria went to Luisa’s house to prepare the altar for Holy Mass – a privilege granted by Pope Leo XIII and confirmed by Pope St. Pius X. Luisa would then remain in prayer and thanksgiving for about two hours. At about 8.00 a.m. she would begin her work of lacemaking. Rosaria became so adept at working the tombolo that Luisa entrusted to her management of the teaching in her school of embroidery. In the afternoons, theHoly Rosary was recited, and towards 8.00 p.m. Luisa would begin to write her diary.
Wherever Rosaria was, if Luisa called her, she would hear a little bell ring and would run to Luisa’s side. Once, little Gemma (Padre Bucci’s sister) hid under Luisa’s bed, perhaps to give Aunt Rosaria a surprise and unwittingly witnessed a mystical phenomenon. Luisa had a bedside table on which stood a glass bell containing a figurine of the Child Jesus. A great silence fell. Then Gemma came out from under the bed and saw the Child Jesus who had come to life, whom Luisa had taken in her arms and was covering with kisses.
In 1915, St. Annibale Maria di Francia, extraordinary confessor and ecclesiastical editor of the Servant of God’s writings, gave Rosaria a copy of the Hours of the Passion, which he published. Shortly before her death, Rosaria in turn gave that copy to her nephew Padre Bernardino Bucci:
“I give you this book that is a relic because it was given to me by Father Annibale. It is not in very good condition because I have read and re-read it many times.” 
Padre Bernardino Giuseppe Bucci, OFM
Born June 15, 1935 – Died July 17, 2020
Padre Bucci’s entire life and priesthood were immersed in the writings of the little daughter of the Divine Will, Luisa Piccarreta. He was the first priest to read, study and put into practice the Truths given to Luisa from Jesus.
Rosaria also gave to Padre Bucci the original Volumes 35 and 36 that were not taken to the Vatican. Padre Bucci later affirmed:
“All the information that I received from Aunt Rosaria is found almost entirely in the various archives of documents existing in the Congregation of Rogationists and Sisters of Divine Zeal, as well as the archives of the Sisters of the Sacro Costato founded by the Servant of God Eustachio Montemurro.” 
As for the many requests about the great phenomena and mystical experiences that surrounded the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, Rosaria would give her reply:
“Everything that served as the salvation and the sanctification of souls, everything that serves the Kingdom has been written. Everything else is part of the intimacy between Jesus and Luisa, and it is not given to us to investigate and to enter into this sacrarium, this intimacy. It would be only curiosity.” 
Having read all of Luisa’s writings, Rosaria also had an earnest devotion to the protection of the unborn. According to Padre Bucci, just before her death, Luisa revealed to Rosaria that Jesus gave Rosaria the Mission of helping the Preborn in a similar way that Jesus gave Luisa the Mission of those Born to the Light of the Day, as in the following reading:Our Lord Jesus to Luisa, Volume 36-April 12, 1938 –
“…You were asking in My Will for the Baptism of All newborn babies that will come to the light of the day – and then, for Its Life to Reign in them. My Will did not hesitate for an instant; soon It Pronounced Its Fiat.” 
In 1938 the condemnation of the Holy Office fell on Luisa; the Servant of God was struck by unheard-of storms. Many people turned away from Luisa, while Fr. Calvi, Luisa’s (last confessor), Rosaria, the Cimadomo sisters and a few others remained faithful to her. Luisa Prophesied to Rosaria:
“You will be my witness.”
After Luisa’s death, Rosaria tirelessly promoted the beginning of the Cause of Luisa under the Spiritual Direction of St. Padre Pio:
“Rosà, go ahead, go ahead for Luisa is great and the world will be full of Luisa.”
After the venerated Padre Pio’s death in 1968, Rosaria made known to Padre Bucci:
“During my confession Padre Pio told me that Luisa is not a human factor, she is a work of God and He Himself will make her emerge.The world will be astounded at her greatness; not many years will pass before this happens.The new millennium will see Luisa’s Light.” 
Rosaria traveled, accompanied by her niece Gemma to spread the devotion to the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta. Travels included: to St. Padre Pio of San Giovanni Rotondo; to the lawyer Palermo who worked in a Vatican congregation; to the Holy Office of Cardinal Ottaviani (secretary of the Congregation) who kindly heard her and promised to take up the case; to Archbishop Monsignor Addazzi of Trani, who said to her:
“Miss Rosaria, I do not know whether to reprimand you or to admire you for your courage.You have faced the guard dog of the Church, the great defender of the faith, without being bitten.” 
Further, she went to the Vicar General Monsignor Balducci of Salerno; to Monsignor Samarelli, Vicar General of the Diocese of Bari; and more.
From Rosaria Bucci:
“…one day the world will speak of Corato as we now speak of Bethlehem.”
“After Our Lady, comes Luisa, who brings the world the Third Fiat, the Fiat of Sanctification.” 
‘One day Our Lord said to Luisa:
“All those who have seen and known you, Luisa, will be Saved.”’ 
On the Feast of Christ the King, November 20, 1994, Archbishop Carmelo Cassati of Trani opened the Cause of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta in Chiesa Matrice di Santa Maria Maggiore, Corato, Italy.
Rosaria Bucci was buried in the Bucci family tomb in Corato. The day after Rosaria’s funeral, the whole family gathered for the customary second burial ceremony.The coffin was opened for the last time, and to the wonder of all, Rosaria seemed to be sweetly sleeping. A soft and sweet fragrance came from her coffin.
Padre Bucci, Rosaria’s priest nephew, to whom she entrusted everything of Luisa, went to his Eternal Reward on July 17, 2020. This was the eve of the Feast of Santa Maria Greca. Padre Bucci was the Spiritual Father of many of the little children of the Divine Will throughout the world. On July 3, 1963 Luisa’s body, once buried in the place of the Bucci family tomb, was moved inside the Church of Santa Maria Greca. On April 23, 2020, Luisa’s birthday, was moved to the front of the Church, right side of the High Altar.
Prayer Requesting the Intercession of Rosaria Bucci 
O Most Holy Trinity, fused to Jesus, Mary and Luisa, we pray that Rosaria be Luisa’s witness because of her lifelong sacrifice of caring for and promoting her among the little children of the Divine Will. We ask that Rosaria be recognized and glorified in Your Holy Church, and that the Kingdom of the Divine Will Come to Reign on earth as it is in Heaven. Amen. 

4/4 Feast of St. Isidore, Bishop and Doctor of the Church

S_St. Isidore

 St. Isidore

When St. Isidore was almost fourscore years old, though age and fatigues had undermined and broken into his health, he never interrupted his usual exercises and labours. During the last six months of his life he increased his charities with such profusion that the poor of the whole country crowded his house from morning till night. Perceiving his end to draw near, he entreated two bishops to come to see him. With them he went to church, where one of them covered him with sackcloth, the other put ashes on his head. Clothed with the habit of penance, he stretched his hands towards heaven, prayed with great eagerness, and begged aloud the pardon of his sins. He then received from the hands of the bishops the Body and Blood of our Lord, recommended himself to the prayers of all that were present, remitted the bonds of all his debtors, exhorted the people to charity, and caused all the money which he had not as yet disposed of to be distributed among the poor. This done, he returned to his own house, and calmly departed this life on the fourth day after, which was the 4th of April, in the year 636, as is expressly testified by Aedemptus, his disciple, who was present at his death. His body was interred in his cathedral between those of his brother, St. Leander, and his sister, St. Florentina. Ferdinand, King of Castile and Leon, recovered his relics from the Moors and placed them in the church of St. John Baptist at Leon, where they still remain.


Excerpt from Day Twenty-Six of the Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will

But in seeing Himself (Our Lord Jesus Chirst  rejected by the great, the learned, My (Blessed Mother) Beloved Son did not stop, nor could He stop—His Love ran, because He wanted souls. So He surrounded Himself with the poor, the afflicted, the sick, the lame, the blind, the mute, and with many other maladies by which the poor creatures were oppressed—all of them images of the many evils which the human will had produced in them. And Dear Jesus Healed everyone; He Consoled and Instructed everyone. So He became the Friend, the Father, the Doctor, the Teacher of the Poor.

My daughter, it can be said that the poor shepherds were the ones who received Him with their visits at His Birth, and the poor are those who follow Him in the last years of His Life down here, unto His Death. In fact, the poor, the ignorant, are more simple, less attached to their own judgment, and therefore they are more favored, more blessed, and preferred by My Dear Son; so much so, that He chose poor fishermen as Apostles, as Pillars of the future Church.

Now, dearest daughter, if I wanted to tell you what My Son and I did and suffered during these three years of His Public Life, I would be too long. In the Fiat I separated from My Son, and the Fiat gave Me the Strength to make the Sacrifice. What I recommend to you is that in everything you may do and suffer, your first and last act be the Divine Fiat. In this way, if you enclose everything in the Eternal Fiat, you will find Strength for everything, even in the pains that cost you your life. Therefore, give your word to your Mama, that you will let yourself be found always in the Divine Will. In this way, you too will feel the Inseparability from Me and from our Highest Good, Jesus.