4/12 Wednesday within the Octave of Easter

Volume 34; May 31, 1936
See, then, how in each Word I spoke, in each Miracle I performed, I called back My Will to Reign in their midst, and I called the people to Live in It.  From the Public Life I passed on to My Passion, symbol of the Passion of My Will that for many centuries had suffered the so many rebellious wills of creatures who, by not wanting to submit to It, had closed Heaven, broken the communications with their Creator, and had rendered themselves unhappy slaves of the infernal enemy.  My Humanity, lacerated, beaten up to death, Crucified, represented the unhappy humanity without My Will before Divine Justice; and in each pain I called My Fiat to exchange the Kiss of Peace with the creatures in order to render them Happy, and I called them into It, to make the Sorrowful Passion of My Will cease.  Finally, My Death, that Matured the Resurrection, that called all to Rise Again in My Divine Fiat; and – O! how vividly does My Resurrection symbolize the Kingdom of My Will.  My Humanity, wounded, deformed, unrecognizable, Rose Again Whole, of an Enchanting Beauty, Glorious and Triumphant.  It prepared the Triumph, the Glory, for My Will, calling all into It and impetrating that all might Rise Again in My Volition – from dead, Alive; from ugly, Beautiful; from unhappy, Happy.  My Risen Humanity ensured the Kingdom of My Will upon earth; It was My only Act Full of Triumph and of Victory; and this befitted Me, because I did not want to depart for Heaven without first providing all the aids to creatures, for them to reenter into the Kingdom of My Will; as well as all the Glory, the Honor, the Triumph to My Supreme Fiat, to let It Dominate and Reign.

4/11 Tuesday withing the Octive of Easter

The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Wil; Day Twenty-Nine

The Virgin Mary:  “Blessed child, you know that I was present at the Resurrection of My Son.  But I did not say a word to anyone, waiting for Jesus Himself to manifest Himself as Risen, Glorious and Triumphant.  The first one to see Him Risen was the fortunate Magdalene; then the pious women.  And all came to Me telling Me that they had seen Jesus Risen, that the Sepulcher was empty; and I listened to all, and with an air of Triumph I confirmed all in the Faith of the Resurrection.  By evening, almost all of the Apostles had seen Him, and all felt as though Triumphant at having been the Apostles of Jesus.  What change of scene, dear child – symbol of those who have first let themselves be dominated by the human will, represented by the Apostles who run away, abandoning their Master; and their fear and fright is such that they hide, and Peter reaches the point of denying Him.  O! if they had been dominated by the Divine Will, they would never have run away from their Master, but, Courageous and as Triumphers, would never have departed from His side, and would have felt honored to lay down their lives to defend Him.”

4/5 Wednesday in Holy Week

Book of Heaven
Volume 11; January 22, 1913

The triple Passion of Jesus: of love, of sin, and from the Jews. Jesus is thrown into the Cedron stream.

I (Luisa) was thinking about the Passion of my always lovable Jesus, especially of what He suffered in the Garden. I found myself all immersed in Jesus, and He told me: “My daughter, my first Passion was of love, because the first step with which man, in sinning, gives himself to evil is the lack of love; so, since love is missing, he falls into sin. In order to be repaid through Me for the lack of love of the creatures, love made Me suffer more than anyone; It almost crushed Me, more than if I were under a press. It gave Me as many deaths for as many creatures receiving life.

The second step that occurs in sin is defrauding God of His glory. So, in order to be repaid for the glory taken away by the creatures, the Father made Me suffer the Passion of sin, such that each sin gave Me a special Passion. Although there was one Passion, I suffered for sin as many Passions as there would be sins committed until the end of the world. So, the glory of the Father was restored.

The third effect produced by sin is weakness in man. Therefore, I wanted to suffer the Passion from the hands of the Jews – my third Passion – to restore in man his lost strength.

Therefore, with the Passion of love, love was restored and placed at the right level; with the Passion of sin, the glory of the Father was restored and placed at its level; with the Passion of the Jews, the strength of the creatures was placed at its level and restored. I suffered all this in the Garden, and the pain was so much, so many the deaths – the atrocious spasms inflicted upon Me, that I really would have died if the Will of the Father for my death had arrived.”

Then I began to think of when my lovable Jesus was thrown into the Cedron stream by the enemies. Blessed Jesus made Himself seen in a state that aroused pity, all wet by those filthy waters. He told me: “My daughter, in creating the soul I covered her with a mantle of light and of beauty. Sin removes this mantle of light and of beauty, placing a mantle of darkness and ugliness, rendering the soul disgusting and nauseating. And I, in order to remove this mantle, so filthy, which sin puts on the soul, allowed the Jews to throw Me into this stream, where I remained as though enwrapped, inside and out, because these putrid waters entered even into my ears, into my nostrils and into my mouth; so much so, that the Jews were disgusted to touch Me. Ah, how much the love of creatures cost Me – to the point of rendering Me nauseating even to Myself!”


Divine Mercy Novena

4/4 Tuesday in Holy Week

Holy Card of Luisa Piccarreta’s

Book of Heaven

Volume 12; March 26, 1918 

As one operates in the Divine Will, what is human remains as though suspended, and the Divine Life acts and takes its place.

Continuing in my usual state, I (Luisa) was trying to fuse myself in the Divine Volition, when my sweet Jesus told me: “My daughter, each time the soul enters my Volition, and prays, works, suffers, etc., she acquires as many new divine beauties. Therefore, one more act or one act less, done in my Will, is one more beauty or one beauty less which the soul acquires. Not only this, but in every additional act that she does in my Will, she takes one more Divine strength, wisdom, love, sanctity… And while she takes the Divine qualities, she leaves the human ones. Even more, as she operates in my Will, what is human remains as though suspended; the Divine Life acts and takes its place, and my Love has the freedom to form its attitude within the creature.”

3/31 God knows the number, the value and the weight of all created things.

J_God sees me
God sees me


8/10/04 – Vol. 6
…At that moment blessed Jesus told me: “Silly, silly that you are – why do you marvel so much? What is difficult and impossible for the creature, is easy and possible, and also natural, for the Creator. It happens in this as to someone who, looking at millions and millions of coins in the twinkling of an eye, says to himself: ‘They are innumerable – who can count them?’ But the one who put them in that place tells everything in one word: they are this many, they are worth this much, they weigh this much. My daughter, I know how many drops of water I Myself put in the sea, and no one can disperse even a single one of them. I numbered everything, I weighed everything, I evaluated everything; and so with all the other things. So, what is the wonder if I know everything?” On hearing this, every marvel ceased; or rather, I marveled at my silliness.

3/31 The Friday before Palm Sunday is Traditional Feast of Our Lady, Co-Redemptrix

The Friday before Palm Sunday, is a traditional Feast of Our Lady, Co-Redemptrix, in connection with Her sorrowful witness at The Crucifixion, one title that She used to identify Herself to Sister Mary Ephrem, C.PP.S.  (Mildred Neuzil).

Our Lady of America
(Click here for quote below, found on page 16)

Written by Sister Mary Ephrem, C.PP.S.:  
Towards evening of February 11, (1958) I heard these words addressed to me by Our Lady:  “I am the Mother of the Sacred Humanity, and it is My special work as Coredemptrix of the human race to help souls reach the Sanctity of the Father in Eternal union by showing them how to put on Christ, to imbibe His Spirit, and thus become one with Him.”
(Note:  Easter was on April 6, 1958, so this message was on the Friday in the Octave of Easter)


3/15 Genesis 3:15 “I will put enmities between thee and the Woman, and thy seed and Her Seed: She shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for Her Heel.”

M_Immaculate Conception 2

Book of Heaven 
5/19/31 – Vol. 29

     I was continuing my acts in the Divine Volition, and uniting myself to the acts that It did in Creation, in order to give It the homage, the love, the adoration for each thing created for love of creatures.  My poor mind brought itself into Eden, in the act of the fall of man, as the infernal serpent, with his cunning and lie, induced Eve to withdraw from the Will of her Creator; and Eve, with her enticing manners, induced Adam to fall into the same sin.

     Now, while I was thinking about this, my beloved Jesus told me:  “My daughter, My Love was not extinguished because of the fall of man, but became more ignited; and even though My Justice justly punished him and condemned him, My Love, kissing My Justice, without delay promised the future Redeemer, and said to the deceitful serpent, with the empire of My Power:  You have made use of a woman to snatch man from My Divine Will, and I, by means of another woman, who will have in Her power the Power of My Fiat, will knock down your pride, and with Her immaculate foot, She will crush your head.’  These words burned the infernal serpent more than hell itself, and he stored so much rage in his heart, that he could no longer stay still—he would do nothing but go round and round the earth, to discover She who was to crush his head—not in order to let it be crushed, but so as to be able, with his infernal arts, with his diabolical tricks, to make fall She who was to defeat him, debilitate him, and bind him in the dark abysses.  So, for four thousand years he kept always wandering; and when he would see women who were more virtuous and good, he would arm his battle, he would tempt them in every way, and only then would he leave them, when he would be assured, by means of some weakness or defects, that they were not She through whom he was to be defeated.  And he would continue his wandering.

     “Then came, indeed, the Celestial Creature who crushed his head, and the enemy felt such power in Her, that knocked him down, and he did not have the strength to go near Her.  This consumed him with rage, and he employed all his infernal weapons to fight Her.  But—no!  He would try to go near Her, he would feel himself being worn down, his legs being broken, and would be forced to draw back; and from afar he would spy on Her admirable virtues, Her power and sanctity.  And I, in order to confound him and make him doubtful, would let him see the Celestial Sovereign, Her human things, like taking food, crying, sleeping and other things; and he would persuade himself that it was not She, because, being so powerful and holy, She was not to be subject to the natural needs of life.  But then he would go back to doubts, and wanted to return to assault—but in vain.  My Will is Power that debilitates all evils and all the infernal powers; It is Light that makes Itself known by all, and wherever It reigns, It makes Its Power felt, that not even the very demons can get themselves to deny.  Therefore, the Queen of Heaven was, and is, the terror of all hell.


April 28, 1923
Luisa must crush the head of the infernal serpent. The living in the Divine Will is the complete triumph of the Creator over the creature. The primary purpose of the coming of Jesus upon earth was that the Divine Will would triumph over the human will.

I felt as though immersed in the endless light of the Eternal Will, and my sweet Jesus told me: “My daughter, My Divinity does not need to operate in order to make Its works come out – It only needs to want them. So, I want and I do; the greatest works, the most beautiful, come out upon My mere wanting them. On the other hand, even if the creature wanted them, if she does not work, she does not move, she does nothing. Now, to one who makes My Will her own and lives in It as in her own royal palace, the same power is communicated, as much as it is possible for a creature.”

Now, while He was saying this, I felt myself being drawn outside of myself, and I found an ugly monster under my feet, which was biting itself out of rage. And Jesus, being near me, added: “Just as My Virgin Mother crushed the head of the infernal serpent, so do I want another virgin, who must be the first possessor of the Supreme Will, to press that infernal head again, so as to crush it and debilitate it, in such a way as to confine it into hell, that she may have full dominion over it, and it may not dare to approach those who must live in My Will. Therefore, place your foot on its head, and crush it.” Made brave, I did it, and it would bite itself more, and so as not to feel my touch, it shut itself up in the darkest abysses. Then Jesus resumed His speaking: “My daughter, do you think that the living in My Will is nothing? No, no – on the contrary, it is the all, it is the fulfillment of all sanctities, it is the absolute dominion of oneself, of one’s passions, and of one’s capital enemies; it is the complete triumph of the Creator over the creature. So, if she adheres, and I come to having her live in My Will, and she does not want to know her own ever again, I have nothing left to want from the creature, and she has nothing left to give Me. All My yearnings are fulfilled, My designs realized – there is nothing left but to delight in each other. It is true that I came upon earth to redeem man, but My primary purpose was that the Divine Will would triumph over the human will by according these two wills together and making them one, taking the human will into that Will from which it had gone out. This was the main offense that My Celestial Father received from man, and I was to compensate Him for it, otherwise I would not have given Him full satisfaction. But in order to obtain the first purpose, first I had to issue the second – that is, to save him, to extend My hand to him, since he had fallen; to wash him of the mud in which he was lying. How could I say: ‘Come to live in My Will’, if he was horrid to look at, and was under the slavery of the infernal enemy?

Therefore, after having obtained the second purpose, I want to secure the first one – that My Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven, and that man, who had gone out of My Will, enter into Mine once again. And in order to obtain this, I give to this first creature all My merits, all My works and steps, My palpitating Heart, My wounds, My Blood – the whole of My Humanity, to dispose her, to prepare her, to let her enter into My Will. In fact, first she must take the complete fruit of My Redemption, and then, as though in triumph, enter the possession of the immense sea of My Supreme Will. I do not want her to enter as a stranger, but as a daughter; not as poor, but as rich; not as ugly, but as beautiful, as if she were another Me. Therefore, I want to centralize the whole of My life in you (Luisa).” And while He was saying this, it was as if many seas were coming out of Him, which poured upon me, and I remained inside of them, sunken; and at the same time, a Sun, beating down with Its light, receiving the complete fruit of Redemption in order to be able to give the complete fruit of Its Will to the creature. It was the Sun of the Eternal Volition, which celebrated the entrance of the human will into Its own. And Jesus: “This Divine Will of Mine grew within My Humanity like a flower, which I transplanted from Heaven into the true Eden of My terrestrial Humanity. It germinated in My Blood, it bloomed from My wounds, to make of it the greatest gift to the creature. Don’t you want to receive it?”

And I: ‘Yes.’ And He: “I want to transplant it into you – love it, and know how to keep it.”