6/24 It was officially announced that the two Theological Censors appointed by the Holy See to review the Writings of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreata had given their approval.

L_Luisa Reading
The Little Daughter of the Divine Will, Luisa Piccarreta


On July 23, 2010 Sister Assunta Marigliano, President of the Pious Association announced unoficially ‘great news which brings great joy’:

“We are glad to inform you that the second Theologian, which the Holy See had appointed to review the Writings of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, has completed his task and given his approval.”

On July 24, 2010 it was officially announced that the two Theological Censors appointed by the Holy See to review the Writings of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta had given their approval.

6/23 One who is united with the Humanity of Jesus finds herself at the door of His Divinity.

Book of Heaven
6/23/05 – Vol. 6

Continuing in my usual state, I was thinking of how Jesus Christ died, and that in no way could He fear death, because, being so united with the Divinity, or rather, transmuted into It, He was already safe, like someone in his own palace.  But for the soul – oh, how different it is!  While I was thinking of this and other nonsense, blessed Jesus came and told me:  “My daughter, one who is united with my Humanity already finds herself at the door of my Divinity, because my Humanity is mirror for the soul, from which the Divinity is reflected in her.  If one is in the reflections of this mirror, it is natural that all of her being be transmuted into love; because, my daughter, everything that comes out of the creature, even the movements of her eyes, of her lips, the moving of her thoughts, and all the rest – everything should be love, and done out of love; and since my Being is all love, wherever I find love I absorb everything within Myself, and the soul dwells safely in Me, like someone in his own palace.  So, what fear can the soul have, in her dying, of coming to Me, if she is already in Me?”

6/22 Bruno Cornacciola passed away on this day in 2001

Bruno Cornacciola

(The Virgin of Revelation appeared at Tre Fontane, Rome, April, 12, 1947 – 40 days after the Transit to Heaven of Luisa Piccarreta)

I am who I am in the Divine Trinity

I am with those who are” demonstrates explicit confirmation of all titles, truth and dogmas concerning the Blessed Virgin, revealed and un-revealed. They give us an understanding of the Virgin’s existence in time, the action of the Trinity in the Incarnation and her divine motherhood, ‘indicating the continuity of the Trinity in redemption, mediation and sanctification of humanity in time, and for eternity. “In the Divine Trinity” By these words, one can consider, but does not understand the merger or the indivisible operations by the Trinity, through Her Son Jesus Christ. Full of Grace is in perfect ecstasy within eternal love of God. “I am the Virgin” indicates Mary’s cooperation with the intimate actions in Her, by the Trinity for eternal salvation of the faithful: She is not only virginity of morals but from eternity, the integrity of divine science infused in Her is incomprehensible but at present continues in a real manner. “Of Revelation” In these words we can also understand that all the privileges granted to the Virgin by the Trinity by Divine Will, have been established by Mary’s cooperation. The Virgin Mother is unique at all times, with a universal right in veneration and one in all her manifestations. – IL Viggente (The Seer) on Our Lady of Revelation – Who Appeared to him April 12, 1947 – 40 days after Luisa’s entrance into Heaven.

 Click here for more information on Our Lady of Revelation


6/21 Feast of St. Aloysius Gonzaga

St. Aloysius Gonzaga

Note: The Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, the Little Daughter of the Divine Will  baptismal name was after St. Aloysius (St. Luis).  “Luisa” means “mighty in warfare.”  

Luisa was born on April 23rd, the Feast of St. George the Martyr, in the province of Apulia, which is located on the heel of the Italian “boot”—which points to Jerusalem. In Genesis 3:15 God promised to crush the serpent’s head. In 1868, within 3 years after Luisa’s birth, the Church of the “Pater Noster” in Jerusalem was rebuilt for the third time, recalling the only prayer taught by Jesus: “Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven.” 

Also the feast day of St. Aloysius, June 21st, was the same day of the release of the Baltimore Catechism.


St. Aloysius GonzagaHe is known for his purity and the performance of great austerities and religious practices.  St. Aloysius joined the Jesuits in Rome in 1585.  He has been declared Protector of young students and Patron of Catholic Youth.

St. Aloysius Gonzaga is known for his purity and the performance of great austerities and religious practices. Aloysius is the Latin form of Gonzaga’s given name, Luigi. In English, the equivalent form would be Louis. The Gonzaga name is well known in Italy. Aloysius Gonzaga was born at Castiglione near Mantua, Italy, in 1568 to a celebrated family of wealth and prestige. As the first born son of his father, Ferrante, and his mother, Marta, he was in line to inherit his father’s title of Marquis. He grew up amid the violence and brutality of the Renaissance Italy and witnessed the murder of two of his brothers. In 1576, Aloysius’ parents sent him to attend the court of the Grand Duke of Tuscany, Francesco de’Medici, in Florence. Later, accompanied by his parents, he traveled to Spain to join the court of Philip II in Madrid.

In Spain, Aloysius decided he wanted to join the newly founded religious order, The Society of Jesus. His father resisted his decision and there followed a struggle of wills that continued after his return to Castiglione in 1584. But Aloysius eventually prevailed. Renouncing his right to the title of Marquis and to the vast wealth he was destined to inherit, he entered the Society of Jesus in Rome on November 25, 1585. During his early studies in Rome, he would regularly go out into the streets of the city to care for victims of the plague. He himself contracted the disease as a result of his efforts for the suffering and died on June 21, 1591, at the age of twenty-three, six years short of his ordination as a Jesuit priest.

Even before his time as a Jesuit, Aloysius was known for his love of prayer and fasting. He received his First Communion from St. Charles Borromeo. As a Jesuit at the Roman College, he continued to devote his time to prayer and practices of austerity.  His spiritual director was Robert Bellarmine, who later was canonized and declared a doctor of the church.  When Robert was dying, he asked to be buried next to the grave of Aloysius.  Today, they rest next to each other in the church of St. Ignatius Loyola in Rome.  Pope Benedict XIII canonized Aloysius in 1726, and three years later declared him to be the patron of youth in the Catholic Church, an honor later confirmed by Pope Pius XI in 1926.


Volume 2 – June 20, 1899
…Afterwards, Heaven opened; it seemed that a very great feast was being prepared.  At that very moment a young man of lovely appearance came down from Heaven, all dazzling with fire and flames.  Jesus told me:  “Tomorrow is the feast of my dear Aloysius – I must go attend.”  And I:  ‘And so You leave me alone – what shall I do?’  And He:  “You too will come.  Look at how beautiful Aloysius is; but the greatest thing in him, which distinguished him on earth, was the love with which he operated.  Everything was love in him – love occupied him interiorly, love surrounded him externally; so, one can say that even his breath was love.  This is why it is said of him that he never suffered distraction – because love inundated him everywhere, and with this love he will be inundated eternally, as you see.”
     And in fact it seemed that the love of Saint Aloysius was so very great, as to be able to burn the whole world to ashes.  Then, Jesus added:  “I stroll over the highest mountains, and there I form my delight.”  Since I did not understand the meaning of it, He continued:  “The highest mountains are the Saints who have loved Me the most, and in them I form my delight, both when they are on earth, and when they pass into Heaven.  So, everything is in love.”  After this, I prayed Jesus to bless me and those whom I was seeing at that moment; and He, giving His blessing, disappeared.


Volume 2; June 21, 1899
All of a sudden He (Jesus) came and told me (Luisa):  “I will not leave you, never will I abandon you. You too – come, come to Me.” Immediately I ran to place myself in His arms, and while I was like this, Jesus continued, saying:  “Not only will I not leave you, but for love of you I will not leave Corato.”


Volume 19 – June 21, 1926
This morning, having received Holy Communion, I received It as usual in the Most Holy Will of God, offering It to my dear Saint Aloysius – not only the Communion, but all the goods contained in the Most Holy Will of God, for his accidental glory.  Now, while doing this, I saw that all the goods contained in the Supreme Volition, like many rays of light, rays of beauty and of multiple colors, inundated the dear Saint, giving him an infinite glory.  And my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me:  “My daughter, Aloysius is a flower and a Saint bloomed from the earth of my Humanity and made bright by the reflections of the rays of the Sun of my Will.  In fact, though, holy, pure, noble and united hypostatically to the Word, my Humanity was earth; and Aloysius, more than flower, bloomed from my Humanity – pure, holy, noble, possessing the root of pure love, in such a way that in each leaf of his flower one can see written, ‘love’.  But what renders him more beautiful and brilliant are the rays of my Will, to which he was always submitted – rays which gave such development to this flower as to render it unique on earth and in Heaven.  Now, my daughter, if Aloysius is so beautiful because he bloomed from my Humanity, what will be of you and of all those who will possess the Kingdom of my Will?  These flowers will not bloom from my Humanity, but will have their roots within the Sun of my Will.  In It is formed the flower of their life; they grow and bloom in the very Sun of my Volition which, jealous of these flowers, will keep them eclipsed within Its own light.  In each petal of these flowers one will see, written, all the specialties of the divine qualities; they will be the enchantment of all Heaven, and all will recognize in them the complete work of their Creator.”  And while He was saying this, my sweet Jesus opened His breast and showed, inside it, an immense Sun, in which He was to plant all these flowers; and His love and jealousy toward them was so great, that He would not let them bloom outside His Humanity, but inside Himself.


Volume 26 – June 27, 1929
Having received Holy Communion, I was offering It for the glory of Saint Aloysius, and I offered, as a present for him, everything that Our Lord had done in His Divine Will with His mind, with His words, works and steps, for the accidental glory of Saint Aloysius on his feast day.  Now, while I was doing this, my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me:  “My daughter, a more beautiful present you could not give to dear Saint Aloysius on the day of his feast.  As you were offering your Communion and all my acts done in my Divine Will, so many suns were formed for as many acts as I did in It while being on earth; and these suns invested Saint Aloysius, in such a way that he received so much accidental glory from the earth, that he could not receive more.  Only the offerings of acts done in my Divine Will have the virtue of forming their suns, because, containing the fullness of light, it is no wonder that It converts into suns the human acts done in It.”

Luisa was born and died in the Diocese of Trani-Nazareth, in the town of Corato, whose name in its original Latin, cor datum, means “a heart given.”  This recalls the words of the Prophet Ezekiel:

“A new heart I will give you, and a new spirit I will put within you; and I will take out of your flesh the heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.  And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes and be careful to observe my ordinances.  You shall dwell in the land which I gave your fathers; and you shall be my people, and I will be your God.”  (Ezekiel 36:27-28)

6/20 Feast Day of Our Lady of Consolation (Traditional)

Our Lady of Consolation

The history of devotion to Our Lady of Consolation is briefly thus:

For centuries, going back into antiquity pious Catholics have had a devotion to Our Lady as consoler. Sometimes she was given the express title of Consolation. But the practice had never been formalized. Then, immigrants from northern Italy who were seeking better conditions for work and family life brought with them their devotion to Our Lady as the mother of consolation. The devotion to her under this title spread. In 1901 the rector of the Shrine in Turin established a religious institute to spread Marian piety through this title. He was the nephew of Saint Joseph Cafasso, the priest of the gallows and who was also from Turin. Saint Joseph Cafasso wrote a prayer in preparation for death that includes his intention of seeking consolation in Our Lady. You can read that prayer on his page in the Tradition Directory, HERE. The devotion is now worldwide, including Kenya and Ethiopia. In the United States and the United Kingdom there are many parishes/shrines dedicated to her under the title of Our Lady of Consolation. What ever prayer is used there is usually an invocation for the Church, for holiness in its members, for the light of faith, and peace therein.  (Click here for website of this article).


Click here for more photos from the Shrine of Our Lady of Consolata in the city of Turin


Click here for the book of “The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will”

Volume 33; June 6, 1935
Luisa:  …Now, while He was saying this, my dear Jesus showed me, with facts, how the Sovereign Queen descended from Heaven with an unspeakable majesty, and a tenderness fully maternal; and She went around in the midst of creatures, throughout all nations, and She marked Her dear children and those who were not to be touched by the scourges.  Whomever my Celestial Mama touched, the scourges had no power to touch those creatures. Sweet Jesus gave to His Mama the Right to bring to Safety whomever She pleased.  How moving it was to see the Celestial Empress going around to all places of the world, taking creatures in Her maternal hands, holding them close to Her breast, hiding them under Her mantle, so that no evil could harm those whom Her maternal goodness kept in Her Custody, Sheltered and Defended.  O! if all could see with how much Love and tenderness the Celestial Queen performed this Office, they would cry of consolation and would love She who so much Loves us.


Prayers offered at the Memorial Mass of St Alyosius
Born in the castle of Castiglione, March 9, 1568; died June 21, 1591. 
Prayer for Saint Aloysius or for anyone else that you want to offer it for!
Volume 26 – June 27, 1929
Having received Holy Communion, I was offering my Holy Communion for the glory of
Saint Aloysius (__________), and I offered It, as a present for him/her,
everything that Our Lord had done in His Divine Will with His mind,
with His words, His works and His steps, for the accidental glory of
Saint Aloysius (___________) on this his/her feast day.
Now, while I was doing this, my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior,
told me:
“My daughter, a more beautiful present you could not give
to dear Saint Aloysius (_____________) on the day of his feast.
As you were offering your Holy Communion and all My Acts done in My Divine Will,
so many suns were formed for as many Acts as I (Jesus) did in the Divine Will while being on earth;
and these suns invested Saint Aloysius (______________),
in such a way that he/she received so much accidental glory from the earth,
that he/she could not receive more.
Only the offerings of Acts done in My Most Holy Divine Will have the virtue
of forming their suns, because, containing the Fullness of Light,
it is no wonder that the Divine Will converts into suns the human acts done in the Divine Will.”