4/22 Begin Novena to St. Joseph: April 22 to May 1

S_St Joseph the Worker

Click here for the Novena

Dear Saint Joseph, you be my Protector, the Custodian of my heart, and you keep

the keys of my human will in your hands.

Dear Saint Joseph, you will keep my heart jealously, and will never give it to me again, that I may be sure never to go out of the Most Holy Will of God.

We ask this in the Name of Jesus, under the Blue Mantle of Mary Our Mother and through the intercession of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, the little daughter of the Divine Will,    Amen


Storm Luisa with your prayers
If we wish the Servant of God to continue, and even hasten, her ascent to the Glory of the Altar, let us give her a chance to perform First Class Miracles. 
Her holiness and the Favors already granted should impregnate our supplications with unquenchable confidence.   
It is certainly permissible to pray to her in our daily needs, but let us not be afraid to implore Real Miracles from her.  
Let us Invoke her or have her Invoked in cases of fatal maladies, wherein science has to declare itself powerless.   
That is when Luisa Piccarreta will be able to Display the Prodigious Power of her intercession.
For the glory of God and of Luisa Piccarreta, kindly write out the favors obtained, sign them, with two witnesses, if possible, and send to:
Postulation for the Cause of Beatification Luisa Piccarreta
Palazzo Arcivescoville
70059 Trani (BA) Italy

4/20 All that Jesus did upon earth is in Continuous Act of Giving Itself to man.

Book of Heaven
3/28/22 – Vol. 14

Continuing in my usual state, I was fusing all of myself in the Holy Will of my Lovable Jesus; and He told me: “Daughter of My Will, if you knew the Portents, the Prodigies that occur when you fuse yourself in My Will, you would be Stupefied. Listen a bit: all that I did upon earth is in continuous act of giving itself to man, surrounding him like a crown. My Thoughts form a crown around the intelligence of the creature; My Words, My Works, My Steps, etc., form a crown around her words, works and steps, so that, by braiding her things with Mine, I may say to My Celestial Father that her works are like Mine.

Now, who takes this continuous attitude of Mine? Who lets herself be braided by My Works, with that I crowned the whole human family? The one who Lives in My Will. As you were fusing your thoughts in my Volition, My Thoughts that surrounded you like a crown heard the echo of My Thoughts in your mind, and identifying Themselves with yours, they multiplied yours with Mine, and formed a double crown around the human intelligence. And My Celestial Father received, not only from Me, but also from you, Divine Glory on the part of all created intelligences; the same with words and with all the rest. And He receives this Divine Glory not only from the creatures, but from all other created things, because all things were created to make Continuous Love run toward man, and man, by Justice, should give Homage and Love to his Creator for each created thing.

Now, who compensates for this? Who makes that FIAT, through which all things were made, her own, so as to spread Homage, Adoration, Divine Love for her Creator over everything? The one who Lives in my Will! She makes that Omnipotent FIAT her own almost at each word of hers. The echo of the Eternal FIAT echoes within her Divine FIAT in which she lives, and It spreads, It runs – It flies, impressing another FIAT on each created thing, and giving back to her Creator the Homage and the Love wanted by Him.

4/19 Anniversary of Pope Benedict XVI being Elected Pope

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI
Papacy Began April 19, 2005
Pope Emeritus Effective February 28, 2013
Pope Benedict XVI Died December 31, 21022


Volume 5; February 23, 1903
Men do not want Jesus Christ as their head.  The Church will always be Church.

As I (Luisa) was outside of myself, I found myself near a garden that seemed to be the Church.  Near it there seemed to be people plotting an attack against the Church and the Pope, and in their midst there was Our Lord, Crucified, but without a Head.  Who can say the pity, the horror – to see His Most Holy Body in that state!  I comprehended how men do not want Jesus Christ as their Head, and since the Church represents Him on this earth, they try to destroy what stands in His place.

Then I (Luisa) found myself in another place in which I found other people who were asking me:  “What do you say about the Church?”  And I, feeling a Light within my mind, said:  “The Church will always be Church.  At the most, She might be washed in Her own blood, but this bath will render Her more Beautiful and Glorious.”  On hearing this, they said:  “This is false – let us call on our god and see what he says.”  So a man came out who surpassed everyone in height, with a crown on his head, and he said:  “The Church will be destroyed, there will be no more public services – at the most, some hidden ones; and the Madonna will no longer be recognized.” On hearing this, I said:  “And who are you to dare to say this?  Aren’t you perhaps that serpent condemned by God to crawl on the earth?  And now you are so daring as to make yourself believed a king, deceiving the people?  I command you to let yourself be known for what you are.”  While I was saying this, from tall he became very, very short; he assumed the shape of a serpent, and making a flash, he plunged himself down deep.  Then I found myself inside myself.





04/18 The Day of Jesus in the Eucharist.

Book of Heaven
9/12/31 – Vol. 29

Luisa:  I continued to pray before the Tabernacle of Love, and in my interior I said to myself:  “What do You do, my Love, in this Prison of Love?” 

And Jesus, all Goodness, told me:  “My daughter, do you want to know what I do?  I do My day.  You Must Know that My whole Life, spent down here, I enclose within One Day.  My Day begins by being Conceived and Being Born; the veils of the Sacramental accidents serve Me as swaddling clothes for My tender age.  And when, because of human ingratitude, they leave Me alone and try to offend Me, I do My Exile, left with only the company of some loving soul who, like a second mother, cannot detach herself from Me and keeps Me faithful company.

“From the exile I move on to Nazareth, doing My Hidden Life in the company of those few good who surround Me.  And continuing My Day, as creatures draw near to receive Me, I do My Public Life, repeating My Evangelical scenes, offering to each one My Teachings, the Helps, the Comforts that are Necessary for them; I act as Father, as Teacher, as Doctor, and, if needed, also as Judge.  So, I spend My day waiting for all and doing Good to all.  And—O! how many times I have to remain alone, without a heart that would palpitate near Me.  I feel a desert around Me, and I remain alone—alone Praying.  I feel the loneliness of My days that I spent in the desert down here, and O! how Painful it is for Me—I, Who AM heartbeat for all in each heart; jealous, I Guard everyone—feeling Isolated and Abandoned.

“But My Day does not end with the sole abandonment; there is not one day that ungrateful souls do not offend Me and receive Me sacrilegiously, and make Me complete My Day with My Passion and with My Death on the Cross.  Ah! it is sacrilege the most ruthless Death that I receive in this Sacrament of Love.  So, in this Tabernacle I do My Day by carrying out everything I carried out in the Thirty-Three years of My mortal Life.  And just as in everything I Did and Do, the Prime Purpose, the Prime Act of Life, is the Will of My Father—that It be Done on earth as It is in Heaven—so in this little Host I do nothing other than Implore that One be My Will with My children.  And I call you in this Divine Will, in which you find My whole Life in Act; and you, by following It, ruminating It and offering It, unite yourself with Me in My Eucharistic Day, to Obtain that My Will be Known and Reign upon earth.  And so you too will be able to say:  ‘I do my day together with Jesus.’”


4/17 Peaceful Souls are the Delight of God


Book of Heaven
Volume 8; March 29, 1908
Peaceful souls are the Delight and Amusement of God

     This morning, on coming, Blessed Jesus seemed to carry a black mantle; and drawing near me, He seemed to place me (Luisa) under it, saying: “In this way I will envelop all creatures, as within a black mantle.” And He disappeared.
I remained concerned because of some chastisement, and I prayed Him to come back, for I could no longer be without Him; but I was as though bothered by that sight from before. Then, after much hardship, He came, carrying a cup filled with some liqueur. He gave me some to drink, and then He added: My daughter, Peaceful souls eat at My same table and drink at My cup, and the Divine Archer does nothing but dart through them continuously, and no dart is wasted. All of them – all of them wound the loving soul; and the soul faints, while the Divine Archer continues with His Arrows that now make her die of Love, now give her back New Life of Love. And from her wounds, the soul shoots her darts to wound the One who has so much wounded her. So, a Peaceful soul is the Delight and the Amusement of God; while, with turbid souls, if the Divine Archer darts through them, the darts are wasted by the soul, leaving Him embittered, and forming the diabolical amusement and taste.”

04/16 The Greatest Sanctity is to Live in the Divine Will.

Book of Heaven
1/20/07 – Vol. 7

Having read the lives of two female Saints – one who aspired so much to suffering, and the other who aspired so much to be little – I was thinking in my interior about which one of the two it would be better to imitate, and unable to make up my mind, I felt as though hampered. So, in order to be free and to think only about loving Him, I said to myself: ‘I want to aspire to nothing but to love Him and to fulfill His Holy Will perfectly.’

At that moment, the Lord told me in my interior: “And it is here that I want you – in my Will. Until the grain of wheat is buried in the earth and dies completely, it cannot rise again to new life and multiply itself, giving life to other grains. In the same way, until the soul is buried in my Will, to the point of dying completely by dissolving all of her will within Mine, she cannot rise again to new Divine Life through the rising of all the virtues of Christ, which contain true Sanctity. Therefore, let my Will be the seal which seals your interior and exterior; and once my Will has risen completely within you, you will find true love – and this is the greatest of all the other sanctities to which one can aspire.