4/15 Everything in Jesus, the Word, speaks Lovingly to creatures

Book of Heaven: Volume 11; April 15, 1916

Everything in Jesus, the Word, speaks Lovingly to creatures, and the soul who Lives in His Will is all voice together with Him. 

       I live dying because of the continuous privations of my Sweet Jesus.  This morning I found all of myself in Jesus, as if I were swimming in the immensity of my Highest Good.  Then I looked inside myself and I saw Jesus in me, and I could hear the whole Being of Jesus speaking:  His Feet, His Hands, His Heart, His Mouth – in sum, everything was Voices.  Not only this, but the wonder was that these Voices became Immense, and Multiplied for each creature.  The Feet of Jesus spoke to the feet and to each step of creatures; His Hands to their works; His Eyes to their gazes; His Thoughts to each of their thoughts.  What harmonies between Creator and creatures!  What an enchanting sight!  What Love!  But, alas, all these harmonies were broken by ingratitudes and by sins; Love was repaid with offenses.  And Jesus, all afflicted, told me:  “My daughter, I AM the Verbum – that is, the Word – and My Love toward the creature is so Great that I multiply into as many voices for as many acts, thoughts, affections, desires, etc. as each creature does, in order to receive from them the return of those acts done for Love of Me.  I give Love and I want Love, but I receive offenses instead.  I give Life, but if they could, they would give Me death.  But in spite of all this, I continue My Loving office.  

     “However, Know that the soul who Lives united with Me and from My Volition, swimming in My Immensity, is all voice together with Me as well.  So, if she walks, her steps speak, pursuing the sinner; her thoughts are voices to the minds; and so with all the rest.  Only from these souls do I find as though a recompense in the work of Creation.  And in seeing that, unable to do anything by themselves to correspond to My Love and maintain the harmonies between them and Me, they enter into My Will, they make themselves the owners of It, and they act in a Divine Manner – My Love finds its outpouring, and I Love them more than all other creatures.”

4/14 Jesus Speaks About Obedience.

Book of Heaven
4/7/01 – Vol. 4

… I saw my adorable Jesus for a little, in the act of His Resurrection, with His face so refulgent as to not be comparable to any other splendor. It seemed to me that the Most Holy Humanity of Our Lord, though It was living flesh, was so bright and transparent that one could see with clarity the Divinity united to the Humanity. Now, while I was seeing Him so glorious, a light that came from Him seemed to tell me: “My Humanity received so much glory by means of perfect obedience that, destroying the ancient nature completely, gave Me back the new nature, glorious and immortal. In the same way, by means of obedience, the soul can form within her the perfect resurrection to virtues. For example: if the soul is afflicted, obedience will make her rise again to joy; if restless, obedience will make her rise again to peace; if tempted, obedience will administer to her the strongest chain with which to bind the enemy, and will make her rise again victorious over the diabolical snares; if she is besieged by passions and vices, by killing them, obedience will make her rise again to virtues. This, to the soul, and in due time, it will also form the resurrection of the body.

4/13 A Novena for Luisa’s Birth Begins Tomorrow, April 14th


Fount where the Servant of God,
the Little Daughter of the Divine Will Luisa Piccarreta was Baptized

The Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta was born in Corato in the Province of Bari, on the morning of April 23, 1865, Low Sunday¹ “in Albis” (the Sunday after Easter). A few hours after Luisa’s birth, her father wrapped her in a blanket and took her to the main church for baptism. Her mother had not suffered the pangs of labor:  her birth was painless.
Her parents, Vito Nicola Piccarreta and Rosa Tarantini, both from Corato, had five daughters: Maria, Rachele, Filomena, Luisa and Angela. The last two did not get married, and after the death of their parents, on March 19 and 29, 1907, Angelina always remained assisting Luisa.

To implore the Beatification of the Servant of God, LUISA PICCARRETA


Day One – April 14th

My Lord Jesus Christ, who yearned so much that Your Divine Will have Its Kingdom on earth as It is in Heaven, deign, I pray You, to glorify Your humble servant LUISA PICCARRETA, the Little Daughter of the Divine Will, she who glorified You so much on earth with her extraordinary virtues, with her ardent zeal, with her writings, with her whole life for the salvation and sanctification of souls redeemed by Your Most Precious Blood. So be it.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.

O Jesus, by your infinite Mercy, make me holy          

Day Two – April 15th

O Most Sacred Heart of my Jesus, who in Your humble servant LUISA PICCARRETA have chosen the herald of the Kingdom of Your Divine Will and the angel of reparation for the innumerable blows that grieve Your Divine Heart, humbly I pray You to concede to me the grace that I implore from Your Mercy through her intercession, so that she may be glorified on earth as You have already rewarded her in Heaven. So be it.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.

O Jesus, by your infinite Mercy, make me holy            

Day Three – April 16th

O Divine Heart of my Jesus, who to Your humble servant LUISA PICCARRETA, as victim of Your love, You have given the strength to suffer for all her long life the agonies of Your sorrowful Passion, for Your greater glory may it be that the halo of the Blessed shines soon upon her head.  And through her intercession grant me the grace that I humbly ask of You …..

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.

O Jesus, by your infinite Mercy, make me holy

Day Four – April 17th

O merciful Heart of my Jesus, who for the salvation and sanctification of many souls have deigned to keep for numerous years on earth Your humble servant LUISA PICCARRETA Your Little Daughter of the Divine Will, grant my prayer:  that she be glorified soon by Your Holy Church.  And through her intercession may You grant me the grace that I humble ask of You …..

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.

O Jesus, by your infinite Mercy, make me holy                                           

Trani, November 28, 1948


Day Five – April 18th

Prayer to Obtain the Beatification of the Servant of God, LUISA PICCARRETA

O Most Holy Trinity, Our Lord Jesus Christ taught us that as we pray, we should ask that our Father’s Name be always glorified, that His Will be done on earth, and that His Kingdom should come to reign among us.

In our great desire to make known this Kingdom of love, justice, and peace, we humbly ask that You glorify Your Servant, LUISA PICCARRETA, the little daughter of the Divine Will, who, with her constant prayer and suffering, deeply yearned for the salvation of souls and the coming of God’s Kingdom in the world.

Following her example, we pray to You, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, to help us joyously embrace the crosses of this world, so that we may also glorify Your Name and enter into the Kingdom of Your Will.  Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.

O Jesus, by your infinite Mercy, make me holy                                                       

Curia of the Archdiocese

                        +Carmelo Cassati Archbishop Emeritus

Day Six – April 19th

Prayer to the Most Holy Trinity

For the glorification of the Servant of God, LUISA PICCARRETA

Oh Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit we praise and thank You for the gift of holiness You granted to Your faithful servant LUISA PICCARRETA.

She lived, dear Father, in Your Divine Will and became, under the influence of the Holy Spirit, similar to Your Son, who died on the cross due to His obedience.

She was a victim and a host welcome to You, thus contributing to the Redemption of mankind.

Her virtues of obedience, humility, love of Christ and to the Church urge us to ask You for the gift of her glorification on earth, so that Your glory may shine, and Your kingdom of truth, justice and love may spread all over the world in the particular charisma of:

“Fiat voluntas tua sicut in coelo et in terra.”

We appeal to her merits to obtain from You, Holy Trinity, the particular grace for which we pray to You in Your Divine Will.  Amen.

Three Glory be’s …

Our Father …

Our Lady, Queen of Saints, pray for us.

O Jesus, by your infinite Mercy, make me holy                                           Trani, Italy  October 29th 2005

+Archbishop Giovan Battista Pichierri

Day Seven – April 20th

My most sweet Jesus, my Delight and my Life, O please! by your Mercy, make me holy!  I pray You, O Jesus, for the sake of each beat of your adorable Heart, make me holy.  This is really about your Glory, the loving purpose of your Passion, of your most ardent yearning.  If I am saved, will there perhaps not be in Heaven one more soul that sings your praises for eternity?  Oh! make me holy then!  O my Jesus, make me holy!

I am a member of that Spouse of Yours, the Church, whom You purchased with your Divine Blood.  O please, do not suffer in Her a bad daughter like me, poor one; but for love of your Church, make me holy, O my God….

I come often to unite myself to You, ineffably, in that Divine Sacrament of Yours, which is called the Bread of Angels, and the Testament of your Love.  O please, do not suffer in me any stain or tepidness, but for love of your Flesh and of your Divine Blood, make me holy, O my God. 

O Jesus, by your infinite Mercy, make me holy!

Day Eight – April 21st

You demand of me to edify my family, my neighbor, my friends; You ask that I make virtue loved, that I draw souls to You.  And how can I ever make it, poor as I am, so lacking in fervor, humility and patience?  O please, for love of those souls, at least, who cost blood to your Heart, make me holy, O my God, make me holy.

But what need do I have to present to You so many reasons?  Are You not infinite Goodness and Generosity?  Could You, O beloved of my soul, allow that a daughter of yours, who opens her heart to You, entrusts to You her yearnings, asks You only that she may be holy, would remain prostrated before You without answering her?  Would You not listen to her in the greatness of your Mercy?

And even when, because of my constant ingratitude, You would want to reject me, could You deny this grace to your Blessed Mother Mary and mine, who asks You for it on my behalf, presenting all of Her compassion for your sorrows?  Could You deny it to my Guardian Angel, who continually offers You His celestial adorations in order to obtain it for me?  

O Jesus, by your infinite Mercy, make me holy!

Day Nine – April 22nd

 O my Jesus, I confess myself unworthy of any favor, but when I ask You that I may be holy, what do I ask of You, after all, other than that the designs of your Redemption be fulfilled in me, and that your goodness may triumph in my malice, in my rejections and in my reluctance?

O my Love, You are Omnipotent – set me afire, burn me to ashes, consume me in your flames, let it be that I may never again offend You!  That I may die to myself; that I may make of this little while of my life that is left one single act of expiation, of gratitude, of adoration and of apostolate – one single act of immolation and of most pure love.  O Jesus, may I live all absorbed in You, drawn and genuflected with my spirit, always before your Sacramental Majesty.  Even more, may I, O Jesus, truly live of your very Sacramental Eucharistic Life, which is all an affable mystery of hiddenness, of operosity and of love.    

 O Jesus, by your infinite Mercy, make me holy!

Luisa’s Birthday – April 23rd

I know… I must do violence to myself in many motions of my spirit, and conquer myself in a thousand ways, on a thousand occasions….

I will need to love prayer, silence, work, mortification.

I will need to operate always and in everything with a live spirit of Faith and of holy fear of God.

I will need to make space, empty of every creature, around me and inside of me.

I will need to keep my heart always up high, keeping it immaculate, adorning it with lilies, with roses, with violets and with hyacinths….

But what is ever impossible for love?  O please! You Yourself, O Lord, make me comprehend how easily I can become holy, if only I embrace with love that daily cross which your love offers me; if only I do, as best I can, the daily actions which duty or charity require of me.

Oh, how sublime it is to become inebriated with pain out of love….  How perfect it turns out to be doing everything with a most pure intention, under the most holy gaze of my God, and in union with my Guardian Angel, as if I were to do that action alone; as if, after that one, I were to appear before the Divine Judgment – as if from it alone depended my eternal salvation.

 O Jesus, by your infinite Mercy, make me holy!

 Instruct me, You Yourself, O my Jesus, like a patient Teacher.  Make me – I pray You with St. Thomas – to be without reluctances in my humility, without dissipation in my joys, without disheartenments in my sadnesses, without inconstancy in my piety, without bitterness in my conversations, without laments in my sufferings, without hesitation in my obedience, without preferences in my charity, without artifice in my virtue.

Teach me – I will say to You with Saint Ignatius – to be generous unto heroism, to serve unto sacrifice, to give without measuring, to fight without being afraid of the wounds, to consume myself without lamenting.

O Jesus, by your infinite Mercy, make me holy!

 O my Love, who will give me enough to repay You and to satisfy You if not Yourself?  O please, reign, You alone, in this heart of mine, so meager.  May I love You alone, O Jesus, and may I love You equally, when your love caresses me and when it scourges me.  May my spirit rest in You alone, O Jesus.  And when the whirlwind of my passions or the breath of your tests put my soul in agitation, even then, let it be, O Jesus, that each beat of my heart be a praise, a thanksgiving, an adoration for your Divine Heart.  Let is be that, any tie being broken, I may once and for all make a generous leap, and immerse myself inside your Crucified Heart, divine center of charity, of zeal, of purity, of annihilation and of most perfect abnegation….

O Jesus, by your infinite Mercy, make me holy!

 O Mary, Mother of sweet Hope and of beautiful Love, I hide myself in the pious shadow of your mantle.

Saint Joseph, my dear most perfect example of the highest sanctity, You be my singular protector, and my model in the interior life of holy sorrow and of holy love….

In the midst of your three Hearts, O Jesus, O Mary, O Joseph, I remain secure and will fear no more on my journey.

O Jesus, O Mary, O Joseph, make me holy, I implore You, O please, make me holy!

O Jesus, by your infinite Mercy, make me holy!



4/12 Book of Heaven, Volume 12; April 12, 1917

Little daughter of the Divine Will, Luisa Piccarreta

It is not the suffering that renders the creature unhappy; she becomes unhappy when something is missing to her Love.

     As I was in my usual state, my Always Lovable Jesus came, and since I was a little in suffering, He took me in His Arms and told me:  “My beloved daughter, Beloved daughter of Mine, rest in Me.  Even more, your pains – do not keep them with yourself, but send them up to My Cross, that they may become the cortège of My Pains and relieve Me, and My Pains may be the cortège of yours and sustain you, burn with the same Fire and be consumed together.  And I shall look upon your pains as My own; I shall give them the same Effects, the same Value; and they shall do the same Offices that I did on the Cross, before the Father and before souls.  Even more, come, you yourself, onto the Cross – how Happy we shall be together, even in suffering.  In fact, it is not the suffering that renders the creature unhappy; on the contrary, suffering makes her Victorious, Glorious, Rich, Beautiful.  But she becomes unhappy when something is missing to her Love.  You, united with Me on the Cross, shall be completely satisfied in Love; your pains shall be Love; your life, Love – all Love; and therefore you shall be Happy!”

4/11 Feast of St. Stanislaus, Bishop and Martyr

S_St Stanislaus

St. Stanislaus

Bishop and martyr, born at Szczepanów (hence called Szczepanowski), in the Diocese of Cracow, 26 July, 1030; died at Cracow, 8 May, 1079; feast on May 7 in Roman Martyrology, but on 8 May in Cracow, which has a special feast of the translation of his relics on 27 September; patron of Poland and the city and Diocese of Cracow; invoked in battle.  No contemporary biography of the saint is in existence.

Excerpt from the Seventeenth Hour:  From 9 to 10 AM in the Hours of the Passion

Sorrowful Jesus, my heart faints in seeing You follow Pilate.  You walk with difficulty, bent over, under that horrible crown of thorns.  Your Blood marks Your steps, and as You go out, You hear the tumultuous crowd anxiously awaiting Your condemnation.  Imposing silence, in order to call the attention of all and to be heard by all, Pilate, with repugnance, takes two hems of the purple [rag] that covers Your chest and shoulders.  He lifts it, so that all may see how You are reduced, and says in a loud voice, “Ecce Homo!  [Here is the Man!] Look at Him—He no longer has the features of a man.  Observe his wounds—He can no longer be recognized.  If He has done evil, He has already suffered enough—or rather, too much.  I already regret having made Him suffer so much; therefore, let us set Him free.”

4/10 Our Hearts are Gardens Precious to Jesus

J_Cross fount water

“Your hearts are Gardens Precious to Jesus. 
Sprinkled with the Living Waters of His Cross the Lilies He has Sown.”

4/10/13 – Vol. 11

This morning my always adorable Jesus came and, hugging me close to His Heart, told me: “My daughter, the soul who always thinks about my Passion forms a spring within her heart, and the more she thinks, the larger this spring becomes. Since the waters which spring are waters common to everyone, this spring of my Passion which is formed in her heart serves to the benefit of the soul, to my glory, and to the benefit of all creatures.”

4/9 St. Annibale: “…the Writings – that is, the Great Deposit of His (Triune God’s) Divine Revelations…”

St. Annibale Maria Di Francia


From the Letters of St. Di Francia to the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta:

16.                                         J.M.J.A.

Messina, March 4, 1927

Most Esteemed one in the Lord,

I received your second letter.  The first one I gave to read to Mother Superior also and to some of the Old Sisters, and all of us have remained consoled – also my Priests, because the rumor has spread in our Institutes that the Lord, by His infinite goodness, has destined me to start up to a good point, the publication of the Divine Will, and therefore all of them hope for my healing – and I do too.

In truth, it seems that the Lord wants it, both because He has placed all of the writings – that is, the great deposit of His Divine Revelations – in our power, and also because of the special enlightenment that the Lord has given me on how to regulate the publication, which you will see rather soon in the first booklet that is being printed in Oria; and also because of the great means and equipment that are necessary, as well as labor – and of all this, the Lord has given us, and gives us, a unique abundance.

If these works were to be published in an external press, it would be an expense of hundreds of thousands of lira – and it would even reach the million.  Another sign is the terrible war that the devil has been waging against me in order to destroy me – by divine permission, so that I myself may begin the practice of the Divine Will.

Only my sins would make me fear that the Lord would withdraw such infinite Mercy from us.

Now, for this, I commend myself to your fervent prayers.

I spent last night awfully, but today, from 3pm on, I got up from my rest almost like in the days of my good health, and I feel as if I were on the way to recovery.

In my afflictions, I have kept in mind that everything is the love of Jesus that operates.  Your advice and suggestions are most dear to me, but I am still a baby in this great Science of the Divine Will.  I thank you very much for your holy encouragements.

As far as the Pious Universal Union of the Children of the Divine Will, I have not conceived it in the way you understood, that is, with many houses that should be formed in the world of Sisters dedicated as Daughters of the Divine Will.  In this way the Institution would not be universal, nor could it develop rapidly.  In the way I conceived it, all Religious Houses of men and women, and all lay categories, and any person in the entire world, can become son or daughter of the Divine Will, by simply accepting the Card, and reciting every day, with no obligation of conscience, 5 decades of the ejaculatory prayer:  “Fiat, Domine, Voluntas Tua – Sicut in Coelo et in Terra.  Amen”, alternating with the Glory Be, and with the premise of a Pater, Ave and Gloria.  There will not be registers for memberships, nor regulations, but impetrators – men and women, to spread the Cards.

As far as our House in Corato, it is understood that our Sisters and all of the internal and external personnel will be Children of the Divine Will.

Our Msgr. Archbishop prays, and has made others pray, for the healing of my miserable self; and he wants me to pray the Adorable Heart of Jesus to heal me, though always submitted to the Divine Volition.  However, he ignores the sublime Mission of the Divine Will that was given to us, and for now I will not let him know, nor is it necessary.

This Mother Superior thanks you for your gentle manners.

March 8, 1927

P.S.  I must add that I suffer gravely of breathlessness if I make movements.

The origin of it – a pleurisy which the doctors have discovered recently in me; because three years ago, in Rome, I has a bronchial pneumonia, a sort of Spanish fever.  I recovered, but I incubated the pleurisy.  However, the doctors give assurance of a sure recovery, yet not this Winter, but in the Spring (let us hope in Jesus).  I suffer most anguishing nights; and you, who spend the nights with Jesus, remember me, who spend them in agony.  The doctors are not concerned at all about my sufferings; they say that it is the nervous system that is altered.  But I feel I am dying.

I answer to your letter.

The proofs are being reviewed by my people.  As far as the writings, don’t worry.  If I should pass away, my Priests have received from me all the lights that the Lord has given me, and they will continue the work.

I apologize to dear Father Calvi, but we are already a Religious Order approved by the Holy Church, and therefore we can give greater guarantee than a simple individual.  And then, how could Fr. Calvi manage to improvise press, labor, means, etc. etc. etc.?

Therefore, let us follow the Divine Will.

Pray, pray for miserable me, who am crucified day and night…

You will receive the first prints as soon as possible – hopefully this month.

I bless you, and, at night, pray Jesus for me.  I see everything closed – Jesus, the Most Holy Virgin, the Saints, etc. etc.

I bless you again, and please distribute my usual regards.  But my letters for you are secret, except for that which you must relate, and which it is good to manifest.

Messina March 8, 1927

Canonico Di Francia

I am sending you the letter you asked for.  Talk about it with the Divine Spouse, and may He not look at my sins!…


Divine Mercy Novena