3/21 While the world wants to cast Jesus away from the face of the earth, He is preparing an Era of Love: the Era of His Third FIAT

Book of Heaven
2/8/21 – Vol. 12

This morning, after receiving Communion, I heard in my interior my always lovable Jesus saying: “O iniquitous world, you are doing everything you can to cast Me away from the face of the earth, to banish Me from society, from schools, from conversations – from everything. You are plotting how to demolish Temples and Altars, how to destroy My Church and kill My ministers; while I AM Preparing for you (the world) an Era of Love – the Era of My Third FIAT. You will make your own way in order to banish Me, and I will confuse you by means of Love. I will follow you from behind, and I will come toward you from the front so as to confuse you in Love; and wherever you have banished Me, I will raise My Throne, and there will I Reign more than before – but in a More Astonishing Way; so much so, that you yourself will fall at the foot of My Throne, as though bound by the Power of My Love.”

Then He added: “Ah, My daughter (Luisa), the creature rages more and more in evil! How many machinations of ruin they are preparing! They will reach the point of exhausting evil itself. But while they are occupied with following their own way, I (God) will be Occupied with making the Fiat Voluntas Tua have Its Completion and Fulfillment, and My Will Reign upon the earth – but in a Completely New Way. I will be occupied with Preparing the Era of the Third FIAT where My Love will show off in a Marvelous and Unheard-of Way. Ah, Yes, I Want to Confuse man Completely in Love! Therefore, Be Attentive – I want you with Me, in preparing this Celestial and Divine Era of Love. We will lend a hand to each other, and will work together.”

3/20 The Passion serves as garment for man.

J_Because by Thy Holy Cross

“We adore Thee, Oh Christ, and we bless Thee. 
Because by Thy Holy Cross Thou hast Redeemed the world.” 
This prayer is  prayed universally in both the Church in the East and in the West.

5/30/04 – Vol. 6

Finding myself in my usual state, I was thinking about and offering the Passion of Our Lord, especially the crown of thorns, and I was praying that He would give light to so many blinded minds, and that he would make Himself known, because ‘it is impossible to know You and not to love You.’

While I was saying this, my adorable Jesus came out from within my interior and told me: “My daughter, how much ruin pride causes in souls! It is enough to tell you that it forms a wall of division between the creature and God, and from images of Me it transforms them into demons. And then, if the fact that creatures are so blinded that they themselves do not understand nor see the abyss they are in, grieves you and saddens you so much, and you take so much to heart that I help them, My Passion serves as garment for man, that covers his greatest miseries, embellishes him and gives back to him all the good that he had deprived himself of and had lost because of sin…”

3/19 St. Joseph: Man of Faith and Charity

S_St Joseph

From the Official Website for the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta:

The  name Joseph, in Hebrew, means “God will add”. Extensively we can say “he is added in the family”. He is in fact the “silent” protagonist that is “added” in the history of salvation. The canonical Gospels devoted to this figure a little space but his presence in the house of Nazareth is very important, it is a model for all fathers in children’s education and “care”.

Joseph took on the role of guardian of the family, in his silence that allowed him to listen to the voice of God. He was chosen by God Himself to be the guardian of his beloved Son, and he directed his own life on the trace of a few dreams, in which the angels carried the messages of the Lord, “Joseph, Son of David, do not fear to take Mary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit “(Mt 1:20).

The Gospel of Matthew tells us that Joseph was a righteous man. According to Scripture being righteous is tantamount to behaving according to the commandments, according to the will of God, in the faithful observance of God’s Word. Joseph experienced all this and goes further: he changed justice into mercywhen he came to know that Mary was pregnant with a child who was not his, between the anguish of the suspected betrayal and the idea of repudiating her in secret, to save her from a cruel law that would lead her certainly to be stoned with the child in her lap.

Through his complete self-sacrifice, Joseph expressed his generous love for the Mother of God, and gave her a husband’s “gift of self” (Redemptoris Custos-Pope John Paul II).

He also decided to step aside, but a beautiful dream dissipated all his fears and lead him, with a total act of faith in God, to welcome the mystery that surrounded Mary, and from which he wasn’t excluded, so that the prophecies could be fulfilled, preparing himself to accept God’s plan with his constant presence beside Jesus to “assist” him, along with his wife, Mary in his growth “and Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man” (Lk 2: 51-52).

Joseph, like Mary, was of the royal line of David, but life forced him to make the artisan of the country, to get busy in the accurate processing of wood. He transferred that art to his son Jesus making with him humble furniture and household objects for poor homes in the Galilee , all built on the ability of those rough and calloused hands.

Joseph was the chaste husband of Mary, he was an loving father for Jesus, he was a responsible householder. Because of his deep humility before God and man and his care with which he sacrificed himself for the two sublime creatures that the Lord entrusted to him he was made worthy to participate in the mystery that is hidden in the house of Nazareth behind a modest life, seemingly normal, not worthy of visible attention.

In Jesus upbringing, he shared with Mary sorrows and joys: the sorrow of not having conceived  him and the joy of being able to clasp  him in his arms and to educate him as his own; the sorrow of seeing him to be born in poverty and  the joy of seeing that he was adored by the angels; the sorrow of Simeon’s prophecy announcing the destruction and the joy of salvation of souls; Finally, the sorrow of not seeing his son recognized and glorified publicly because death occurred, and the joy of dying peacefully in His arms, he was the only earthly creature who died with Jesus in the flesh and blood, at his side. Indeed St. Joseph is acclaimed as the patron of a happy death.

Through Luisa, Jesus teaches us to make the model of our lives and our families on the house of Nazareth so, at every moment of the day, if we work, if we pray, if we take food, we must give one hand to our Mama, the other to Jesus, and our  gaze to Saint Joseph.

But what is behind the house of Nazareth?

In the house of Nazareth everything was love and Divine Will, the Virgin Mary possessed the Divine Fiat since her conception, Jesus was the Divine Will Itself and St. Joseph, a man like us, between Jesus and Mary – how could he not let himself be dominated by this Most Holy Will?

Saint Joseph lived in the reflections of what Jesus is by nature and Mary by grace.

In the house of Nazareth, in his hidden life, Jesus had the Kingdom of the Divine Will, and as He Himself referred to Luisa, while He was the King, Her mother was the Queen, Joseph was the prime minister of a kingdom not yet present on the earth but that over the centuries it woul reach its fulfillment.

As for Luisa, the presence of St. Joseph in her life had a specific value: she compared the constant care that the priest had for her  with  the care and the office that St. Joseph (and Mary) had for Jesus. His reward would be great because Jesus who had his life in Luisa, would consider the assistance and sacrifices of the priest as though St. Joseph and Mary were doing them again for Him.

Joseph was the man of  Faith, Charity and patience. He was devoted to his work, he had feeling of caring towards his family and neighbor, making any sacrifice.

Contrary to what we might think, Joseph was the man who knew how to make his choice: he believed in Jesus and did His teaching his reason for living, because he got down to work immediately, despite the difficulties, to fully took on his office of the guardian and with Mary gave life to the first early Church, to the first Christian community. As Pope Francis reminded us: “Families are the domestic Church, where Jesus grows; he grows in the love of spouses, he grows in the lives of children. “. Now more than ever families need to recover their strengthening through the union with the Divine Will.

Those fathers and those mothers who sacrifice their lives for their children, educating them in love and obedience for love to the divine will receive a great reward. Won’t they?.

Saint Joseph, you will be my protector, the guardian of my heart, and will keep the keys of my will in your hands. You will keep my heart jealously and shall never give it to me again, that I may be sure of never leaving the Will of God.”. Amen! (Luisa Piccarreta)

[Translation by Antonella]

3/19 March 19 is the Feast of St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary

S_St Joseph the Worker

Day Twenty-five
The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will


Lesson of the Queen of Heaven:

     Dearest daughter, O! How I longed for you in order to continue My Lessons on the Kingdom which the Supreme Fiat extended ever more within Me.

     Now, you must know that for your Mama, for Dear and Sweet Jesus, and for Saint Joseph, the little house of Nazareth was a Paradise. Being the Eternal Word, My Dear Son Possessed the Divine Will within Himself, of His own Virtue; and Immense Seas of Light, of Sanctity, of Joys and of Infinite Beauty resided in that Little Humanity. And I possessed the Divine Will by Grace; and even though I could not embrace Immensity, as did Beloved Jesus— because He was God and Man, and I was always His finite creature—yet, in spite of this, the Divine Fiat Filled Me so much, having formed Its Seas of Light, of Sanctity, of Love, of Beauties and of Happinesses; and the Light, the Love and everything that a Divine Will can Possess, which came out of Us, were so Great that Saint Joseph remained eclipsed, inundated, and lived of Our Reflections.


3/19 First Day of Spring 2024

 Book of Heaven
12/18/21 – Vol. 13; December 18, 1921

I was feeling very oppressed and distressed because of the privation of my sweet Jesus. After one entire day of pain, late at night He came, and clinging to my neck with His arms, He told me: “My daughter, what is it? I see a mood and a shadow in you which render you dissimilar from Me, and break the current of beatitude which has almost always existed between Me and you. Everything is peace in Me, therefore I do not tolerate in you even one shadow which may shade your soul. Peace is the springtime of the soul. All virtues bloom, grow and smile, like plants and flowers at the rays of the Sun in springtime, which dispose all things of nature to produce, each one, its own fruit. If it wasn’t for the Spring, which shakes the plants from the torpor of cold with its enchanting smile, and clothes the earth with a flowery mantle that calls everyone to admire it with its sweet enchantment, the earth would be horrid and the plants would end up withering. So, peace is the Divine smile that shakes the soul from any torpor. Like celestial springtime, it shakes the soul from the cold of passions, of weaknesses, of thoughtlessnesses, etc., and with its smile it makes all flowers bloom, more than in a flowery field, and it makes all plants grow, through which the Celestial Farmer is pleased to stroll and pick the fruits, to make of them His food. Therefore, the peaceful soul is My garden, in which I enjoy and amuse Myself.

3/18 – Tomorrow, March 19, is the Feast Day of St. Joseph the Worker

St. Joseph the Worker

Book of Heaven
The Call of the Creature to the Order, the Place and the Purpose
for which He was Created by God
Volume 11; August 14, 1912

The Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, Little Daughter of the Divine Will:

… Now, one day I (Luisa) was working and I thought to myself: “How is it possible that Jesus works in me while I work? Does He really want to do this work?”

And Jesus: “Yes I do. My (Jesus) fingers are in yours (Luisa) and they work. My daughter, when I was on earth, didn’t My hands lower themselves to work the wood, hammer the nails, and help My foster Father Joseph in the smithing work? While I was doing that, with those very hands and with those fingers, I created souls and called other souls to the other life; I divinized all human actions; I sanctified them, giving a Divine merit to each one of them. In the movements of my fingers I called in sequence all the movements of your fingers and those of others; and if I saw that they were doing them for Me, or because I wanted to act within them, I continued my life of Nazareth in them, and I felt cheered by them for the sacrifices and the humiliations of my hidden Life, giving them the merit of my own Life.

Daughter (Luisa), the hidden Life that I (Jesus) conducted in Nazareth is not taken into account by men, when in fact, after the Passion, nothing could benefit them more. By lowering Myself to all those little actions and those acts which men exercise during their daily life, such as eating, sleeping, drinking, working, starting the fire, sweeping, etc. – all acts which no one can do without – I made flow inside their souls a tiny divine coin of incalculable price. Therefore, if my Passion redeemed them, my hidden Life provided each human action, even the most insignificant one, with Divine merit and with infinite value.

Do you see? As you work – working because I want to work – my fingers flow within yours, and as I work in you with my creative hands, in this very instant, how many am I giving to the light of this world? How many others am I calling? How many others do I sanctify, correct, chastise, etc.? Now, you are with Me creating, calling, correcting and so forth; therefore, just as you are not alone, neither am I alone in my work. Could I ever give you greater honor?”

Who can say all that I (Luisa) understood, and all the good that can be done for ourselves and for others, by doing things because Jesus wants to do them in us? My mind gets lost, therefore I stop here.


The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will
Day Eighteen

The Queen of Heaven in the Kingdom of the Divine Will in the House of Nazareth. Heaven and Earth are about to exchange the Kiss of Peace.
The Divine Hour is Near.

The soul to her Queen Mama:

My Sovereign Mama, I am back again to follow Your Steps. Your Love binds me, and like powerful magnet, it keeps me fixed and all intent on listening to the Beautiful Lessons of my Mama. But this is not enough for me; if You Love me as Your daughter, enclose me in the Kingdom of the Divine Will in which You Lived and Live, and close the doors in such a way that, even if I wanted, I would no longer be able to go out. So, as Mother and daughter, we will Live common Life and will both be Happy.

 Lesson of the Queen of Heaven:

My dearest daughter, if you knew how I long to keep you enclosed in the Kingdom of the Divine Will! Each Lesson of Mine that I give you is a fence that forms to prevent your stepping out, and is a fortress to wall up your will, that it may comprehend and love being under the Sweet Empire of the Supreme Fiat. Therefore, be attentive in listening to Me, because this is nothing other than the work that your Mama does in order to entice and captivate your will, and to make the Divine Will Conquer you.

Now, my dear daughter, listen to Me: I departed from the Temple with the same Courage with which I entered It, and only to do the Divine Will. I went to Nazareth and I no longer found My dear and holy parents. I (Blessed Mother) went accompanied only by Saint Joseph, and in him I saw My good angel whom God had given Me for My custody, though I had cohorts of Angels that accompanied Me on the journey. All created things made bows of honor for Me; and I, thanking them, gave each created thing My Kiss and My Greeting of Queen. And so we arrived at Nazareth.

Now, you must know that Saint Joseph and I looked at each other with modesty, and we felt our hearts swollen, because each one wanted to let the other know that we were bound to God with a vow of perennial virginity. Finally, silence was broken, and we both manifested our vow. O! How happy we felt; and thanking the Lord, we protested to live together as brother and sister. I was most attentive in serving him; we looked at each other with veneration, and the Dawn of Peace reigned in our midst. O! If all would reflect themselves in Me (Blessed Mother) by imitating Me! I adapted Myself very much to the ordinary life; I let nothing appear outside of the Great Seas of Grace that I possessed.

Now, listen to Me, my daughter: in the house of Nazareth I felt ignited more than ever, and I prayed that the Divine Word would descend upon earth. The Divine Will, which Reigned in Me, did nothing but Invest all My Acts with Light, with Beauty, with Sanctity, with Power. I felt It was forming the Kingdom of Light within Me— but a Light that constantly arises; the Kingdom of Beauty, Sanctity and Power that always grows. So, all the Divine Qualities, which the Divine Fiat extended within Me with Its Reigning, brought Me Fecundity. The Light that invaded Me was so Great, that My very humanity would remain so Embellished and Invested by this Sun of the Divine Will, that it would do nothing but produce Celestial Flowers. I felt Heaven lowering Itself down to Me, and the earth of My humanity rising; and Heaven and earth Embraced, Reconciled, to exchange the Kiss of Peace and of Love. And the earth disposed itself to produce the Seed in order to form the Just One, the Holy One; and Heaven opened to let the Word descend into this Seed.

I would do nothing but descend and ascend to My Celestial Fatherland, and throw Myself into the Paternal Arms of My Celestial Father, saying to Him with the Heart: “Holy Father, I cannot endure any longer—I feel Enflamed; and while I Burn, I feel a Powerful Strength within Me that wants to Conquer You. With the chains of My Love I want to bind You in order to disarm You, that You may delay no more; but upon the wings of My Love I want to carry the Divine Word from Heaven to earth.” And I prayed and cried that He would listen to Me. And the Divinity, Conquered by My Tears and Prayers, assured Me by saying to Me: “Daughter, who can resist You? You have won; the Divine Hour is near. Return to the earth and continue Your Acts in the Power of My Volition, and by these, all will be shaken, and Heaven and earth will exchange the Kiss of Peace.” But in spite of this, I did not yet know that I was to be the Mother of the Eternal Word.

Now, dear daughter, listen to Me, and comprehend well what it means to Live of Divine Will. By Living of It, I formed Heaven and Its Divine Kingdom in My Soul. Had I not formed this Kingdom within Me, the Word could never have descended from Heaven to earth. If He descended, it was because He descended into His own Kingdom, which the Divine Will had formed in Me. He found in Me His Heaven, His Divine Joys; nor would the Word ever have descended into a foreign kingdom—oh, no, no. First He wanted to form His Kingdom in Me, and then descend as Victorious into His Kingdom.

Not only this, but by Living always of Divine Will, I acquired by Grace that which in God is by Nature: the Divine Fecundity, in order to form, without the work of man, the Seed to let the Humanity of the Eternal Word germinate from Me. What can the Divine Will Operating in a creature not do? Everything, and all possible and imaginable Goods. Therefore, may you take to heart that everything be Divine Will in you, if you want to imitate your Mama, and make Me Content and Happy.

The soul:

Holy Mama, if You want, You can. Just as You had the Power to Conquer God, to the point of making Him descend from Heaven to earth, You will not lack the Power to Conquer my will, that it may no longer have life. In You I hope, and from You I will obtain everything.

 Little Sacrifice:

Today, to honor Me, you will make Me a little visit in the house of Nazareth, and, as homage to Me, you will give Me all your acts, that I may Unite them to Mine in order to convert them into Divine Will.


3/18 Our Lady of Mercy of Savona

Our Lady of Mercy
said to have appeared
to Antonio Botta on March 18, 1536
In 1665 the Bishop  of the Diocese
Called for a Feast Day on March 18th in Our Lady’s Honor

V13 – 11.19.21 – “…And here is My Mama, who in the Portent of My Will Conceived Me and gave Me Birth in time, now giving Me Life a second time to let Me Accomplish the Work of Redemption. Then I looked to the left, and I found the little daughter of My Will.  I found you as the first, with the retinue of the other daughters of My Will.  And since I wanted My Mama with Me as the First Link of Mercy, by which we were to Open the Doors to all creatures, I therefore wanted to Lean My Right Arm on Her.  As for you, Luisa, I wanted you as the First Link of Justice, to Prevent It from Unloading Itself upon all creatures, as they deserve; therefore I wanted to Lean My Left Arm on you, so that you might Sustain It Together with Me.”

       – St. Joseph Appeared to Sister Mary Ephrem again on this day in 1958 (see post of March 17th)