4/3 Wednesday within the Octave of Easter

John 4:43-54
(While at Cana Jesus responds to a nobleman’s plea and cures the nobleman’s very ill son who was at Capharnaum. The sickness and then healing by Jesus of the child becomes the means of salvation for the whole household.)

Nobleman's son

Excerpt from the Twenty-second Hour, from 2 to 3 PM, of Jesus Crucified on the Cross from the Hours of the Passion:

O my Jesus, I kiss Your Most Holy Feet, and I ask Your Forgiveness for the many steps, the many paths covered without righteous intention; for many who move away from You to go in search of the pleasures of the earth.  I promise You that every time the thought comes to me of moving away from You, immediately I will cry out, “Jesus and Mary, I commend my soul to You.”

O Jesus, I kiss Your Most Sacred Heart, and I intend to enclose in It, with my soul, all the souls redeemed by You, so that all may be saved—no one excluded.

O Jesus, lock me in Your Heart, and close the doors, that I may see nothing but You.  I promise You that every time the thought comes to me of wanting to go out of this Heart, immediately I will cry out, “Jesus and Mary, to You I give my heart and my soul.” 

4/2 Feast of St. Francis of Paola, Hermit

S_Francis of Paola

St. Francis of Paola

St. Francis was born at Paola, Italy and was educated there at the Franciscan friary of San Marco, and when fifteen became a hermit near Paola. In 1436, he and two companions began a community that is considered the foundation of the Minim Friars. He built a monastery where he had led his eremitical life some fifteen years later and set a Rule for his followers emphasizing penance, charity, and humility, and added to the three monastic vows, one of fasting and abstinence from meat; he also wrote a rule for tertiaries and nuns. He was credited with many miracles and had the gifts of prophesy and insight into men’s hearts. St. Francis died on April 2nd and was canonized in 1519.

Letter #2 to Sister Giovannina by the Servant of God, the Little Daughter of the Divine Will Luisa Piccarreta :


To my dear Sister M. Giovannina, in memory of her vows, always with Jesus.

The mind toward Heaven, the gaze to the Cross, the heart loving Him, the arms always in the act of hugging Him, the steps calling Him, the words saying always “Fiat”.  In each thing never escape from acquiring a degree of sanctity.  Make yourself a saint; Jesus wants it, make Him content.

The little daughter of the Divine Will

Corato, May 14, 1932

4/2 Pope St. John Paul II (May 18, 1920-April 2, 2005)


April 2, 2005 (on the Eve of Divine Mercy Sunday) Pope St. John Paul II passed from this life at 9:37 pm Rome time, Today would be a good day to unite your prayers to the prayers of all the angels & saints & souls in Purgatory and all those on earth, through the intercession of Pope St. John Paul II.  Please consider praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy at the hour Pope John Paul died that God may have mercy on the whole world, as well as for your personal intentions. Prayer can move the Heart of God and change the course of history. Especially when all pray together in union with our powerful intercessor that we all knew and loved, Pope St John Paul II.

If you are in the Eastern time zone: Pray at 3:37pm

If you are in the Central time zone:  Pray at 2:37pm

If you are in Mountain time zone:     Pray at 1:37pm

If you are in the Pacific time zone:   Pray at 12:37pm

4/1 The Octave of Easter

The Octave of Easter, during which formerly no servile work was done, was one continual Feast.  Each day the neophytes (those novices in the Catholic Faith who were fully accepted into the Church during the Easter Service) attended Mass at a Station (a specifically designated Church), at which they received Holy Communion.  In the evening they went to St. John Lateran for the office of Vespers (Evening Prayer of the Church).

S_St Peter tomb of Jesus

Sts. Peter (foreground) and John
at the Empty Tomb of Our Lord Jesus Christ

On the first day of the week the Station was at St. Peter’s, which contains the tomb of the head of the Church.  We hear St. Peter’s voice in the first reading (Acts 2:14-14,22-32).  He proclaims to the world the Resurrection of Christ, of which he was witness.

Day Twenty-Eight from The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will

Now, listen to Me, daughter of My Sorrows: as My Dear Son Breathed His last, He descended into Limbo, as Triumpher and Bearer of Glory and Happiness to that prison in which were all the Patriarchs and Prophets, the first father Adam, dear Saint Joseph, My holy parents, and all those who had been saved by virtue of the foreseen Merits of the future Redeemer. I was Inseparable from My Son, and not even death could take Him away from Me. So, in the Ardor of My Sorrows I followed Him into Limbo and was Spectator of the Feast, of the Thanksgivings, which that whole great crowd of people gave to My Son, who had suffered so much, and whose first step had been toward them, to Beatify them and to bring them with Himself to Celestial Glory. So, as He died, Conquests and Glory began for Jesus and for all those who loved Him. This, dear daughter, is symbol of how, as the creature makes her will die through Union with the Divine Will, Conquests of Divine Order, Glory and Joy begin, even in the midst of the greatest sorrows. Even though the eyes of My Soul followed My Son and I never lost sight of Him, at the same time, during those three days in which He was buried, I felt such Yearnings to see Him Risen, that in My Ardor of Love I kept repeating: “Rise, My Glory! Rise, My Life!” My Desires were Ardent, My Sighs, of Fire—to the point of feeling consumed.

Now, in these yearnings, I saw that My Dear Son, accompanied by that great crowd of people, went out of Limbo in Act of Triumph, and brought Himself to the sepulcher. It was the dawn of the third day, and just as all nature had cried over Him, now it rejoiced; so much so, that the sun anticipated its course to be present at the Act in which My Son was Rising Again. But—O marvel—before Rising Again, He showed that crowd of people His Most Holy Humanity— Bleeding, Wounded, Disfigured; the way it had been reduced for Love of them and of all. All were moved, and admired the Excesses of Love and the Great Portent of Redemption.

Now, My daughter, O, how I wish you to be present in the Act in which My Son Rose Again. He was all Majesty; His Divinity, United to His Soul, unleashed Seas of Light and of Enchanting Beauty, such as to Fill Heaven and earth; and, as Triumpher, making use of His Power, He Commanded His dead Humanity to receive His Soul again, and to Rise, Triumphant and Glorious, to Immortal Life. What a Solemn Act! My Dear Jesus Triumphed over death, saying: “Death, you will no longer be death—but Life.”

With this Act of Triumph, He placed the Seal that He was Man and God; and with His Resurrection, He confirmed His Doctrine, His Miracles, the Life of the Sacraments, and the whole Life of the Church. Not only this, but He obtained Triumph over the human wills, weakened and almost extinguished to True Good, to make Triumph over them the Life of that Divine Will which was to bring to creatures the Fullness of Sanctity and of all Goods. And at the same time, by virtue of His Resurrection, He cast into the bodies the Seed of Resurrection to Everlasting Glory. My daughter, the Resurrection of My Son encloses everything, says everything, confirms everything, and is the Most Solemn Act that He did for Love of creatures.


Divine Mercy Novena

4/1 – Reflection from the Book of Heaven

Volume 11; April 1, 1916
What stripping is required of the soul, so that her heartbeat may be one with that of Jesus.

This morning my sweet Jesus made Himself seen within my heart, and His Heartbeat was beating in mine. I looked at Him, and He told me: “My daughter, for one who really Loves Me and does My Will in everything, her heartbeat and Mine become one. So, I call them My Heartbeats and, as such, I want them around and even inside the Heartbeat of My Heart – all intent on consoling Me and sweetening all My Sorrowful Heartbeats. Her Heartbeat in Mine will form a Sweet Harmony, that will repeat My Whole Life for Me, and will Speak to Me of souls, forcing Me to Save them. But, My daughter, what stripping is required to be the Echo of My Heartbeat! It must be a Life more of Heaven than of earth – more Divine than human! Even one shadow, one little thing, is enough to prevent the soul from feeling the Strength, the Harmonies, the Sanctity of My Heartbeat; and so she does not Echo My Heartbeat, she does not Harmonize together with Me, and I AM forced to remain alone in My Sorrow or in My Joys. And these Sorrows I receive from souls who – …who knows how much they had promised Me, but at the occasions, I was left disappointed by their promises.”

3/31 Blessed Easter!

Easter 2016 Official Website LP

Volume 36; April 20, 1938
Our Lord Jesus Christ:  “Therefore, the one who Lives in My Will can say, as the Angel said to the holy women on the way to the Sepulcher, ‘He is Risen.  He is not here any more.’   The one who Lives in My Will can also say, ‘my will is not with me any longer – it is Risen again in the Fiat.’  And if the circumstances of life, opportunities and sufferings surround the creature, as if they were looking for her will, she can answer: ‘my will is rRsen again, it is not in my power anymore.  I possess, in exchange, the Divine Will, and I want to cover with Its Light all things around me – circumstances and sufferings, to make them like many Divine Conquests.’  The soul who Lives in our Will finds Life in the Acts of  her Jesus, and Our (Triune God’s) Operating, Conquering, Triumphant Will always runs in her.  She gives Us (Triune God) so much Glory that Heaven cannot contain it.  Therefore, Live always in Our Will – never leave it, if you want to be Our Triumph and Our Glory.”