6/1 Archbishop Paul F. Leibold passed away in 1972

Most Reverend Paul F. Leibold
Second Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Evansville
Born December 22, 1914
Ordained a Priest: May 18, 1940
Named Auxiliary Bishop of Cincinnati: April 10, 1958
Consecrated Bishop: June 17, 1958
Apostolic Administrator of Evansville: Oct. 20, 1965
Installed as Bishop of Evansville: June 15, 1966
Installed as Archbishop of Cincinnati: Oct. 2, 1969
Died: June 1, 1972
Burial: Cincinnati, June 7, 1972

– +Archbishop Paul F. Leibold to Heaven 1972 – Confessor of Sister Mary Ephrem – Jesus: “I ask of him (Rev. Leibold) what I continue to ask of you (Sr. Mary Ephrem), oh bride of My Heart – prayer and penance. As a priest after My Own Heart, I will be with him in all his trials and sorrows. Tell him not to become discouraged at the crosses awaiting him for I, the Great High-Priest go before him carrying the heaviest part of his cross. I seek always the humble and lowly of heart and since I have found two such, so I have entrusted to them a great mission, but become not vain, for I have Chosen him and you only because of your unworthiness and lack of virtue. Let this thought be with you always, that you may remember that it is I working through you, Who sanctify you for His Glory and the salvation of souls. You are poor instruments in My Hands, but through you a Great Work will be accomplished. I AM the Great Sculptor of souls. With hammer and chisel I form them that they may glorify My Father by their beauty and perfection. Be pliant in My Hands, oh My two lowly ones, My priest and My little white dove, and then will you be formed into My likeness and through you, I will be formed in souls.” (Letter from Sr. Mary Ephrem to her confessor Archbishop +Paul Leibold 2/20/54).

5/4 Testimony of Grace Received through the Intercession of Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta

Date: January 27, 2020

My name is Marta.

Marcos, my husband’s cousin, at the end of December 2019, at the age of 54, was diagnosed with cancer at a very advanced stage. It was less than one month between receiving the diagnosis and his final days on earth.  When Marcos was diagnosed, the doctor already alerted the family that there was nothing else that could be done; the cancer had already spread to the head, pancreas, liver and spleen. Since the doctor had not discovered the disease earlier, there was no treatment that would benefit Marcos and he was admitted to the Santa Casa de Misericórdia Hospital in Valinhos, São Paulo. Family and friends would visit him already knowing his serious health condition.
In the afternoon of Saturday, January 18, 2020, Marcos’ health status worsened rapidly. His breathing was very slow; they put him on oxygen and started giving him morphine. A priest was called to give the anointing of the sick but an aunt, who was present, thought it was unnecessary, (probably because she was unaware of his serious situation).
On Sunday afternoon, January 19, 2020, at 3 pm, I took my husband to the hospital to stay as Marcos’ companion for that hour. I wanted to go in and pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, but my husband thought it would not be possible, as there were many people wanting to go in and see him. So, I said the Chaplet of Divine Mercy at home and decided to take the holy oil and the relic of Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta, to the hospital to place it on Marcos.
When I arrived at the hospital, my sister-in-law, who had been in the room with Marcos, came out in desperation saying that Marcos was very distressed and agitated, (although he had already taken morphine) and he was saying:  “I need to go … help!”
My sister-in-law said to me:  Marta, for God’s sake, what do I do?
At that moment, I remembered that I had the holy oil and the relic of Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta. I gave them to my sister-in-law and asked her to go in and anoint him, and place the relic card on his chest.
She went back in the room.  There were two of Marcos’ cousins in the room who watched as my sister-in-law started anointing him and placing the relic on his chest.
In an instant, Marcos calmed down and said:  “I’m ready. I’m going. I love you all.”
He closed his eyes and remained so calm, until the priest arrived at 4:30pm who administered the anointing of the sick to him. The priest left and my husband remained in the room.
At 5:30 pm, my husband said that Marcos passed away peacefully. His little heart became weak and stopped slowly; it appeared as if he were sleeping. The passage was very smooth. The holy oil and the relic of Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta, brought comfort and peace — like a miracle — for Marcos who had been agonizing on his deathbed. Thank you, my Father God!  Infinite Thanks!

4/16 Blessed 94th Birthday to Pope Emeritis Benedict XVI

Pope Benedict XVI

Book of Heaven; Volume 2, May 2, 1899

How the whole of Heaven is veiled in the Church.
     This morning, Jesus aroused much compassion; He was so Afflicted and in Suffering that I would not dare to ask Him a single question.  We would look at each other in Silence; every now and then He would give me a kiss, and I to Him; and He continued to make Himself seen in this way several times.  On the last time He made me see the Church, telling me these Exact Words:  “The whole of Heaven is veiled in My Church.  Just as in Heaven one is the head, that is God, and many are the saints, of different conditions, orders and merits, so in My Church, in which all Heaven is veiled, one is the Head, that is the Pope, and even in the triple tiara that covers his head is the Sacrosanct Trinity veiled; and many are the members that depend upon this head – that is, different dignities, various orders, superior and inferior.  From the littlest to the greatest, they all serve to embellish My Church; and each one, according to its degree, has the office entrusted to it; and by the Exact Fulfillment of the Virtues, it comes to give of itself a Splendor so Very Fragrant in My Church, that the earth and Heaven are perfumed and illumined, and the people are so drawn by this light and by this fragrance, that it is almost impossible for them not to surrender to the Truth.  I leave it to you, then, to consider those infected members that, instead of shedding Light, cast darkness.  How much torment they cause in My Church.”…

4/13 Miss Eugenia Carvelli was one of the lucky people who knew the Little Daughter of the Divine Will, Luisa Piccarreta.

Miss Eugenia Carvelli

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Miss Eugenia Carvelli died on April 13, 2018 at the age of 93. She was one of the lucky people who knew the servant of God Luisa Piccarreta. Eugenia was born in Catanzaro on 10 March 1925. She was the last of six siblings, and lost both her parents at the age of three. The children, left orphans, were entrusted to a different orphanage. Providence brought Eugenia to the Institute of the Sisters of Divine Zeal in which she remained until she reached the age of majority. And it was in this place that her meeting with Luisa originated.

We report, below, some excerpts of an interview that was made with Dr. Marina Labartino and published on Lostradone newspaper in which her memories emerge.

“For the most part, during the summer or on the warm days of spring and autumn, I and the other girls had the task of taking Luisa out in the garden, on the wheelchair, after lunch, during the recreation … Luisa attended the Mass from access to the sacristy sitting on the wheelchair; she lived in a room close to the chapel, and was helped by her sister Angelina and another attendant … .. She spoke very little – Eugenia continued – she always spoke only of the Divine Will “.

In the convent, Eugenia received the sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation. Miss Maria Greca Calvi, sister of Don Benedetto accompanied her on the Christian path. In fact, she became Eugenia’s godmother of Confirmation, and promised her that, at the age of majority, she and Don Benedetto would welcome her into their home as a niece. And so it happens. At the age of 21, Eugenia left the orphanage and went to live with them; she was joined to them by a deep bond, and when she spoke to them she affectionately called them “Uncle Benedetto” and “Aunt Maria Greca”.

After her transfer to Calvi family’s house, Eugenia went with Maria Greca to visit Luisa in her house in Via Maddalena, every afternoon and spent time with her for about an hour. ” We often talked with her sister Angelina in the other room, because there were always so many people in Luisa’s that we preferred to move or leave … Luisa had a good word for everybody, a word of hope. Most people who went to her, suffered from some disorder or illness, or worried about some family members. Luisa told them to entrust themselves to the Divine Will, that the strength to bear everything would come from God. Also the foreigners who came from anywhere were so many, they came even from America “.

Eugenia reported that she often saw Luisa with a booklet in her hand while writing. “When it happened, Aunt Maria Greca and I, we immediately moved to the next room so as not to disturb.” She also remembered the molten iron bowl near the bed where Luisa vomited all her food: “Luisa ate very little, more liquid things, but after an hour she vomited everything. She was unable to throw up only the Eucharist”.

The thing that fascinated her most was the fact that Luisa never complained, that she was always sitting, in the same position for years, yet she had no sores, as it happens to people who are bedridden  for a long time.

Eugenia remembered vividly also the day of Luisa’s funeral: We were called immediately. Aunt Maria Greca and I, we ran to help dress her. As her body was soft and flexible,  we also tried to stretch it on the bed, holding it firm, but, as we loosened the grasp, the body lifted up again and restored the original position that it had held for so many years. Each of our operations aimed at lying down was vain. As Luisa remained in a sitting position when she was  alive, so she remained even after death. So, a coffin especially for her was built. “

Even the memories of the exhumation of Luisa’s body in 1963 were still shining: “Aunt Maria Greca and I, we cleaned the bones, one by one, with pieces soaked in alcohol. A few tiny fragments and the shirt that was worn by Luisa was cut into strips and given to those who wanted a memory of her. Together with some dressmakers devoted to Luisa, we made many small cardboard hearts covered with white silk. Inside, between the two cardboard hearts, we inserted the relics: some shreds of cloth or crumbs of bones. Nothing was lost or thrown away. During Mass celebrated by Uncle Benedetto in Santa Maria Greca,  there were so many foreigners. Then what remained of Luisa’s body was buried in a grave placed on one side of the Church of Santa Maria Greca “.

It is always nice to read or listen to testimonies of people who knew Luisa, because they also allow us to have a direct encounter with her humanity.


It is adapted from an article by Marina Labartino – “Lostradone” newspaper  – March 2017


2/28 Second Sunday of Lent

The season of the Great Fast is a special time for mortification and penance, both internal and external.   Because this spiritual struggle lasts a longer time, it often happens that we begin the first days or weeks of fasting with great zeal and resolution, but then gradually we become physically and spiritual exhausted, weakened and discouraged.  Holy Church knowing well the weakness and instability of our human nature, places before our eyes a glimpse of the transfigured Jesus – a scene to encourage us during the trials of life and during this Lent.

Book of Heaven
3/22/27 – Vol. 21

Effects of the rising of the Sun of the Divine Will in the soul.

. . . After this, I was thinking about the great good that the Divine Will brings to us; and while I was all immersed in It, my sweet Jesus added:  “My daughter, when the sun rises, it dispels the darkness and makes the light arise.  It changes the humidity of the night, with which the plants have been invested, in a way that they lie there, oppressed, torpid and melancholic; but as the sun rises, it turns that humidity into pearls, pearling everything—plants, flowers; and over all nature its silvery aura brings back gaiety and beauty, taking away the torpor of the night; and with the enchantment of its light, it seems to take all nature by the hand, in order to vivify it, embellish it, and give it life.  The sea, the rivers, the springs, strike fear during nighttime, but as the sun rises, the sun’s rays dispel the fear, and investing them down to the bottom, it forms in them a golden and silvery bed, it crystallizes the waters, and forms in them the most beautiful enchantment.  So, all nature rises again by means of the sun; if it were not for the sun, it could be called a work without life.

“My Will is more than sun.  As It rises in the soul, It clothes her with Light; all of her acts are pearled with Divine Light, in such a way that they convert into more than most refulgent diamonds and precious ornaments.  Before the Sun of My Will rises, they are like night dew, that oppresses the plants and gives them no tint of beauty; but with the rising of the sun, that dew forms the most beautiful ornament for all plants, and gives to each one of them its tint of beauty, and makes the variety and the vividness of their colors stand out. 

“In the same way, as My Will rises, all the human acts become invested with light, they take their place of honor in My Will; each one of them receives its special tint of beauty and the vividness of the Divine colors, in such a way that the soul becomes transfigured and enveloped with an indescribable beauty As the Sun of My Will rises, It puts to flight all the evils of the soul; It takes away the torpor that passions have produced; even more, before the light of the Divine Fiat, passions themselves lap up that light and aspire to convert into virtues, to pay homage to My Eternal Will.  As It rises, everything is gaiety, and even the pains that, like seas at nighttime, strike fear in the poor creatures, if My Will rises, It puts to flight the night of the human will, and taking every fear away, It forms Its golden bed in those pains, and with Its light, It invests the bitter waters of the pains, and It crystallizes them into a sea of sweetness, in such a way as to form an enchanting and admirable horizon.

“What can My Will not do?  It can do everything, and It can give everything; and wherever It rises, It does things worthy of Our creative hands.”


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Little Children of the Divine Will CORATO


 February 28 March 4, 2021


122nd anniversary since Luisa Piccarreta began to write her Diary in obedience to her confessor DonGennaro De Gennaro, parish priest of the Church of St. Joseph in Corato

74th Anniversary of the death of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta


February 28, 2021

2:30 p.m.

Let’s pray together from the House-Museum Luisa Piccarreta

You Tube Live:


4:30 pm

Holy Mass presided by His Excellency Msgr. Leonardo D’Ascenzo, Archbishop of Trani – Barletta – Bisceglie


Church of S. Maria Greca

You Tube Live:



March 1, 2021

7:00 p.m.

Food for thought: “The Light of the Divine Will”

Don Sergio Pellegrini, Ecclesiastic Assistant of the Association

You Tube Live:




March 2, 2021

5:30 p.m.

Eucharistic Adoration and Holy Mass

Mother Church


March 3, 2021

7:30 p.m.

Film showing “Dawn of a Mystery”

 Introduction by Mrs. Vincenza Arbore, President of the Association

You Tube Live:



March 4, 2021

2:30 p.m

Holy Rosary on the Tomb of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, with international connection Introduction by Sister Assunta Marigliano

You Tube Live:


7:30 p.m

Holy Mass presided over by Don Giuseppe Lobascio, Episcopal Vicar

Mother Church

You Tube Live:


La Redazione