11/5 The Little Family of Luisa Piccarreta


Within the Great Family of the Holy Catholic Church 

“Within the mosaic of the many families existing in the world, from the Heart of God and
by His Most Holy Will arises the “The Little Family of Luisa Piccarreta.”
The time is fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God is close at hand. (Mark 1:15)

“Accordingly, the family must go back to the “beginning” of God’s creative act, if it is to attain self-knowledge and self-realization in accordance with the inner truth not only of what it is but also of what it does in history.” Familiaris Consortio, Family Become What You Are, +Blessed Pope John Paul II 

V27–1/10/30 “My daughter (Luisa)! whether little or great, you (Luisa) belong to Our Divine Family; you (Luisa) are a member of It, and this is enough for you. Even more, it is everything for you, and is the greatest glory and honor you could possess.” 

After this, my lovable Jesus made Himself seen as a tiny little child, who, throwing His arms around my neck, told me: “My mama, My mama…. One who does My Divine Will becomes mother; My Divine Fiat embellishes her for Me, transforms her, and renders her fecund, in such a way as to give her all the qualities in order to be a true mother. And I keep forming this mother with the reflections of the Sun of My Divine Volition, and I glory and take so much pleasure in calling her My mama, My mama…. And not only do I choose her as My mother, but I call many more tiny little ones and give to them My mother as their mother.” 

And while He was saying this, He showed me many little boys and girls around me; and the child Jesus said to them: “This is My mother and your mama.” 

11/4 Feast of St. Charles Borromeo

St. Aloysius Gonzaga and St. Charles Borromeo – Church Window
St. Jude Catholic Church, Hopatcong, NJ
Photograph by Loci B. Lenar

When St.Aloysiusa Gonzaga was twelve, he came under the spiritual guidance of St. Charles Borremo.  St. Aloysius, namesake of the Little Daughter of the Divine Will Luisa Piccarreta, received his First Holy Communion in 1580 from the hands of St. Charles, who was then a Cardinal.

11/3 Feast of St. Martin de Porres

St. Martin de Porres

Book of Heaven
Volume 1

Jesus:  “Don’t you know that the Most BeautifulÔ Presents I can give to the souls I Love are Crosses and pains? You are still a little girlin the way of the Cross; this is why you feel too weak. Once you have grown up and have Known how precious Suffering is,then you shall feel stronger. Therefore, lean on Me – rest, for in this way you shall acquire Strength.”

11/2 All Souls Day – the Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed

Passages from
The Twenty-four Hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Our Lord Jesus Christ
To the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta the Little Daughter of the Divine Will:

Third Hour – Reflections and Practices

The first word which loving Jesus pronounced on the Cross was a word of forgiveness, to justify all souls before the Father, and turn justice into mercy.  So we will give Him our acts to excuse the sinner, so that, moved by our apologies, He may not allow any soul to go to hell.  We will unite with Him as sentries of the hearts of creatures, so that nobody may offend Him.  We will let Him pour out His love, willingly accepting all that He may dispose for us – coldness, hardness, darkness, oppressions, temptations, distractions, slanders, illnesses and other things, so as to relieve Him from all that He receives from creatures.  It is not by love alone that Jesus pours Himself out to souls.  Many times, when He feels the coldness of other creatures, He goes to the soul and makes her feel His cold, to release Himself through her.  And if the soul accepts it, He will feel relieved from all the coldness of creatures, and this cold will be the sentry to someone else’s heart, to make loving Jesus loved.

Other times, Jesus feels the hardness of hearts in His own, and unable to contain it, He wants to pour Himself out, and comes to us.  He touches our hearts with His Heart, making us share in His pain.  Making His pain our own, we will place it around the heart of the sinner in order to melt his hardness, and take him back to Him.

My beloved Good, (Jesus), You suffer greatly because of the loss of souls; and out of compassion I place my being at your disposal.  I will take your pains and the pains of the sinners upon myself, leaving You relieved, and the sinner clinging to You.

O my Jesus, please, let my whole being be melted in love, so that I may be of continuous relief, to soothe all Your bitternesses.

Seventh Hour

And now, O Mama, let us take this Blood (Jesus has shed in the Garden of Gethsemani) and let us give It to all:  to the afflicted, that they may receive comfort; to the poor, that they may suffer resigned to their poverty; to those who are tempted, that they may obtain victory; to the disbelieving, that the virtue of Faith may triumph in them; to the blasphemers, that they may turn the blasphemies into benedictions; to the priests, that they may understand their mission and be worthy ministers of Jesus.  With this Blood, touch their lips, that they may say no words which are not of glory to God; touch their feet, that they may let them fly to go in search for souls to lead to Jesus.

Let us give this Blood to the leaders of the peoples, that they may be united among them, and feel meekness and love for their subjects.

Let us fly now into Purgatory, and let us give It (the Blood of Jesus) also to the purging souls, because they so much cry for and claim this Blood for their liberation.  Don’t You hear, O Mama, their moans, the fidgets of love, the tortures, and how they feel continuously drawn to the Highest Good?  See how Jesus Himself wants to purge them more quickly in order to have them with Himself.  He attracts them with His love, and they requite Him with continuous surges toward Him.  But as they find themselves in His presence, unable to yet sustain the purity of His Divine gaze, they are forced to draw back and to plunge again into the flames!

My Mama, let us descend into this profound prison, and pouring this Blood over them, let us bring them light; let us calm their fidgets of love; let us dampen the fire that burns them; let us purify their stains; and so, free of every pain, they will fly into the arms of the Highest Good.  Let us give this Blood to the most abandoned souls, that they may find in It all the suffrages that creatures deny to them.  To all (the purging souls), O Mama (Blessed Mother), let us give this Blood; let us not deprive any of them, so that, by virtue of It, all may find relief and liberation.  Be Queen in these regions of crying and of lamentations; extend Your maternal hands and, one by one, take them out of these ardent flames, and allow them all to take flight toward Heaven. 

11/1 All Saints Day and the Holy Divine Will

The Blessed Mother, Queen of All Saints

 Passages from the Book of Heaven
The Call of the Creature to the Order, the Place and the Purpose
for which He was Created by God

Our Lord Jesus Christ
To the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta the Little Daughter of the Divine Will:

Volume 10 – October 17, 1911

It seems that my most sweet Jesus came for a little longer than usual. It seemed He was wearing the crown of thorns, and I, removing it from Him, drove it into my head; but after a little while, in looking at Jesus, I saw Him crowned with thorns again. And Jesus: “See my daughter, how they offend Me: you removed one from Me, and they have woven another. They never leave Me free – they weave Me crowns of thorns continuously.”

And I removed it again from Him, and Jesus, pleased, drew near my mouth and poured a little bit of a most sweet liquor. And I: :Jesus, what are You doing? You are full of bitternesses, and You pour sweetnesses into me? This is not appropriate.”

And Jesus: “Let Me do it – you too needed to be cheered. Even more, I want you to take some rest inside My Heart.”

Oh! How comfortable it was! Then He put me out, and I: ‘Why did You put me out? I was so comfortable in your Heart – how beautiful It was!’

And Jesus: “When I keep you inside of Me I alone enjoy you; when I put you out everyone enjoys you, and you can take the defense of your brothers, you can plead for them, you can have them spared; so much so, that the Saints say that I (Jesus) content you (Luisa) more than them, and that I take more taste from your love than from theirs. And I say to them that I do this with love and with justice, because with you I can share My pains, but not with them. Since you (Luisa) are a pilgrim soul, you can take the pains of others as well as Mine (Jesus) upon yourself, and by this you have the strength to disarm Me – unless I did not want to, like last night, when I bound your arms very tightly so that you might not oppose My Will. But they no longer have these weapons in their power, so much so, that if I have to chastise, I hide from you who can come up with something – but not from them.”

And I: ‘Certainly, certainly, O Jesus, You must take more contentment from my love than from theirs, because theirs is the love of the Blessed – they see You, they enjoy You continuously, and are absorbed within Your Most Holy and Divine Will. They are completely dissolved in You; how great can their love really be, since they receive continuous life from You… But I, poor one – Your privations alone give me continuous death.’

And Jesus: “Poor daughter of Mine, you are right.”

 Volume 12  – April 15, 1919

. . . Now, My Resurrection is the symbol of the souls who will form their Sanctity in My Will. The Saints of the past centuries symbolize my Humanity. Although resigned, they did not have continuous act in My Will; therefore, they did not receive the mark of the Sun of My Resurrection, but the mark of the works of My Humanity before My Resurrection. Therefore, they will be many; almost like stars, they will form a beautiful ornament to the Heaven of my Humanity. But the Saints of the living in My Will, who will symbolize my Resurrected Humanity, will be few. In fact, many throngs and crowds of people saw My Humanity, but few saw My Resurrected Humanity – only the believers, those who were most disposed, and, I could say, only those who contained the seed of My Will. In fact, if they did not have that seed, they would have lacked the necessary sight to be able to see My Resurrected and glorious Humanity, and therefore be spectators of My ascent into Heaven.

Now, if My Resurrection symbolizes the Saints of the living in My Will – and this with reason, since each act, word, step, etc. done in My Will is a Divine resurrection that the soul receives; it is a mark of glory that she receives; it is to go out of herself in order to enter the Divinity, and to love, work and think, hiding herself in the refulgent Sun of My Volition – what is the wonder, if the soul remains fully risen and identified with the very Sun of My Glory, and symbolizes My Resurrected Humanity? But few are those who dispose themselves to this, because even in sanctity, souls want something for their own good; while the Sanctity of living in My Will has nothing of its own – everything is of God. It takes too much for souls to dispose themselves to this – to strip themselves of their own goods. Therefore, they will not be many.

You (Luisa) are not in the number of the many, but of the few. Therefore, be always attentive to the call, and to your continuous flight.”

Volume 14 – October 6, 1922

. . . And Jesus: “Listen, My daughter (Luisa), My Wisdom has means and ways which man ignores, such that he is obliged to lower his forehead and adore It in mute silence; and it is not up to him to dictate the laws to Me (God): whom I should choose and the appropriate time – which My Goodness disposes. Besides, first I had to form the Saints, who were to resemble Me and copy my Humanity in a more perfect way, as much as is possible for them; and this I have already done. Now My Goodness wants to move further, and wants to give in greater excesses of love; and therefore I (Jesus) want them (souls) to enter into My Humanity and copy what the soul of My Humanity did in the Divine Will. If the first ones cooperated with My Redemption in order to save souls, to teach the Law, to cast away sin, being limited within the centuries in which they lived, the second ones will go beyond, copying what the soul of My Humanity did in the Divine Will. They will embrace all centuries, all creatures, and rising above all, will place in force the rights of Creation which are due to Me, and which concern all creatures, bringing all things to the prime origin of Creation and to the purpose for which Creation was delivered. Everything is ordered in Me: if I delivered Creation, It must return to Me ordered, just as It came out from my hands. . . .

Volume 19 –  June 15, 1926

. . . Then, all love, He (Jesus) told me (Luisa):  “My daughter (Luisa), I (Jesus) love so much the acts done in My Will, that I Myself take on the commitment to keep them in custody in the unity of My Supreme Light, in such a way as to render them inseparable from Me and from My own acts.  If you knew how jealous I am of these acts, how they glorify Me in a wholly Divine way….  It can be said that each of these acts (done in the Divine Will) is a new feast that starts in the whole Creation and in the whole Celestial Fatherland.  Flowing in My Will like ray of light, these acts bring new joys, feasts and happinesses wherever My Will is.  These acts are the joys, the feast and the happiness that the creature forms in the Will of her Creator.  And do you think it is trivial that the creature can form and bring feast, joy and happiness to her Creator and wherever Our Will reigns?

The same happened with my Queen Mama.  As She (Blessed Mother, Queen of All Saints) always operated in the Unity of the Light of the Supreme Will, all of Her acts, Her office of Mother, Her rights of Queen remained inseparable from Her Creator; so much so, that when the Divinity unleashes the acts of beatitude to make the whole Celestial Fatherland happy, It unleashes with them all the acts of the Celestial Mama.  So, all the Saints feel invested, not only with Our (God’s) joys and beatitudes, but also with the maternal love of their Mother (Blessed Mother), with the glory of their Queen, and with all of Her acts converted into joys for the whole Celestial Jerusalem.  Every fiber of Her maternal Heart loves all the children of the Celestial Fatherland with love of Mother, and She shares Her joys of Mother and Her glory of Queen with everyone.  So, on earth She was Mother of love and of sorrow for Her children, who cost Her so much, as much as the Life of Her Son God, and by virtue of the unity of the light of the Supreme Will which She possessed, Her acts remained inseparable from Ours; while in Heaven She is Mother of love, of joys and of glory for all of Her celestial children; so, all the Saints have greater love, more glory and more joys, by virtue of their Mother and Sovereign Queen.  Therefore, I love so much one who lives in My Will, that I lower Myself to her, to do what she does together with her, to raise her up to the bosom of the Eternal One, to render her act one with her Creator.” . . .

11/1 – 11/8 Here’s How You Can Help the Holy Souls in Purgatory (Nov. 1-8)

A plenary indulgence will be obtained if visiting a cemetery November 1 thru 8 but a partial indulgence will occur if the following is done:

1.  Visit a Catholic Cemetery November 1 thru 8

2.  Pray for one person per day applicable only to the souls in purgatory.

3.  Pray verbally or mentally for a specific soul (a spouse, family member, friend, religious, or a soul who does not have anyone to pray for them.)

4.  Pray the Eternal Rest Requiem and also but not required an Our Father, a Hail Mary, and the Apostles Creed.

The Eternal Rest Requiem:

Eternal Rest grant unto them, O Lord.  And let the perpetual light shine upon them.  And may the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God, Rest In Peace.  Amen.

(Pray this Prayer all year long not just in November and particularly when you pass by a cemetery.  After these souls in purgatory are in Heaven, they will intercede for us.)

5.  Optional:  Sprinkle the grave with Holy Water if you are at the specific person’s grave you are praying for.


10/31 The Vigil of All Saints

In the eighth century the Gregorian Sacramentary indicated among the common Masses without a date:  The Mass in honor of All Saints.  Fixed in the following century on November 1, it became The Mass of All Saints Day that is now prepared for by that of a vigil.  Thus today is the Eve of All Saints, otherwise known as All Hallows Eve, that is Hallows Eve, or now more commonly,  Halloween.

Volume 17 – January 4, 1925

Having completed my whole day, I was thinking to myself: “What else is left for me to do?”

And in my interior, I heard: “You have to do the Most Important Thing – your last act of Fusing yourself in the Divine Will.”

So, according to my usual way, I started to Fuse all my poor being in the Supreme Will; and as I was doing so, it seemed to me that the Heavens were opening, and I went to meet the whole Celestial Court, and all of Heaven came toward me. And my sweet Jesus told me: “My daughter, fusing yourself in My Will is the Most Solemn Act, the Greatest One, the Most Important of all your life. To Fuse yourself in My Will is to enter the Sphere of Eternity, embrace It, kiss It, and receive the Deposit of the Goods which the Eternal Will contains. Even more, as the soul Fuses herself in the Supreme Volition, all go to meet her, in order to communicate to her all the Goods and the Glory they have. The Angels, the Saints, the very Divinity – they all communicate, knowing that they communicate in that same Will in Which everything is safe. Even more, in receiving these Goods, the soul multiplies them through her acts in the Divine Will, and gives back Double Glory and Honor to the whole of Heaven. Therefore, by Fusing yourself in My Will, you put Heaven and earth in motion. It is a New Feast for the whole Heaven.

And since to Fuse oneself in My Will is to Love and to Give, for each one and for all, without excluding anyone – in My Goodness, so as not to be won over in love by the creature, I place in her – in My Will – the Goods of all, and all the possible Goods I contain within Me. Nor can there be a lack of space in which to place all the Goods, because My Will is Immense, and is capable of receiving everything. If you knew what you do and what happens when you Fuse yourself in My Will, you would eagerly yearn to do it continuously…