10/25 The Divine way of operating is only love for the Father and for men.

Book of Heaven
10/27/03 – Vol. 5


As I was in my usual state, I saw my adorable Jesus for just a little, saying to me: “My daughter, to accept mortifications and sufferings as penance and as chastisement is praiseworthy, it is good, but it has no connection with the divine way of operating. In fact, I did much, I suffered much, but the way I had in all this was only love for the Father and for men. So, it shows immediately whether a creature has the way of operating and suffering in a divine manner – if it is love alone that pushes her to do it and to suffer. If she has other ways, good as they may be, they are always the ways of creatures, and therefore she will find in them the merit that a creature can acquire, not the merit that the Creator can acquire, because there is no union of ways. But if she has my way, the fire of love will destroy any disparity and inequality, and will form one single thing between my work and that of the creature.”

10/23 Letter #84 from the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta


Fiat – In Voluntate Dei!

My good daughter in the Divine Volition,

Courage and trust.  The Divine Will has found Its work in your soul, and when you suffer more, it seems that Jesus wants to hasten His work, to receive the contentment to see you as He wants and likes, and to be able to say:  “My daughter is like Me, in the sufferings as much as in wanting what I Myself wanted – only the Will of the Celestial Father.  How happy I am!  It is true that you suffer, but I run to sustain you in my arms, that you may feel my strength and the powerful breath of my Will, which searches for the new life I want in you, and converts all your pains into precious gems of love.  And when I feel embittered, I run, I come to you, to be sweetened in your pains which carry the seal of my Divine Will, and to sweeten the bitternesses that, unfortunately, the other creatures give Me.  Therefore, I recommend to you, my daughter:  be patient, be my host, let Me come to be consecrated in you.  But I do not want you as a dead host, but alive and speaking; and may your suffering be the lamp, always lit, which never extinguishes, and which loves Me incessantly.”

My blessed daughter, how good is Jesus!  It seems that He reduces us to dust in order to give us new life, and to find His own Life in us.

Therefore, I recommend:  in whatever state you feel, be always tranquil; do not think of cold or warmth.  The Divine Will is more than everything:  more than prayer, more than recollection, more than fervor, more than miracles – more than everything.  So, my daughter, let us remain always united in the Divine Will.  Pray for me, and from the heart I will do it for you.

I send you a kiss and a tight hug in the Divine Will,

Most affectionately yours,

The little daughter of the Divine Will.

Corato, June 30, 1940

10/22 Feast Day of Pope Saint John Paul II

Pope Saint John Paul II

Pope Saint John Paul II made history by becoming the first non-Italian pope in more than 400 years, October 16, 1978 to April 2, 2005. During his pontificate the following happened affecting the Cause of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta:

  • March 4, 1987 – Canonical Decree issued for the Association of Luisa Piccarreta in Corato, Italy
  • October 7, 1990 – in St. Peter’s Square, Pope John Paul II proclaimed Father Annibale Blessed – Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary (same day Luisa entered the House of Divine Will as St. Annibale wished 62 years before)
  • November 20, 1994 – Feast of Christ the King – Archbishop Cassati officially opened the Cause for Beatification and Canonization of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta
  • February 2, 1996 – Pope John Paul II permits copying original volumes of Luisa in Vatican Archives
  • May 16, 2004 – Canonization of Annibale Maria di Francia – Luisa’s Confessor and Ecclesiastical Censor of her Writings, declaring him the Saint for Vocations and Father of orphans and the poor

10/21 Luisa’s 1st Mystical Marriage with Jesus (1888) – Day of the Purity of Mary Most Holy

On the morning of the aforementioned day, Jesus made Himself Seen again all Affable, Sweet and Majestic, together with His Most Holy Mother and Saint Catherine.  First, a hymn was Sung by the Angels, while Saint Catherine assisted me, Mama took my hand, and Jesus put the Ring on my finger.  Then, we embraced and He Kissed me, and So did Mama also.  Then we had a Conversation, all of Love – Jesus told me of the Great Love He had for me, and I also told Him of the love I had for Him.  The Most Holy Virgin made me comprehend the Great Grace I had received, and the correspondence with which I was to correspond to the Love of Jesus.

10/20 Divine Justice converts the fire of sin into fire of chastisement.

Revelation 8:5

And the angel took the censer and filled it with the fire of the altar and cast it on the earth: and there were thunders and voices and lightnings and a great earthquake.


Excerpt from the Book of Heaven
10/20/05 – Vol. 6

As I was in my usual state, after I struggled very much, Blessed Jesus came for just a little, almost in the act of sending Chastisements, and He told me:  “My daughter, sin is fire, My Justice is Fire.  Now, since My Justice must remain always the same, just always in Its Operating, without receiving any profane fire into Itself, when the fire of sin wants to unite to Its own Fire, It pours it over the earth, converting it into Fire of Chastisement.”

10/19 North American Martyrs

Members of the Society of Jesus who dedicated themselves to the conversion of the American Indians took Christ’s Words very literally. They journeyed from Renaissance France to the frontiers of North America that they might preach and Baptize. After pouring the saving waters of Baptism on a dying Indian child, Saint John de Brebeuf, the great pioneer of this mission, exclaimed with joy, “For this one single occasion I would travel all the way from France; I would cross the great ocean to win one little soul for Our Lord!” And so pleased was God with the genuine zeal and the extraordinary sacrifices of these Jesuit apostles that He bestowed upon Father Brebeuf and seven of his fellow missionaries the glorious crown of martyrdom.


Volume 11; September 25, 1914
Effects of the prayers done in the Divine Will.
I [Luisa] was offering my poor prayers to Blessed Jesus, and I was thinking to myself to whom it would be better for Blessed Jesus to apply them.  And He, benignly, said to me:  “My daughter, the prayers done with Me and with My very Will can be given to all, without excluding anyone.  All receive their part and their effects, as if those prayers had been offered for one alone.  However, they operate according to the dispositions of the creatures, just like Communion, or My Passion:  I give It to all and to each one, but the effects are produced according to their dispositions; and if ten people receive It, the fruit is not inferior to the case in which five had received It.  Such is the prayer done together with Me and from My Will.”